佳杰:An Corporation 乐队吉他手,Telegram Channel:「蛙音通讯」
📌 Introduction As the first band on the first night of 2nd Offside Music Festival, Kwoon's stunning sound and unparalleled live performance are beyond words: Over the years, their creations are always challenging the limits: from the majestic volcano, the peaceful ocean, to the top of a 3,900-meter snow mountain, and even sending guitars into space; it can be said that they can do anything. In this Episode, let them take our ears to travel between the stars. 作为第二届 Offside 音乐节第一天夜间的第一支乐队,Kwoon 的表现之惊艳以及无可比拟的现场表现力,让赞美都无法找到表达词汇: 多年来他们的创作一直在挑战极限:从巍峨雄壮的火山口、宁静安详的海洋、3900 米的雪山之巅,甚至把吉他送上了太空;可以说上天入地无所不能。 本期,就让他们带着我们的耳朵一起穿越到星际之间。 ⏳ Timeline 00:05:20 Theme Discussion 00:26:13 Album Recommendation 00:28:27 Ending(Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond & Echoes) 💬 Theme Discussion Offside Interview#003|Kwoon Wikipedia:Kwoon(館) YouTube:KWOON - LIVE SOLO @ LANZAROTE / PART 3 : CORONA VOLCANO / CANARY ISLANDS (SPAIN) / AMBIENT GUITAR YouTube:GREAT ESCAPE AKWOONSTIK PARIS 19 Musician:Jean-Michel Jarre Band:Daft Punk Band:SAMIFATI Bandcamp:Silent Whale Becomes A° Dream Band:Lost in Keiv Genre:Avant-garde music YouTube:Jean-Michel Jarre - The Time Machine Live (Laser Harp) Wikipedia:Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii YouTube:KWOON - LIVE SOLO (GIANTS) @ MONT BLANC / AIGUILLE DU TRIOLET (3900m)/ FRANCE (ALPS) KWOON INTERVIEW (Sandy Lavallart) // JT FRANCE 3 REGIONS RHONE ALPES (Fr) // 03/03/2021 Movie:《Interstellar》 Track:Great Escape Musician:Hans Zimmer Hans Zimmer's early bands:Krakatoa Live Footage: Kwoon Performs “White Angels” at Galaxie Amneville Track:I lived on the Moon Kwoon's new album:《ODYSSEY》 Instagram photos of Kwoon in Offside Festival 💿 Album Recommendation Eddie Vedder - 《Into the Wild》 Pink Floyd - 《The Dark Side Of The Moon》 My Own Private Alaska - 《ALL THE LIGHTS ON》 Opeth - 《Damnation》 👏🏻 Guest Sandy Lavallart:Kwoon band's guitarist, vocalist Nicolas Foucaud:Kwoon band's guitarist Katia von Wasgau:Kwoon band's bassist, keyboardist Grégoire Galichet:Kwoon band's drummer 🎙 Host B:Non-mainstream music fan 📬 Podcast Contact Email:zhuchangsile@foxmail.com WeChat Official Account/Video Account:「主唱死了」 Instagram:「zhuchangsile」 Weibo:@主唱死了 Telegram Group WeChat Group 🪙 Support Podcast If you like this show and want it to continue: Repost this Episode Donate through: Alipay:zhuchangsile@foxmail.com
📌 本期内容 「古琴就是中国乐器里的 Shoegazing」—— 海亮 从第一张加入古琴的专辑《沧浪星》至今,古琴已几乎成为沼泽的标志;作为国内最早将古琴与摇滚乐有机融合的乐队,海亮老师对古琴的理解独到且深刻;本期我们就随着他的视角来给我们剖析一下古琴这一门“曲高”神器。 本期是奇琴异瑟专题的第 5 期。在这个专题中,我们关注那些三大件外的奇特乐器:无论是来自远古的低吟亦或是来自未来的异响。在此我们品鉴、珍惜并感谢艺术家通过它们带给我们的奇腔异调。 ⏳ 时间轴 00:13:09 演出回顾 00:31:14 主题讨论 01:10:02 专辑推荐 01:11:47 演出推荐 01:13:24 尾声(沼泽 - 众鸟非真) 🎸 演出回顾 轨道入口开启 :神秘狂徒 SHXCXCHCXSH + 迷幻游牧乐队 Taiga OUHE Festival 2024 “digi”呈现|Howie Lee「波——波——波II」全新巡演 💬 主题讨论 古琴、后摇与声音里的秘密——沼泽乐队 被问了无数次“古琴”和“古筝”的区别 维基百科:马头琴 乐队:Sonic Youth 有效弦长:琴桥前端到琴枕边缘的距离,用以描述琴弦的有效振动长度 维基百科:泛音 The Beatles 鼓手 Ringo Starr 发往太空的古琴曲《流水》——管平湖 维基百科:拾音器(pickup) AVA 定制乐器 AMIS安仕吉他 吉他品牌:Magneto Gate 32 吉他音箱 维基百科:效果踏板(Pedal) 维基百科:弦乐四重奏 专辑:《沧浪星》 文化研究关键词:凝视 二十年「争鸣」依旧 —— 沼泽 20090911-0913,广州声锐后摇音乐节 💿 专辑推荐 沼泽 - 《没有答案风中飘》 Bauke Meersman - 《Live at Dunk! Festival in Kunstencentrum Vooruit》 🎫 演出推荐 沼泽「三角行」:古琴后摇牵牵手 又遇弦乐四重奏 Cosmo Sheldrake首次中国巡演·三站全开 同时推荐 Cosmo 的兄弟 Merlin Sheldrake 的书《菌络万象》,主题曲为合作的《Entangled Life》 📋 本期歌单 管平湖 - 流水 🙏🏻 特别感谢 Offside 音乐节为本集提供录制场地支持 👏🏻 嘉宾 海亮:沼泽乐队古琴手 🎙 主播 B:非主流乐迷 📬 联系方式 电子邮箱:zhuchangsile@foxmail.com 微信公众号/视频号:「主唱死了」 Instagram:「zhuchangsile」 微博:@主唱死了 Telegram Group 微信群 🪙 支持我们 如果你喜欢这档节目并希望它存续,可以: 转发单集内容 通过以下渠道捐赠: 支付宝:zhuchangsile@foxmail.com
📌 Introduction When Spurv took the stage on the second day of 2nd Offside Music Festival, they immediately fired up the whole crowd! As a band from the northernmost region of the planet, their music is delicate and soft without losing its natural wildness. This is also their first time to perform in China, so let me listen to their experience before the "game"! 当 Spurv 在第二届 Offside 音乐节第二天一登台,就立马燃爆全场! 作为这个星球最北地区的乐队,他们的音乐细腻柔美且不失自然的野性。 这也是他们首次在中国登台,就让我一起听听他们在“赛前”的心得吧! ⏳ Timeline 00:05:16 Theme Discussion 00:25:12 Album Recommendation 00:27:37 Ending(Spruv - Til en ny vår) 💬 Theme Discussion Offside Interview#001|Spurv Genre:Norwegian black metal Movie:《Hevi reissu》 Band:1099 Interview with Spurv - Veil of Sound Album:《Brefjære》 Poet:Rolf Jacobsen Spurv live at Pelagic Fest 2024 (Muziekgieterij Maastricht) 💿 Album Recommendation Sara Parkman - 《Eros Agape Philia》 Naaljos Ljom - 《Naaljos Ljom 2》 👏🏻 Guest Gustav Jørgen Pedersen:Spurv band's guitarist Simen Eifring:Spurv band's trombonist Eirik Ørevik Aadland:Spurv band's guitarist Simon Ljung:Spurv band's drummer 🎙 Host B:Non-mainstream music fan E:EDopamine's Editor-in-Chief 📬 Podcast Contact Email:zhuchangsile@foxmail.com WeChat Official Account/Video Account:「主唱死了」 Instagram:「zhuchangsile」 Weibo:@主唱死了 Telegram Group WeChat Group 🪙 Support Podcast If you like this show and want it to continue: Repost this Episode Donate through: Alipay:zhuchangsile@foxmail.com
📌 Introduction As the closing band in the first day of the 2nd Offside Music Festival, yndi halda's performance is indisputable. This is their first performance in five years, and also their return to China after eight years. Then let's listen to how this precious eternal music blessing from the UK was obtained! 作为第二届 Offside 音乐节第一天的压轴乐队,yndi halda 的表现无可争议。 这是五年来他们的第一次演出,同样也是八年后再次来到中国的首演。 