2021.09.08 國際新聞導讀-世界人口失衡,4400萬女嬰消失、塔利班發布一些新領導人名單、伊朗繼續提煉濃縮鈾、伊維菌素可治COVID19卻不受藥廠青睞、以色列科學家研究發現mRNA疫苗對人體無害

2021-09-08·23 分鐘


2021.09.08 國際新聞導讀-世界人口失衡,4400萬女嬰消失、塔利班發布一些新領導人名單、伊朗繼續提煉濃縮鈾、伊維菌素可治COVID19卻不受藥廠青睞、以色列科學家研究發現mRNA疫苗對人體無害


撰文: 明日科學 分類:健康友善社會 圖檔來源:達志 日期:2021-08-25

近日發表在《英國醫學雜誌全球健康》(BMJ Global Health)上的一項研究顯示,根據目前的趨勢,到了2030年,可能會有多達470萬名女嬰失蹤在那些傾向於生男孩的國家當中,甚至到了2100年,這個數字可能會上升到2200萬。

撰文: 沈榮欽 加拿大約克大學副教授 分類:健康友善社會 圖檔來源:shutterstock 日期:2021-07-01
2019年初《無人地球:全面改寫經濟、政治、國際局勢的人口崩潰之戰》這本書英文版剛上市時,我立即在臉書介紹,作者布瑞克 (Darrell Bricker)和伊比森 (John Ibbitson)分別是加拿大學者與記者,兩人在本書中提出與聯合國人口預測十分不同的論點:
全球人口 —— 無論是歐美亞非 —— 不是在減少中,就是很快就會下降,這使得世界各國對於人口的下降,處於準備不足的狀態,將會給世界各國帶來不同的危機,並衝擊我們對於國際局勢的認識。

兩位加拿大作者John Ibbitson 和 Darrell Bricker 的新書《空蕩蕩的星球》,對於聯合國預測到本世紀末,世界人口將增加到112億,他們認為這是大錯特錯。
他們到維也納拜訪人口學者Wolfgang Lutz時,Lutz 說:「人類最重要的生殖器官就是你的思想」,因此他們請Lutz在聯合國預測人口的三個變數:生育率,遷移率和死亡率之外,再加入女性教育程度改善,人口立刻降至80-90億。
這種說法自然與馬爾薩斯與羅馬俱樂部以來根深蒂固的觀點背道而馳,事實上去年兩位加拿大學者Desrochers和Szurmak 才出版了《人口爆炸》(Population Bombed!)一書,探討人口爆炸與氣候變遷的影響,他們的結論正是過去人力資本學者解決馬爾薩斯難題的方法:大量增加的人口會帶來創新與生產力的增加,足以解決人口暴增的問題。
但是如果Desrochers和Szurmak 的人口爆炸估計是錯誤的,比如說最顯而易見的:人口減少使得創新也隨之降低(企業家與新創企業的減少),會對世界產生什麼影響?
作者的調查顯示生育率的下降速度比大多數專家預測得更快,例如聯合國預計美國2015-2020年的生育率是1.9,但是到目前才1.8,而且還在下降中。菲律賓的生育率從2003 年到 2018 年自 3.7 降低到 2.7,也就是 15 年少生一個小孩。而在美國,這樣的改變速度緩慢許多,大約從 1800 年到 1964 年嬰兒潮末期才少生一個小孩。
巴西和中國有約半數女性永久絕育,韓國、日本、台灣女性推遲到30多歲才生小孩,還有很多女性完全放棄生育,美國的西語裔的生育率也出乎意料地下降。義大利衛生部長Beatrice Lorenzin 在2015年感嘆:「我們是一個垂死的國家。」
作者建議美國與其蓋圍牆,或許可以學習加拿大的merit-based 移民政策,台灣也可以學習,並且歡迎外國學生來台就讀,畢業後就業,給予移民身份。
※本文獲 沈榮欽副教授 授權轉載,原文出處
· 阿富汗強硬派新統治者塔利班(Taliban)呼籲,戰爭已經結束,新政府即將成立,前政府部隊成員應融入新政權。塔利班發言人穆賈希德(Zabihullah Mujahid)在首都喀布爾(Kabul)的記者會上指出:「過去20年來受過訓練的阿富汗部隊成員,將獲邀與塔利班成員一起重新加入安全部門。」
· 阿富汗武裝組織塔利班6日宣布「完全占領」反抗勢力在境內的最後據點龐吉夏河谷。不過,反抗軍戰士矢言,他們仍將持續對抗這個強硬的伊斯蘭組織。
· 聯合國發言人表示,重掌阿富汗政權的武裝組織塔利班向聯合國在喀布爾的人道救援主管承諾,會擔保人道工作人員安全,並讓救援物資進入阿富汗。
· 阿富汗武裝組織塔利班(Taliban)6日表示,反抗勢力在阿富汗最後的地盤龐吉夏河谷(Panjshir Valley)已「完全被占領」。法新社報導,塔利班發言人穆賈希德(Zabihullah Mujahid)在聲明中說:「有了這場勝仗,我國終於完全脫離戰爭泥淖。」
· 對抗阿富汗武裝組織塔利班的阿富汗「民族抵抗陣線」(National Resistance Front)領袖小馬樹德(Ahmad Massoud)今天表示,他歡迎伊斯蘭學者協會所提出,藉由談判結束戰鬥的提議。稍早塔利班(Taliban)則宣稱,鞏固周邊地區後,他們挺進龐吉夏(Panjshir)的省會。小馬樹德領導的民族抵抗陣線以龐吉夏河谷(Panjshir Valley)為根據地,位於阿富汗首都喀布爾(Kabul)以北約150公里處。
· 奪回政權的民兵組織塔利班今天下令,就讀阿富汗私立大學的女性必須身穿長袍,並且戴著幾乎遮住全臉的面紗,同時嚴禁男女合班,或是至少以簾幕區隔。
乾旱、飢餓與戰火,阿富汗人:早已忘記 COVID-19
作者 黃 嬿 | 發布日期 2021 年 08 月 19 日 10:25 | 分類 國際觀察 , 環境科學 , 醫療科技

