

阿里山國家風景區管理處 Alishan National Scenic Area Administration


▶旅行的方式有很多種,可以徒步環島🚶、可以騎單車閒逛🚴‍♀,甚至是搭乘觀光客運來趟漫活之旅🚌,欸...觀光客運?沒錯,我們的Podcast頻道【行雲訪阿里,好聲聽瑞里】 就是透過聽的方式,分享給你關於阿里山好行及瑞里好行各站點間的旅遊資訊,玩什麼?吃什麼?打開我們的頻道,最有趣、最真實的內容通通都在這📣

➪阿管處官方帳號 https://www.ali-nsa.net/zh-tw

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EP06 瑞里線-【金獅奉茶亭】金獅歷史,茶趣之旅!

EP06 瑞里線-【金獅奉茶亭】金獅歷史,茶趣之旅!

🄴 行雲訪阿里,好聲聽瑞里

各位聽眾朋友們大家好,我是小藍。好久不見呀,有沒有想我呢?今天小藍將會帶大家來到金獅奉茶亭,一同了解金獅村歷史,並細細品嘗道地的好茶饗宴! Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP07 英文版-【Historical treasures of Alishan】Explore the cultural trace and railway through your journey !

EP07 英文版-【Historical treasures of Alishan】Explore the cultural trace and railway through your journey !

🄴 行雲訪阿里,好聲聽瑞里

Besides the gifts brought by nature to Alishan, cultural traces have been left here since ancient times.  Through its long history and civilization, Alishan has developed its unique existence and makes Alishan play a very important role in the history of Taiwan.  Starting from Alishan, let's walk into Taiwan and witness these amazing moments! 🔍 Alishan Travel Tips 🔍 Instagram 🔍 Facebook #taiwantravel #alishan #travelalishan #travel #natural #mountain #taiwanaboriginal #alishanrailway #alishanforest  Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP05 瑞里線-【文峰遊客中心】「文峰」而至,遊出新玩意!

EP05 瑞里線-【文峰遊客中心】「文峰」而至,遊出新玩意!

🄴 行雲訪阿里,好聲聽瑞里

嗨,小藍又來報好康啦!今天帶大家來到文峰遊客中心內,品茗在地上等好茶,在二樓的山坡咖啡,喝杯榮獲金質殊榮的蜜處理咖啡,趕快一起和小藍遊出新玩意吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP06 阿里山線-【走訪阿里好聲音】搭乘阿里山小火車,跟我們一起走逛神木景點吧!

EP06 阿里山線-【走訪阿里好聲音】搭乘阿里山小火車,跟我們一起走逛神木景點吧!

🄴 行雲訪阿里,好聲聽瑞里

大家好,我們是詹詹和小吳,本集的最後一站與各位一起進入阿里山森林遊樂區,觀賞神木景點及各支線小火車的搭乘~非常感謝你們在這段時間的陪伴與支持!另外也可以到台灣好行瑞里線及英文版Podcast聆聽,他們也會持續更新! Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP06 英文版-【Family Trip in Alishan】Create precious memories with your kids!

EP06 英文版-【Family Trip in Alishan】Create precious memories with your kids!

🄴 行雲訪阿里,好聲聽瑞里

How long have you ever traveled with your children?  When the smiles on the children's faces and their laughter beside, no matter how tiring it is to travel with children, every parent will think it's worth it to leave good memories with children and enjoy a relaxing good time with family! Let's create your memories with your family in Alishan!  🔍 Alishan Travel Tips 🔍 Instagram 🔍 Facebook #taiwantravel #alishan #travelalishan #travel #natural #mountain #healing Powered by Firstory Hosting