台味中文 Learn Chinese, the Taiwanese Way

台味中文 Learn Chinese, the Taiwanese Way

台味語言 TheTaiwaneseWay

Do you want to learn how Mandarin Chinese is spoken in Taiwan?
This authentic Mandarin podcast is here to help! 100% Chinese content to help you learn naturally.

Topics I will share with you:
Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese culture, language learning tips, expat life in Japan, and much more!

Read the transcript of each episode on my website
台味語言TheTaiwaneseWay: https://www.thetaiwaneseway.com

Become a member on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thetaiwaneseway

Support me on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thetaiwaneseway

My other podcasts:
《來句中文 Lychee Mandarin》

Follow me on social media to get extra info on Chinese learning:

・IG: thetaiwaneseway

・Twitter: thetaiwaneseway

・FB: 台味語言 the taiwanese way

・Youtube: 台味語言TheTaiwaneseWay

Powered by Firstory Hosting


#52 我考上台大了!I'm going to NTU!  | Intermediate Mandarin Lessons TOCFL B1 台味中文 Podcast

#52 我考上台大了!I'm going to NTU! | Intermediate Mandarin Lessons TOCFL B1 台味中文 Podcast

🄴 台味中文 Learn Chinese, the Taiwanese Way

Free transcript available on my website: www.thetaiwaneseway.com Transcript with zhuyin and pinyin available here: Do you want to learn how Mandarin Chinese is spoken in Taiwan?  This authentic Mandarin podcast is here to help! 100% Chinese content to help you learn naturally. 這是一個給中文學生的道地台灣podcast,我會用100%的中文來幫助你自然的學習。 What you will learn in this episode 這集你會學到的東西: (00:00:00) 開頭 (00:00:25) 停滯期 (00:03:15) 進展之一:考上台大研究所 (00:04:53) 我要讀的是語言學 (00:06:40) 進展之二:申請上了一󠇡個󠇡󠇢工程師培訓計畫 (00:08:29) 我拒絕了這個󠇡󠇢offer,但是... (00:10:55) 肯定自己很重要 (00:12:25) 結尾 Read the transcripts of each episode on my website 台味語言TheTaiwaneseway: https://www.thetaiwaneseway.com Become a member on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thetaiwaneseway Support me on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thetaiwaneseway My other podcasts: 《來句中文 Lychee Mandarin》 https://open.firstory.me/user/lycheemandarin/platforms Follow me on social media to get extra info on Chinese learning: ・IG: thetaiwaneseway https://www.instagram.com/thetaiwaneseway/ ・Twitter: thetaiwaneseway https://twitter.com/thetaiwaneseway ・FB: 台味語言 the taiwanese way https://www.facebook.com/thetaiwaneseway ・Youtube: 台味語言TheTaiwaneseWay https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDravNk1J5vNxAva4X-PJ-A Powered by Firstory Hosting

#51 習慣培養成果大公開 Good habits do pay off when you don't even realize! | 台湾華語/中国語中級リスニング Taiwan Mandarin/ Chinese B1 Listening

#51 習慣培養成果大公開 Good habits do pay off when you don't even realize! | 台湾華語/中国語中級リスニング Taiwan Mandarin/ Chinese B1 Listening

🄴 台味中文 Learn Chinese, the Taiwanese Way

Free transcript available on my website: https://www.thetaiwaneseway.com Transcript with zhuyin and pinyin available here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/78810611/ Do you want to learn how Mandarin Chinese is spoken in Taiwan?  This authentic Mandarin podcast is here to help! 100% Chinese content to help you learn naturally. 這是一個給中文學生的道地台灣podcast,我會用100%的中文來幫助你自然的學習。 What you will learn in this episode 這集你會學到的東西: (00:00:00) 開頭 (00:01:11) 嫌自己不夠忙的我 (00:02:36) 最近的體悟:培養習慣很重要 (00:03:20) 我的改變之一:寫作能力進步 (00:04:07) 以前寫作會要我的命 (00:05:17)做podcast額外的收穫 (00:06:47) 台語應該算是我的heritage language (00:08:00) 回台灣的原因有一部分是因為我想把台語學好 (00:09:32) 我的改變之二:台語能力進步 (00:11:45) 結尾 Read the transcripts of each episode on my website 台味語言TheTaiwaneseway: https://www.thetaiwaneseway.com Become a member on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thetaiwaneseway Support me on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thetaiwaneseway My other podcasts: 《來句中文 Lychee Mandarin》 https://open.firstory.me/user/lycheemandarin/platforms Follow me on social media to get extra info on Chinese learning: ・IG: thetaiwaneseway https://www.instagram.com/thetaiwaneseway/ ・Twitter: thetaiwaneseway https://twitter.com/thetaiwaneseway ・FB: 台味語言 the taiwanese way https://www.facebook.com/thetaiwaneseway ・Youtube: 台味語言TheTaiwaneseWay https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDravNk1J5vNxAva4X-PJ-A Powered by Firstory Hosting