美國倉皇撤軍,過去被視為恐怖組織的塔利班很可能成為阿富汗新政權,讓這個世界屋脊高山國家備受世界關注。其實塔利班奪權前,阿富汗今年已飽受摧殘,史無前例的乾旱、飢餓和新型冠狀病毒 (COVID-19) 同時爆發,日子太苦,當全球都在對抗疫情,阿富汗人早就忘記 COVID-19。
今年乾旱特別嚴重,阿富汗的逃亡總統 Ashraf Ghani 早於 6 月 22 日宣布乾旱,紅十字會估計,阿富汗 30% 地區遭受嚴重干旱,七成地區也處在中度以上乾旱。缺水對阿富汗民生是重大打擊,原因是阿富汗只有 12% 土地適合耕作,但超過八成人民仰賴農業為生。據倒台政府稱,阿富汗小麥產量減少近 200 萬噸,超過 300 萬頭牲畜面臨死亡。
無法與氣候抗衡,阿富汗 3 千萬人一半以上生活在貧困線下,1,100 萬阿富汗人嚴重缺乏糧食保障。今年除了乾旱,又遭遇 COVID-19 肆虐。6、7 月疫情高峰期間,一個月就發生 1 萬例新病例,當時估計總人口三成都感染,即便現在疫情緩解,但過去兩週也有 3,600 例。
世界衛生組織 (WHO) 指出,從 2020 年 1 月 3 日至 2021 年 8 月 13 日,阿富汗確診 151,770 例 COVID-19 病例,7 千人死亡,由於各種疾病和暴力盛行,阿富汗衛生系統很難將新冠病毒與其他死因分開,因此專家認為真實數字可能遠高於此。
阿富汗對 COVID-19 的反應一直很緩慢,疫苗施打進度也嚴重落後,至今完整接種率只有 0.6%。據當地醫療組織稱,阿富汗情勢陷入混亂,更難判斷阿富汗疫情真實度,目前疫苗接種與檢測基本都處於停滯狀態。
儘管多國使館與非政府組織紛紛撤離阿富汗,但世衛組織已承諾留下,19日發聲明指出,阿富汗醫療系統受戰爭和動亂重創,醫療用品極少,且在塔利班接管前幾天,許多阿富汗人逃往喀布爾,極度混亂下幾乎沒人戴口罩,更不可能顧及防疫。世衛組織擔心疫情再次爆發,已觀察到在喀布爾和其他大城市出現腹瀉、營養不良、高血壓、COVID-19 症狀的人愈來愈多。
COVID-19 可能會為流離失所和貧困的平民造成全新苦難,但病毒早不在阿富汗人民擔心的問題之列。因為戰火,阿富汗是平民死亡人數最多的國家之一,ABC 訪問一名村莊婦女,她稱「在我的村子,失去太多年輕人、婦女和兒童,因爆炸、空襲和地雷每天都在發生,我們已完全忘記 COVID-19 這件事。」
Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund 是伊斯蘭主義者最後一次統治阿富汗時的副部長
由詹姆斯·埃德加今天,晚上 7:24