那我们就一起来听一下这一份来自英国珍贵的永恒音乐祝福是如何得来的吧! ⏳ Timeline 00:10:17 Theme Discussion 00:35:43 Album Recommendation 00:38:48 Ending(Incorruptible Bodies - Sketches Of A Fern) 💬 Theme Discussion Offside Interview#010|Yndi Halda Post Rock Stalwarts Yndi Halda Return After A Decade Britain Instrumental Rock —— Yndi Halda 2016 China Tour Yndi Halda Interview by New Noise Yndi Halda: An Interview - Acid Rain 《Odin's Raven Magic》 The sixth member of the band:Phil Self EP:《A Sun-Coloured Shaker - Prefuse 73 remix》 Pitchfork - Yndi Halda: Under Summer Album Review Daniel's solo project:Incorruptible Bodies Genre:Free jazz Wikipedia:Tang poetry Wikipedia:Li Bai Dish:Fried Yellow Croaker with Bean Curd Sheet 💿 Album Recommendation Roberta Flack - 《First Take》 Hania Rani - 《Home》 Lisa O'Neill - 《All Of This Is Chance》 👏🏻 Guest James Vella:yndi halda band's guitarist, vocalist Daniel Neal:yndi halda band's violinist Jack Lambert:yndi halda band's guitarist 🎙 Host B:Non-mainstream music fan 📬 Podcast Contact Email:zhuchangsile@foxmail.com WeChat Official Account/Video Account:「主唱死了」 Instagram:「zhuchangsile」 Weibo:@主唱死了 Telegram Group WeChat Group 🪙 Support Podcast If you like this show and want it to continue: Repost this Episode Donate through: Alipay:zhuchangsile@foxmail.com
📌 Introduction In July this year, a letter from dunk! to Offside Festival on social media ignited the Chinese instrumental rock community. As the largest and oldest instrumental/post-rock music festival in Europe, dunk! festival has become an annual event and pilgrimage site for post-rock fans since its development in 2005. Almost all the big bands you know have performed here. In this Episode, we are honored to invite its manager Federico to talk about the story behind dunk! and how this precious sound gift came to China across 9,000 kilometers. 今年七月,社媒上一封 dunk! 致 Offside 音乐节的信点燃了中国的器乐摇滚圈。 作为欧洲最大最悠久的器乐/后摇音乐节,自 2005 年发展至今,dunk!festival 已经成为后摇迷的年度盛事和朝圣地,基本你知道的所有大牌乐队,都在这里有过表演。 本期我们荣幸邀请到了它的经理 Federico 一起来聊聊 dunk! 背后的故事以及这一份珍贵的声音礼物是如何跨越 9000 公里来到中国的。 ⏳ Timeline 00:04:40 Theme Discussion 00:36:44 Album Recommendation 00:40:38 Ending(Wang Wen - Wu Wu Road) 💬 Theme Discussion 此生必去的世界后摇盛会 —— Dunk!Festival Interview: Dunk!Festival – ‘Honored to be Europe’s biggest post-rock festival’ Arctic Drones:Online magazine focusing on instrumental rock #dnk16: interview with the legendary dunk!fries team Band:Godspeed You! Black Emperor Venue:Kunstencentrum VIERNULVIER Band:Tation Band:Wang Wen Band:Zhaoze Zhaoze • Birds Contending LP 2024 越位音乐节 重要变更公告 Live Review: dunk!USA Festival 2017, Burlington VT Genre:Progressive rock Genre:Death metal Cellist and composer:Jo Quail Band:The Ocean 💿 Album Recommendation terrestre - 《Maere》 Giardini di Mirò - 《Rise and Fall of Accademic Drifting》 AD NAUSEAM - 《Imperative Imperceptible Impulse》 Nightmarer - 《Deformity Adrift》 👏🏻 Guest Federico Bernardinelli:dunk! Engagement Manager 🎙 Host B:Non-mainstream music fan 📬 Podcast Contact Email:zhuchangsile@foxmail.com WeChat Official Account/Video Account:「主唱死了」 Instagram:「zhuchangsile」 Weibo:@主唱死了 Telegram Group WeChat Group 🪙 Support Podcast If you like this show and want it to continue: Repost this Episode Donate through: Alipay:zhuchangsile@foxmail.com