#50 近況更新!最近發生的四件事 | 台湾華語/中国語中級リスニング練習(スクリプト付き)| Intermediate Mandarin Lessons B1

#50 近況更新!最近發生的四件事 | 台湾華語/中国語中級リスニング練習(スクリプト付き)| Intermediate Mandarin Lessons B1

🄴 台味中文 Learn Chinese, the Taiwanese Way

Free transcript available on my website: www.thetaiwaneseway.com Transcript with zhuyin and pinyin available here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/75908144/ Do you want to learn how Mandarin Chinese is spoken in Taiwan?  This authentic Mandarin podcast is here to help! 100% Chinese content to help you learn naturally. 這是一個給中文學生的道地台灣podcast,我會用100%的中文來幫助你自然的學習。 What you will learn in this episode 這集你會學到的東西: (00:00:00) 開頭 (00:00:45) 最近發生最開心的事:我拿到駕照了! (00:01:41) 下大雨照樣考試! (00:03:17) 最近發生最不開心的事:拔智齒 (00:04:28) 手術前後都讓我很崩潰⋯⋯ (00:07:20) 我對這件事有陰影了⋯⋯ (00:08:10) 我接下來最期待的事:去澳洲! (00:09:30) 我現在最擔心的事:考研究所 (00:10:46) 為什麼擔心? (00:12:19) 結尾 Read the transcripts of each episode on my website 台味語言TheTaiwaneseway: https://www.thetaiwaneseway.com Become a member on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thetaiwaneseway Support me on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thetaiwaneseway My other podcasts: 《來句中文 Lychee Mandarin》 https://open.firstory.me/user/lycheemandarin/platforms Follow me on social media to get extra info on Chinese learning: ・IG: thetaiwaneseway https://www.instagram.com/thetaiwaneseway/ ・Twitter: thetaiwaneseway https://twitter.com/thetaiwaneseway ・FB: 台味語言 the taiwanese way https://www.facebook.com/thetaiwaneseway ・Youtube: 台味語言TheTaiwaneseWay https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDravNk1J5vNxAva4X-PJ-A Powered by Firstory Hosting

#49 台灣選舉2022/藍綠白是哪些政黨?Understanding Taiwan's Politics & Elections | Intermediate Mandarin Lessons B2

#49 台灣選舉2022/藍綠白是哪些政黨?Understanding Taiwan's Politics & Elections | Intermediate Mandarin Lessons B2

🄴 台味中文 Learn Chinese, the Taiwanese Way

Free transcript available on my website: www.thetaiwaneseway.com Transcript with zhuyin and pinyin available here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/75404155/edit Do you want to learn how Mandarin Chinese is spoken in Taiwan?  This authentic Mandarin podcast is here to help! 100% Chinese content to help you learn naturally. 這是一個給中文學生的道地台灣podcast,我會用100%的中文來幫助你自然的學習。 What you will learn in this episode 這集你會學到的東西: (00:00:00) 台灣選舉到了!選舉的看板無・所・不・在! (00:02:02) 這次的「九合一選舉」 (00:03:29) 選舉要回到家鄉投票?投票要去哪裡投? (00:05:42) 中國因素的影響很大嗎? (00:08:17) 台灣主要的政黨:藍、綠、白 (00:11:30) 藍綠惡鬥 (00:13:42) 超越藍綠,可能嗎? (00:16:26) 再兩年就是總統大選!我的想法 (00:19:39) 結尾 Read the transcripts of each episode on my website 台味語言TheTaiwaneseway: https://www.thetaiwaneseway.com Become a member on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thetaiwaneseway Support me on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thetaiwaneseway My other podcasts: 《來句中文 Lychee Mandarin》 https://open.firstory.me/user/lycheemandarin/platforms Follow me on social media to get extra info on Chinese learning: ・IG: thetaiwaneseway https://www.instagram.com/thetaiwaneseway/ ・Twitter: thetaiwaneseway https://twitter.com/thetaiwaneseway ・FB: 台味語言 the taiwanese way https://www.facebook.com/thetaiwaneseway ・Youtube: 台味語言TheTaiwaneseWay https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDravNk1J5vNxAva4X-PJ-A Powered by Firstory Hosting

#48 台灣跟韓國意外地很相似! Are Korea and Taiwan similar? | Intermediate Mandarin Lessons | TOCFL B1-B2 | 台味中文

#48 台灣跟韓國意外地很相似! Are Korea and Taiwan similar? | Intermediate Mandarin Lessons | TOCFL B1-B2 | 台味中文

🄴 台味中文 Learn Chinese, the Taiwanese Way

Free transcript available on my website: www.thetaiwaneseway.com Transcript with zhuyin and pinyin available here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/74764772/ Do you want to learn how Mandarin Chinese is spoken in Taiwan?  This authentic Mandarin podcast is here to help! 100% Chinese content to help you learn naturally. 這是一個給中文學生的道地台灣podcast,我會用100%的中文來幫助你自然的學習。 What you will learn in this episode 這集你會學到的東西: (00:00:00) 我從韓國回來了! (00:00:57) 韓國怎麼這麼好玩! (00:03:44) 獨裁是什麼? (00:05:19) 台語跟韓文很像?! (00:06:22) 台灣跟韓國歷史的相似處 (00:08:36) 台灣跟韓國的相異處:國家認同 (00:10:15) 台灣跟韓國的相異處:對日本的態度 (00:11:55) 韓國值得台灣學習的地方 (00:13:31) 結尾 Read the transcripts of each episode on my website 台味語言TheTaiwaneseway: https://www.thetaiwaneseway.com Become a member on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thetaiwaneseway Support me on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/thetaiwaneseway My other podcasts: 《來句中文 Lychee Mandarin》 https://open.firstory.me/user/lycheemandarin/platforms Follow me on social media to get extra info on Chinese learning: ・IG: thetaiwaneseway https://www.instagram.com/thetaiwaneseway/ ・Twitter: thetaiwaneseway https://twitter.com/thetaiwaneseway ・FB: 台味語言 the taiwanese way https://www.facebook.com/thetaiwaneseway ・Youtube: 台味語言TheTaiwaneseWay https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDravNk1J5vNxAva4X-PJ-A Powered by Firstory Hosting