在這張攝於 1999 年 8 月 26 日的照片中,巴基斯坦總理納瓦茲·謝里夫在伊斯蘭堡會見了阿富汗外長毛拉穆罕默德·哈桑·阿洪德(右)。塔利班於 2021 年 9 月 7 日宣布毛拉穆罕默德·哈桑·阿洪德為阿富汗新政府的領導人。(SAEED KHAN / AFP)
8 月 15 日,在摧毀前阿富汗軍隊的閃電攻勢之後,伊斯蘭強硬派席捲喀布爾,他們承諾比 1996 年至 2001 年的第一次執政時期更加“包容”。
週二晚上,首席發言人 Zabihullah Mujahid 在新聞發布會上表示,新政府將是臨時政府,塔利班老兵毛拉 Mohammad Hassan Akhund 將擔任新的代理總理。
代理內政部長西拉賈丁·哈卡尼 (Sirajuddin Haqqani)因涉嫌參與 2008 年在喀布爾發生的導致 6 人死亡的恐怖襲擊以及其他涉嫌犯罪而被FBI 通緝。
穆賈希德還表示,塔利班聯合創始人阿卜杜勒·加尼·巴拉達爾將擔任副領導人。此前,他曾擔任該運動政治辦公室的負責人,負責監督 2020 年美國退出協議的簽署。

塔利班發言人 Zabihullah Mujahid 於 2021 年 9 月 7 日在喀布爾舉行的新聞發布會上發表講話。 (Aamir Qureshi/AFP)
在經歷了 20 年的叛亂之後,塔利班現在面臨著統治阿富汗的艱鉅任務,阿富汗飽受經濟困境和安全挑戰——包括來自伊斯蘭國家組織當地分會的挑戰。

2021 年 9 月 7 日,阿富汗婦女在喀布爾巴基斯坦大使館附近的反巴基斯坦抗議活動中高喊口號。(Hoshang Hashimi/法新社)
“阿富汗婦女希望她們的國家自由。他們希望重建自己的國家。我們累了,”抗議者莎拉法希姆在周二的一次集會上告訴法新社,當時聚集了 70 多人,其中大部分是女性。
後來,總部位於喀布爾的阿富汗獨立記者協會表示,有 14 名阿富汗和外國記者在抗議期間被短暫拘留,然後被釋放。

2021 年 9 月 4 日,當機場工作人員排隊進入阿富汗喀布爾的哈米德卡爾扎伊國際機場時,塔利班 Badri 313 軍事單位的成員在檢查站站崗。(Aamir Qureshi/法新社)
Cementing power, Taliban names interim PM who is on a UN blacklist
Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund was a deputy minister when Islamists last ruled Afghanistan
By JAMES EDGARToday, 7:24 pm

