2021.07.10 國際新聞導讀-阿富汗塔利班承諾不傷害外交官與使領館,俄羅斯警告塔利班不要動塔吉克否則俄軍將介入、利伯曼在以色列發動改革宗教社群、巴勒斯坦示威加劇不利阿巴斯

2021-07-10·37 分鐘


2021.07.10 國際新聞導讀-阿富汗塔利班承諾不傷害外交官與使領館,俄羅斯警告塔利班不要動塔吉克否則俄軍將介入、利伯曼在以色列發動改革宗教社群、巴勒斯坦示威加劇不利阿巴斯

2021 年 7 月 8 日 18:56

2019 年 5 月 30 日,塔利班首席談判代表毛拉·阿卜杜勒·加尼·巴拉達爾(前)在俄羅斯莫斯科與阿富汗高級政客進行和平談判後離開
由於塔利班取得了進展,而美國在 20 年後撤軍,阿富汗的安全狀況迅速惡化。
Russia-led bloc to mobilize military if Afghan border situation worsens
Russia's military also vowed to help support Tajikistan with its army base in the country should the Taliban insurgency group threaten its borders.
JULY 8, 2021 18:56

Taliban chief negotiator Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar (front) leaves after peace talks with Afghan senior politicians in Moscow, Russia May 30, 2019
The Russian-led CSTO military bloc would be ready to mobilize its full military capacity if the situation on the border with Afghanistan deteriorates, the Interfax news agency cited one of the bloc's chiefs as saying on Thursday.
Russia's military also vowed to help support Tajikistan with its army base in the country should the Taliban insurgency group threaten its borders.
The Taliban's political office said on Thursday that they would not attack the Afghan-Tajik border, and stated that they would not allow Afghanistan to be used to launch attacks on Russia, Russia's TASS news agency reported.
The insurgency group also said that they did not seek to seize power in Afghanistan militarily.
The insurgency group also vowed they would not attack the Afghan-Tajik border.
There has been a rapid deterioration in security in Afghanistan as the Taliban have made gains while the United States withdraws its forces after 20 years.
2021 年 7 月 8 日 21:48
2012 年,一名美國士兵在阿富汗南部坎大哈省的一次受控引爆中進行掩護。
美國正在撤退,而20 年前被推翻的伊斯蘭民兵組織塔利班正在填補真空。政府軍士氣低落。數千人放棄了他們的前哨和裝備。一些指揮官與塔利班達成協議。
美國總統喬拜登已將 9 月 11 日標記為撤軍完成的最後期限,也就是引髮美國領導的阿富汗入侵的恐怖襲擊發生 20 週年。
奧德賽將因此最終結束,但結束的感覺不會抵消失敗的感覺,尤其是從 20 年的事後來看。
2001 年秋天,美國在戰略、軍事和政治上都犯了大錯。
所有這一切的後果是超過 2,400 名美國人死亡,超過 450 名其他盟軍死亡,超過 20,000 名美軍受傷,總成本約為 8,000 億美元,所有這些都是為了看到美國訓練的軍隊解體,而塔利班重返阿富汗的掌舵人。
是的,在 1974 年,北越似乎勝利了,看到南越崩潰,美國軍隊撤退,所有外國大使館都搬到河內。然而,在接下來的十年裡,北方為之奮鬥的事業——共產主義——瓦解了。
是的,菲德爾·卡斯特羅 (Fidel Castro) 的游擊隊推翻了腐敗的富爾亨西奧·巴蒂斯塔 (Fulgencio Batista),儘管他有美國的支持。然而,一代人之後,事實證明,在更大的戰爭,思想戰爭中,古巴被擊敗了,因為卡斯特羅本人將企業所有權、企業信貸和被妖魔化的美元的使用合法化。
表面上勝利的黎巴嫩是一個屈膝的國家。司機在加油站外排隊等候數小時,電力經常下降數小時,人們說他們不吃飯,政府的外匯儲備蒸發了,英鎊現在每美元交易價格超過 15,000,在過去兩年中貶值僅佔其價值的 90%。
Amotz Asa-El 的暢銷書 Mitzad Ha'ivelet Ha'yehudi(猶太愚蠢遊行,Yediot Sefarim,2019 年)是一部從古代到現代的猶太人領導權的修正主義歷史。 
The US war in Afghanistan is over, but who won?
MIDDLE ISRAEL: The future will begin the morning after America’s departure, and the Taliban, like the guerrillas of Cuba, Lebanon and Vietnam, will fail its test.
JULY 8, 2021 21:48