In this photo from August 26, 1999, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif receives Afghan Foreign Minister Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund (right) in Islamabad. The Taliban announced Mullah Mohammad Hasan Akhund as the leader of their new government in Afghanistan on September 7, 2021. (SAEED KHAN / AFP)
KABUL (AFP) — The Taliban announced the top members of their government on Tuesday, in a move that will cement their power over Afghanistan and set the tone of their new rule, just days after the end of a chaotic United States troop pullout.
The Islamist hardliners, who swept into Kabul on August 15 following a lightning offensive that decimated the former Afghan army, had pledged a more “inclusive” brand of rule than in their first stint in power in 1996-2001.
They have nonetheless made it clear that they will stamp out any insurgency, and on Tuesday they fired shots into the air to disperse hundreds of people who had gathered at several rallies in Kabul in a sign of defiance against a movement remembered for its brutal and oppressive rule.
On Tuesday evening, chief spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told a press conference that the new government would be an interim one, and that Taliban veteran Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund would serve as its new acting prime minister.
He had served as foreign minister under the Taliban’s old regime, and is on a United Nations blacklist.
The acting interior minister, Sirajuddin Haqqani, is wanted by the FBI for suspected involvement in a 2008 terror attack in Kabul that killed six people, including an American, and other alleged offenses.
Mujahid also said that Taliban co-founder Abdul Ghani Baradar will be the deputy leader. Previously he served as the head of his movement’s political office, overseeing the signing in 2020 of the US withdrawal agreement.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid addresses a press conference in Kabul, on September 7, 2021. (Aamir Qureshi/AFP)
Mullah Yaqoob, the son of the Taliban founder and late supreme leader Mullah Omar, was named defense minister, while the position of interior minister was given to Sirajuddin Haqqani, the leader of the feared Haqqani network who also doubled up as a Taliban deputy leader.
“The cabinet is not complete, it is just acting,” Mujahid said. “We will try to take people from other parts of the country.”
Following their 20-year insurgency, the Taliban now face the colossal task of ruling Afghanistan, which is wracked with economic woes and security challenges — including from the Islamic State group’s local chapter.
Scattered protests in recent days have indicated that some Afghans are skeptical of the Taliban’s capacity to translate their promise of a more moderate rule into reality.

Afghan women shout slogans during an anti-Pakistan protest near the Pakistan embassy in Kabul on September 7, 2021. (Hoshang Hashimi/AFP)
“Afghan women want their country to be free. They want their country to be rebuilt. We are tired,” protester Sarah Fahim told AFP at one rally on Tuesday, where more than 70 people, mostly women, had gathered.
Videos posted on social media of a separate rally showed more than a hundred people marching through the streets under the watchful eye of armed Taliban members.
Scattered demonstrations have also been held in smaller cities in recent days, including in Herat and Mazar-i-Sharif, where women have demanded to be part of a new government.
General Mobin, a Taliban official in charge of security in the capital, told AFP that he had been called to the scene by Taliban guards who said that “women were creating a disruption.”
“These protesters are gathered based only on the conspiracy of foreign intelligence,” he claimed.
An Afghan journalist covering the demonstration told AFP that his press ID and camera were confiscated by the Taliban.
“I was kicked and told to go away,” he said.
Later, the Kabul-based Afghan Independent Journalists Association said that 14 journalists — Afghan and foreign — were detained briefly during the protests before being released.
Images shared online showed reporters with cuts and bruises to their hands and knees.
Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that the Taliban had reiterated a pledge to allow Afghans to freely depart Afghanistan.

Members of the Taliban Badri 313 military unit stand guard at a checkpoint as airport workers line up to enter Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, on September 4, 2021. (Aamir Qureshi/AFP)
The Taliban told the US that “they will let people with travel documents freely depart,” Blinken said at a news conference in Doha, where he and US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met their Qatari opposite numbers.
US President Joe Biden has faced mounting pressure amid reports that several hundred people, including Americans, have been prevented for a week from flying out of an airport in northern Afghanistan.
Tuesday’s demonstrations come after the Taliban claimed total control over Afghanistan a day earlier, claiming that they had won the key battle for the Panjshir Valley.
Following their lightning-fast victory in mid-August over the former Afghan government’s security forces and the withdrawal of US troops after 20 years of war, the Taliban turned to fighting the resistance forces defending the mountainous region.
In a press conference on Monday, Taliban spokesman Mujahid warned against any further attempts to rise up against their rule.
“Anyone who tries to start an insurgency will be hit hard. We will not allow another,” he said.
2021 年 9 月 7 日 21:12


上一次塔利班統治阿富汗是在 1996 年至 2001 年期間,女孩不能上學,婦女被禁止工作和接受教育。宗教警察會鞭打任何違反規定的人,並公開處決。
Afghan protests persist, posing a problem for new Taliban government
The protests, nearly a month after the Taliban seized control of Kabul, along with daily, smaller demonstrations around the country often led by women, pose a challenge to the new Afghan government.
SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 21:12

TALIBAN FORCES stand guard inside Kabul earlier this month.

(photo credit: REUTERS)
A group of Afghan women crouched on the side of a Kabul street and took cover after armed members of the Taliban fired shots into the air to disperse hundreds of protesters.
One of them spoke rapidly at the camera filming them.
"These people (the Taliban) are very unjust, and they are not human at all," she said. "They do not give us the right to demonstrate; they are not Muslims but infidels."
Heavy gunfire resumed, leading to more panic.
There were no known casualties from the firing, and video footage from Tuesday's protests, some of it shared on social media, showed Taliban pointing their rifles in the air before they pull the trigger.
But the protests, nearly a month after the Taliban seized control of Kabul, along with daily, smaller demonstrations around the country often led by women, pose a challenge to the new Afghan government announced late on Tuesday.
The hardline Islamist group has urged Afghans to be patient, allowing it time to form a government before it addresses people's demands.
"They were asked to be a little patient and when the system has been established and the organizations are functioning then they will get back to you," a Taliban spokesperson said this week, referring to women protesters.
Now ministers have been named, the expectations of a society where civil rights have been strengthened over the last two decades are only likely to grow.
The last time the Taliban ruled Afghanistan, from 1996-2001, girls could not attend school and women were banned from work and education. Religious police would flog anyone breaking the rules, and public executions were carried out.
The group has promised to be more tolerant this time - a commitment many Afghans and foreign donors will be monitoring closely.
Protesters' demands vary.
Female students in the western city of Herat said they would lobby loudly for greater representation in the new government and for their rights to be respected.
"Women have to come out to save our jobs and status in society. It is really now or never situation," said Dariya Imani, a student at a business school at Herat University.
She said her cousins were part of the protest in Kabul today.
"We are not brave, we are just desperate to protect our basic rights," Imani said.
Taliban leaders have vowed to honor women's rights in accordance with sharia, or Islamic law. But they also indicated there would not be any women among senior government positions, and none have been announced so far.
On Tuesday, men and women also denounced what they see as Pakistan's guiding hand behind the Taliban - support that Islamabad denies.
Some referenced the only remaining armed resistance to the Taliban - fighters in the Panjshir Valley north of Kabul who have been dislodged from the main towns but who have vowed to carry on fighting from their mountain hideouts.
2021 年 9 月 7 日 15:54

2021 年 8 月 26 日,一群人在阿富汗喀布爾機場外向美軍展示他們的文件

以美國為首的外國軍隊撤離了大約 124,000 名外國人和處於危險中的阿富汗人,但仍有數万人被拋在後面。
國務卿安東尼·布林肯說,美國與大約 100 名仍在阿富汗的美國人保持聯繫。

2021 年 8 月 16 日,阿富汗喀布爾喀布爾機場外,一名塔利班戰士沖向人群,這是從視頻中拍攝的靜止圖像。(信用:REUTERS TV/via REUTERS)
一位組織者告訴路透社,包括美國人在內的大約 1,000 人被困在北部城市馬扎里沙裡夫幾天,等待包機離開的許可,並將延誤歸咎於美國國務院。
社交媒體上的圖片顯示,在與由潘杰希爾領導人艾哈邁德·馬蘇德 (Ahmad Massoud) 指揮的阿富汗民族抵抗陣線 (NRFA) 戰斗數日後,塔利班成員站在潘杰希爾州長的大院前。
塔利班一再試圖向阿富汗和其他國家保證,他們不會回到 20 年前最後一次統治的殘暴狀態,其特點是公開的暴力懲罰和禁止婦女和女童參與公共生活。
“拉窗簾是不可接受的,”喀布爾大學 21 歲的女學生安吉拉在電話中說,並補充說,在塔利班接管之前,女性在教室裡與男性分開坐著,但沒有任何障礙。
紅十字會與紅新月會國際聯合會(IFRC)表示,阿富汗的衝突,加上乾旱和冠狀病毒,已經使 1800 萬人——幾乎佔人口的一半——需要人道主義援助。
聯合國人道主義事務協調辦公室 (OCHA) 發言人延斯·拉爾克 (Jens Laerke) 在日內瓦舉行的新聞發布會上說:“阿富汗的基本服務正在崩潰,糧食和其他救生援助即將用完。” 9 月 13 日舉行的國際捐助者會議。
國際移民組織表示,乾旱和戰爭迫使大約 550 萬阿富汗人逃離家園,其中包括 2021 年超過 550,000 人新流離失所。
Taliban fire in air to scatter hundreds of protesters in Kabul
Hundreds of men and women shouting slogans such as "Long live the resistance" and "Death to Pakistan" marched in the streets to protest against the Taliban takeover.
SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 15:54