A US SOLDIER takes cover during a controlled detonation in southern Afghanistan’s Kandahar Province in 2012.
Conventional armies lose if they don’t win, and guerrillas win if they don’t lose, said Henry Kissinger.
The fall of Saigon was six years away at the time, but the legendary statesman detected already then the principle that governed multiple guerrilla wars, including the one he helped end.
That principle – goes the conventional wisdom – explains how Israel was defeated in Lebanon and how the US and its allies were defeated not only in Vietnam, but before that in Cuba, and now in Afghanistan.
Well in all these cases, conventional wisdom is wrong.
THE UNFOLDING American retreat from Afghanistan is indeed frustrating.
America is retreating, and the Taliban, the Islamist militia America dethroned 20 years ago, is filling the vacuum. Government troops are demoralized. Thousands abandoned their outposts and equipment. Some commanders struck deals with the Taliban.
The Afghan Army seems increasingly irrelevant. Fearing the Taliban’s retribution, thousands of the American military’s helpers are scrambling to their homeland’s exit doors – the more ambitious seeking paths to America, others to neighboring Tajikistan. The American investment in building and equipping the Afghan Army is going down the drain.
So yes, if all this brings to mind memories of South Vietnamese citizens pushing each other to climb the last American helicopter atop the embassy in Saigon, or the South Lebanese Army’s officers rushing to Israel’s border fence, it is because the situations are indeed very much analogous.
US President Joe Biden has marked September 11 as the deadline for the withdrawal’s completion, the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that triggered Afghanistan’s American-led invasion.
The odyssey will thus finally end, but the sense of closure will not offset the sense of defeat, especially when viewed with 20 years’ hindsight.
Punched out of the blue in its stomach and nose, the US made big mistakes, strategically, militarily and politically, in autumn 2001.
Strategically, the US went to two wars in two entirely different arenas. It was an overstretch that even superpowers must try to avoid. Militarily, the US underplayed the topographical advantage Afghanistan’s steep mountains would grant its guerrillas. And politically, the assumption that America was in a position to reprogram another county’s government proved unfounded.
The aftermath of all this is more than 2,400 American fatalities, more than 450 other allied fatalities, more than 20,000 American troops wounded, and some $800 billion in overall costs, all in order to see the American-trained army unravel while the Taliban return to Afghanistan’s helm.
How, then, can we say that this is not defeat?
TO UNDERSTAND guerrilla’s ultimate defeat just look to Vietnam.
Yes, in 1974, North Vietnam seemed victorious, having seen South Vietnam collapse, the American military retreat and all foreign embassies relocate to Hanoi. However, by the following decade the cause for which the North fought – Communism – unraveled itself.
And with its guiding idea collapsed, the ostensibly victorious Vietnamese government went down on its knees, begging then-president Bill Clinton to establish diplomatic ties between Washington and Hanoi.
With the Soviet Union gone and the East Bloc vanished, the former guerrillas lost their main trade partners, and sheepishly conceded they would have no future without Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam agreed, and is now a capitalist Vietnam’s friend. So who won?
Yes, as Kissinger observed, the guerrillas had a military edge. However, once it came time to proceed from war to peace, the guerrillas failed, and went hat in hand to the enemy they claimed to have defeated.
The same thing happened with Cuba.
Yes, Fidel Castro’s guerrillas deposed the corrupt Fulgencio Batista, despite his American backing. However, a generation later it turned out that in the bigger war, the war of ideas, Cuba was trounced, as Castro himself legalized business ownership, entrepreneurial credit and usage of the demonized dollar.
The same thing happened in Lebanon.
Yes, Israel retreated, and yes, some Lebanese told themselves that they – unlike Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and the Palestinians – defeated the Jewish state. It was the same delusional thinking that made Cuban and Vietnamese leaders think they defeated America, and its aftermath now emerges similarly grotesque.
The ostensibly victorious Lebanon is a country on its knees. Drivers spend hours in snaking lines outside gas stations, electricity routinely falls for hours, people say they are skipping meals, the government’s foreign currency reserves have evaporated, and the pound, now trading at more than 15,000 per dollar, lost over the past two years alone 90% of its value.
This is the aftermath of a country whose leaders, like Cuba’s and Vietnam’s in their times, invented an enemy and took it to a war that their society and economy could never afford. Is there any doubt Afghanistan is now headed the same way?
Yes, America made mistakes in Afghanistan. It was wrong to install a foreign-powered government, it was wrong to pit a conventional army against guerrillas, and it was wrong to fight simultaneously in Kabul and Baghdad.
But the invasion also had achievements. Al-Qaeda, which the Afghans refused to evict, was routed along with its leader, and America showed the world that if attacked it will retaliate, with its many allies at its side.
Yes, the Taliban will say they evicted America, conveniently forgetting that America never meant to rule Afghanistan. It came there to stem Islamism’s assault not on Afghanistan, but on all of mankind, and that goal was achieved.
As for Afghanistan itself, it will have to fight its cancer by itself. That is what the Cubans learned after John F. Kennedy’s Bay of Pigs fiasco, that is what the Lebanese learned after Menachem Begin’s Operation Peace for Galilee, and that is what the Afghanis will have learned by the time their sorry country emerges from the dark era it will enter the morning after America leaves.
Amotz Asa-El’s bestselling Mitzad Ha’ivelet Ha’yehudi (The Jewish March of Folly, Yediot Sefarim, 2019) is a revisionist history of the Jewish people’s leadership from antiquity to modernity. 
2021 年 7 月 9 日 06:21
2019 年 5 月 30 日,塔利班首席談判代表毛拉·阿卜杜勒·加尼·巴拉達爾(前)在俄羅斯莫斯科與阿富汗高級政客進行和平談判後離開
前部長穆罕默德·伊斯梅爾·汗和 2009 年塔利班襲擊的倖存者是北方聯盟的重要成員,該聯盟的民兵在 2001 年幫助美軍推翻了塔利班。
“現在在 IEA(阿富汗伊斯蘭酋長國)控制下的所有邊界將保持開放和功能。我們向所有人保證,我們不會針對外交官、大使館和領事館、非政府組織及其工作人員,”塔利班發言人 Suhail Shaheen 說。在一條推文中。
儘管該國大部分地區被塔利班佔領,但美國總統喬拜登強烈捍衛他將軍隊撤出阿富汗的決定,稱阿富汗人民必須決定自己的未來,並且他不會將另一代美國人交給 20 年。戰爭。
拜登將美軍最終撤出的目標日期定為 8 月 31 日,減去大約 650 名士兵,為美國駐喀布爾大使館提供安全保障。
長期以來對美國和北約在阿富汗的軍事存在持懷疑態度的拜登表示,美國早就實現了 2001 年入侵該國的最初理由:剷除基地組織武裝分子並防止對美國的另一次襲擊,例如那個是在 2001 年 9 月 11 日發動的。那次襲擊的策劃者奧薩馬·本·拉登於 2011 年在鄰國巴基斯坦被美國軍事小組擊斃。