Crowds of people show their documents to U.S. troops outside the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan August 26, 2021

(photo credit: REUTERS/STRINGER)
Taliban gunmen fired in the air on Tuesday to scatter protesters in the Afghan capital Kabul, witnesses said, as video showed scores scurrying to escape volleys of gunfire.
Hundreds of men and women shouting slogans such as "Long live the resistance" and "Death to Pakistan" marched in the streets to protest against the Taliban takeover. Neighboring Pakistan has deep ties with the Taliban and has been accused of assisting the Islamist group's return to power - charges it denies.
"The Islamic government is shooting at our poor people," one panic-stricken woman on the street says over sounds of gunfire in a video clip shown on Iranian television news. There were no immediate reports of injuries, however.
The Taliban's rapid advance across Afghanistan as US forces pulled out last month triggered a scramble to leave by people fearing reprisals.
US-led foreign forces evacuated about 124,000 foreigners and at-risk Afghans, but tens of thousands were left behind.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States was in contact with about 100 Americans who were still in Afghanistan.

A Taliban fighter runs towards crowd outside Kabul airport, Kabul, Afghanistan August 16, 2021, in this still image taken from a video. (credit: REUTERS TV/via REUTERS)
About 1,000 people, including Americans, have been stuck in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif for days awaiting clearance for charter flights to leave, an organizer told Reuters, blaming the delay on the US State Department.
Blinken, holding talks in Qatar, a key interlocutor with the Taliban, said the problem was one of documents.
"My understanding is that the Taliban have not denied exit to anyone holding a valid document, but they have said those without valid documents, at this point, can't leave," he told reporters.
"Because all of these people are grouped together, that's meant that flights have not been allowed to go … We are not aware of anyone being held on an aircraft, or any hostage-like situation."
At the same news conference, Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani said no deal had yet been reached with the Taliban on how Qatar and its partner Turkey could get Kabul airport running again.
"We hope in the next few days we can get to a level where the airport is up and running for passengers and for humanitarian aid as well," he said.
Turkey says it wants to provide security inside the airport to protect any Turkish staff and safeguard operations, but that the Taliban have insisted no foreign forces can be present.
On Monday, the Islamist militants claimed victory in the Panjshir valley, the last province holding out against it, and promised to name a government soon.
Pictures on social media showed Taliban members standing in front of the Panjshir governor's compound after days of fighting with the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan (NRFA), commanded by Panjshiri leader Ahmad Massoud.
Massoud denied that his force, consisting of remnants of the Afghan army as well as local militia fighters, was beaten.
"We are in Panjshir and our resistance will continue," he tweeted. He said he was safe but did not say where.
The Taliban have repeatedly sought to reassure Afghans and foreign countries that they will not return to the brutality of their last reign two decades ago, marked by violent public punishments and the barring of women and girls from public life.
But more than three weeks after seizing Kabul, they have yet to set out their plans.
Asked whether Washington would recognize the Taliban, US President Joe Biden told reporters at the White House on Monday: "That’s a long way off."
Teachers and students at universities in Afghanistan's largest cities - Kabul, Kandahar and Herat - told Reuters that female students were being segregated in class with curtains, taught separately or limited to some campus areas.
"Putting up curtains is not acceptable," Anjila, a 21-year-old female student at Kabul University, said by telephone, adding that women had sat apart from males in classrooms before the Taliban took over, but without barriers.
"I really felt terrible when I entered the class … We are gradually going back to 20 years ago."
The conflict in Afghanistan, coupled with drought and coronavirus, has left 18 million people - almost half the population - in need of humanitarian aid, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) said.
It said tens of thousands of families had headed for relief camps in urban areas, but found they had neither food nor income.
"Basic services in Afghanistan are collapsing and food and other lifesaving aid is about to run out," Jens Laerke, spokesperson for the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), told a news conference in Geneva, urging more aid ahead of an international donor conference on Sept. 13.
The World Health Organization is liaising with Qatar on deliveries of urgently needed medical supplies, WHO regional emergency director Rick Brennan said.
Drought and war have forced about 5.5 million Afghans to flee their homes, including more than 550,000 newly displaced in 2021, the International Organization for Migration says.
Western powers say they are prepared to send humanitarian aid, but that broader economic engagement depends on the shape and actions of the Taliban government.
聯合國監管機構:伊朗自 5 月以來已將其濃縮 60% 的鈾庫存翻了兩番
由TOI 工作人員和機構提供今天,晚上 9:16