兩名不願透露姓名的高級安全官員告訴路透社,位於赫拉特省與伊朗的伊斯蘭 Qala 過境點已落入塔利班之手,阿富汗安全和海關官員已越過邊界逃離。
伊朗官方阿拉伯語服務 Al Alamam TV 也報導說,阿富汗士兵為了逃離塔利班,通過過境點進入伊朗領土。
本週早些時候,隨著塔利班佔領了與中國和巴基斯坦接壤的北部巴達赫尚省的大部分地區,超過 1,000 名阿富汗安全人員逃往塔吉克斯坦。
國防部表示,阿富汗政府軍周四早些時候奪回了對西部省份巴德吉斯省首府 Qala-e-Naw 的控制權,該地區周三遭到塔利班襲擊。
該部表示,數百名士兵被部署到該地區,並補充說,在 Qala-e-Naw 的邊緣,戰鬥仍在繼續,叛亂分子早些時候佔領了該市的主要政府大樓,包括警察總部。
該部表示,有 69 名塔利班戰士在 Qala-e-Naw 邊緣的行動中喪生,這是叛亂分子在最近的攻勢中進入的第一個主要省會。
巴德吉斯省的其餘部分在塔利班手中。西方安全官員說,塔利班已經佔領了阿富汗的 100 多個地區。塔利班表示,他們在 34 個省擁有 200 多個地區,佔該國的一半以上。主要城市仍處於政府控制之下。
叛亂分子數週以來一直在奪取領土,但隨著美國撤離其主要的阿富汗基地,他們加快了攻勢,有效地結束了始於 2001 年推翻伊斯蘭塔利班政府的干預。
Militia commanders rush to aid Afghan forces against Taliban
In the last week, the Taliban have overrun areas bordering five countries - Iran, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, China and Pakistan - as foreign forces end their two-decade intervention.
JULY 9, 2021 06:21