伊朗國家電視台於 2021 年 4 月 17 日播出了納坦茲核設施的鏡頭。(屏幕截圖/推特)
據國際原子能機構(IAEA)報導,德黑蘭自 5 月以來已將其 60% 濃縮鈾的庫存增加了四倍,這公然違反了 2015 年與世界大國達成的旨在遏制其核計劃的協議。
國際原子能機構還在其機密季度報告中告訴成員國,自 2 月以來,由於伊朗拒絕讓檢查員接觸國際原子能機構的監測設備,其核查和監測活動受到“嚴重破壞”。
該機構表示,它估計伊朗的裂變純度高達 60% 的濃縮鈾庫存為 10 公斤,自 5 月以來增加了 7.6 公斤。該國裂變純度高達 20% 的鈾庫存現在估計為 84.3 公斤,高於三個月前的 62.8 公斤。
該機構表示,截至 8 月 30 日,伊朗的鈾總庫存估計為 2441.3 公斤,低於 5 月 22 日的 3241 公斤。
根據被稱為聯合綜合行動計劃或 JCPOA 的核協議,德黑蘭僅被允許儲存 202.8 公斤鈾,該計劃承諾伊朗經濟激勵以換取對其核計劃的限制,旨在防止德黑蘭發展核計劃。炸彈。
2018 年,美國在時任美國總統唐納德特朗普的領導下單方面退出了核協議,但英國、法國、德國、中國和俄羅斯一直試圖維護該協議。
美國總統喬拜登表示,他對重新加入該協議持開放態度。上一輪在維也納舉行的會談於 6 月結束,但沒有明確結果。

美國總統喬拜登於 2021 年 8 月 27 日在華盛頓特區白宮橢圓形辦公室會見以色列總理納夫塔利貝內特。 (Nicholas Kamm/AFP)
以色列一再警告伊朗正在尋求核武器。前總理本雅明·內塔尼亞胡公開反對 2015 年的協議,稱該協議將為伊朗核武庫鋪平道路,並公開敦促拜登重新加入該協議。
UN watchdog: Iran has quadrupled its stocks of 60%-enriched uranium since May
IAEA also warns its ability to assess Iran’s nuclear activities is ‘seriously undermined’ because Tehran is blocking its access to monitoring equipment
By TOI STAFF and AGENCIESToday, 9:16 pm

Footage of the Natanz nuclear facility aired by Iranian state TV, on April 17, 2021. (Screen capture/Twitter)
Iran has dramatically increased its production of highly enriched uranium in recent months, while refusing to resume full cooperation with inspectors, the United Nations nuclear watchdog said on Tuesday.
Tehran has quadrupled its stockpile of 60 percent-enriched uranium since May, in open contravention of the 2015 accord with world powers that was meant to contain its nuclear program, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported.
The IAEA also told member states in its confidential quarterly report that its verification and monitoring activities have been “seriously undermined” since February by Iran’s refusal to let inspectors access IAEA monitoring equipment.
The agency said that it estimates Iran’s stock of uranium enriched to up to 60% fissile purity at 10 kilograms, an increase of 7.6 kilograms since May. The count