Taliban chief negotiator Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar (front) leaves after peace talks with Afghan senior politicians in Moscow, Russia May 30, 2019
A prominent anti-Taliban commander with private militia will help Afghan forces in their fight against Taliban insurgents to claw back control over parts of western Afghanistan including a border crossing with Iran, local officials said on Friday.
A key district in Herat province, home to tens of thousands of minority Shi’ite Hazaras was captured by fighters of the hardline Sunni Muslim insurgent group on Thursday as part of their strategy to oust Afghan forces and hold sway over critical border towns and trade routes.
A former minister Mohammad Ismail Khan and a survivor of a Taliban attack in 2009 was a key member of the Northern Alliance whose militia helped US forces in toppling the Taliban in 2001.
Known as the Lion of Herat, Ismail Khan a veteran Tajik commander is scheduled to hold a gathering to prepare his forces to fight against the Taliban and defend his power base in Herat, an official said, adding that several erstwhile anti-Taliban commanders were supporting the over-stretched Afghan forces to defend borders in the West and the North.
Taliban and Afghan government officials were not immediately available to share details about the intense clashes in Herat.
Political members of the Taliban visiting Moscow assured Russian officials of their commitment to allow foreign embassies and aid groups to operate in Afghanistan even after the final exit of foreign forces.
"All borders now in IEA (Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan) control will remain open and functional. We assure all, we are not going to target diplomats, embassies and consulates, NGOs and their staff," said Suhail Shaheen, a spokesman for the Taliban in a tweet.
US President Joe Biden has strongly defended his decision to pull military forces out of Afghanistan despite large parts of country being overrun by the Taliban saying the Afghan people must decide their own future and that he would not consign another generation of Americans to the 20-year war.
Biden set a target date of Aug. 31 for the final withdrawal of US forces, minus about 650 troops to provide security for the US embassy in Kabul.
A long-time skeptic of the US and NATO military presence in Afghanistan, Biden said the United States had long ago achieved its original rationale for invading the country in 2001: to root out al-Qaeda militants and prevent another attack on the United States like the one launched on Sept.11, 2001. The mastermind of that attack, Osama bin Laden, was killed by a US military team in neighboring Pakistan in 2011.

Taliban fighters seized control on Thursday of a key district in western Afghanistan that includes a major border crossing with Iran, Afghan security officials said, as the Islamist insurgents continued their rapid military advances around the country.
In the last week, the Taliban have overrun areas bordering five countries - Iran, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, China and Pakistan - as foreign forces end their two-decade intervention and the domestic security situation deteriorates.
Pitched battles between Taliban fighters and Afghan government forces were also underway in the northern Balkh province bordering Uzbekistan.
Two senior security officials told Reuters on condition of anonymity that the Islam Qala border crossing with Iran, located in Herat province, had fallen to the Taliban and that Afghan security and customs officials had fled across the border.
Al Alalam TV, Iran's official Arabic language service, also reported that Afghan soldiers had entered Iranian territory via the border crossing to escape the Taliban.
Tariq Arian, spokesman for the Afghan interior ministry, denied the reports and said the border crossing was still under the control of government forces.
Calls by Reuters to the offices of the provincial governor and police went unanswered.
Another security official said Taliban fighters had seized five districts in Herat without a fight.
Earlier this week, more than 1,000 Afghan security personnel fled into Tajikistan as the Taliban captured most of the northern province of Badakhshan, which also borders China and Pakistan.
The defense ministry said Afghan government forces earlier on Thursday wrested back control of Qala-e-Naw, capital of the western province of Badghis, which had been stormed by the Taliban on Wednesday.
Hundreds of troops were deployed to the region, the ministry said, adding that fighting was continuing on the fringes of Qala-e-Naw, where insurgents had earlier seized key government buildings in the city including police headquarters.
"The city is fully (back) under our control, and we are conducting operations against the Taliban on the outskirts of the city," Defence Ministry spokesman Fawad Aman said.
The ministry said 69 Taliban fighters were killed in operations on the edge of Qala-e-Naw - the first major provincial capital entered by the insurgents in their latest offensive.
The rest of Badghis province is in Taliban hands. Western security officials say the Taliban have captured more than 100 districts in Afghanistan. The Taliban say they hold over 200 districts in 34 provinces, comprising over half the country. Major cities remain under government control.
The insurgents have been gaining territory for weeks, but accelerated their thrust as the United States vacated its main Afghan base, effectively ending an intervention that began with the ousting of the Islamist Taliban government in 2001.
Taliban advances have been especially dramatic in northern provinces, where they had long been kept at bay.
Stop-start peace talks between the government and insurgents remain inconclusive. Taliban delegations visited Iran on Wednesday and were in Moscow on Thursday.
Defending the decision to pull U.S. forces out of Afghanistan, President Joe Biden said on Thursday he did not expect the Taliban to take over the whole country and that he trusted the Afghan military.
"We're ending America's longest war," he said.
2021 年 7 月 8 日 20:18

這件事發生一天后,約旦官方媒體開始宣傳與伊朗的全面金融合作。這對約旦公眾和 40 年前當時的總統安瓦爾薩達特宣布與以色列和平的埃及公眾一樣震驚。
阿卜杜拉國王的顧問、新任命的“國王顧問委員會”成員 Zaid Nabulsi 告訴媒體,“伊朗的宗教旅遊將為約旦注入活力。” 政府控制的媒體網站開始談論大約一百萬預期的宗教遊客。這些人打算參觀 120 公里外的南部村莊 Kerak。安曼以南(75 英里),參觀賈法爾·伊本·阿布·塔勒布 (Jaffar Ibn Abu Taleb) 的神殿。除此之外,約旦和阿拉伯媒體開始談論伊朗在喀拉克建造機場的提議。
一位以與哈希姆君主穆阿法克·馬哈登 (Mouafaq Mahadeen) 關係密切而聞名的約旦記者在國王訪問後的兩個晚上出現在電視上,他說“黎巴嫩 80% 的什葉派都來自喀拉克。” 約旦媒體網站重申,伊朗正在考慮在克拉克建造機場。舊新聞再次浮出水面,稱伊朗承諾向該國免費供應石油 30 年
7 月 3 日,約旦電視台播出了一個節目,演講者聲稱歡迎伊朗人以遊客身份進入約旦並沒有任何危險。這是為了回應該國巴勒斯坦佔多數的領導人以及貝都因土著少數民族的領導人發出的相互威脅和警告。兩人都於 7 月 1 日向國王發出信息,警告他不要將伊朗帶入約旦。正常情況下,雙方都不敢批評國王,更別提警告他了。
It's official: Jordan is now allies with Iran - opinion
The king of Jordan believes that opening the door to the Shi’ites will save his country from these crises. But as we have said, this will be a double-edged sword.
JULY 8, 2021 20:18

JORDAN’S KING ABDULLAH II listens during a meeting in Amman in May.
On 27 June 2021, Jordan’s King Abdullah II met with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Baghdad. All three announced an agreement to cooperate on transporting Iraqi oil through pipelines from Iraq to Jordan to Egypt, from where it will be exported to Europe through the Mediterranean. This agreement is King Abdullah’s “coming out of the closest” with Iran. It is now official: Jordan is allied with Iran because Iraq is actually under Iran’s control. The Iraqi government is a puppet state controlled by Iran. Exporting Iraqi oil through Jordan to Europe is simply exporting oil controlled by Iran, which rules Iraq through its Shi’ite militias and controls the country’s resources.
One day after this happened, Jordanian state media began promoting full financial cooperation with Iran. This is as shocking to the Jordanian public as it was to the Egyptian public 40 years ago when then-president Anwar Sadat announced peace with Israel.
King Abdullah’s adviser, Zaid Nabulsi, a member of the newly appointed “king’s advisory board,” told the media, “Iranian religious tourism will breathe life back into Jordan.” Government-controlled media sites began speaking about one million expected religious tourists. Those are meant to visit the southern village of Kerak, 120 km. (75 miles) south of Amman, to visit the shrine of Jaffar Ibn Abu Taleb. In addition to that, the Jordanian and Arab press began speaking of an Iranian proposal to build an airport in Kerak.
Jaffar Ibn Abu Taleb was the Prophet Muhammad’s cousin who died fighting against the Byzantine Empire in Kerak. His shrine is considered most holy to the Shi’ite faith. Nonetheless, the Sunni faith generally bans visiting graves for worship and considers it an act of infidelity toward God, hence the shrine is mostly closed. Nonetheless, the king himself went for a visit to promote and help legitimize these future visits
It went further, with a monarchy-supported campaign to even promote the Shi’ite faith itself. This is what Iran did in both Syria and Iraq. This is exactly how it all began.
A Jordanian journalist known for his close ties to the Hashemite monarch, Mouafaq Mahadeen, appeared on TV two nights after the king’s visit and said “80% of Lebanon’s Shi’ites are originally from Kerak.” Jordanian media sites repeated that Iran was considering building an airport in Kerak. Old news stories resurfaced of Iran allegedly promising to supply the kingdom with free oil for 30 years
On July 3, Jordanian TV broadcast a show in which the speakers claimed it was not at all dangerous to welcome the Iranians into Jordan as tourists. This was in response to mutual threats and warnings issued by the leaders of the Palestinian majority of the country as well as the Bedouin native minority. Both issued messages to the king on July 1 warning him against bringing Iran into Jordan. In a normal situation, both sides would not dare criticize the king, let alone send him a warning.
There is no doubt that Jordan is suffering from severe financial hardship due to COVID, corruption, mismanagement, a lack of natural resources including shortage of water. The king of Jordan believes that opening the door to the Shi’ites will save his country from these crises. But as we have said, this will be a double-edged sword, and it will not take long for Jordan to sink into darkness just like Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen have. As for Israel, there is a fear of opening a front from hell, sending drones, or even digging tunnels in the areas bordering Jordan, which will be under the control of the Shi’ites.
Dr. Edy Cohen grew up in Lebanon and served for 15 years in the Israeli intelligence community. He is a researcher at the BESA Center who specializes in inter-Arab relations, the Arab-Israeli conflict, terrorism and Jewish communities in the Arab world. He is author of The Holocaust in the Eyes of Mahmoud Abbas (Hebrew).
阿維格多·利伯曼 (Avigdor Liberman) 反對極端正統派的舉動使聯盟沸騰
削減日托補貼引發了 Haredi 社區的憤怒,他們的政黨誓言報復;目前尚不清楚此舉是否與其他聯盟成員充分協調

通過沙洛姆耶路莎米 今天,晚上 8:15

2021 年 6 月 3 日,阿維格多·利伯曼 (Avigdor Liberman) 出席了在耶路撒冷舉行的第 13 頻道新聞發布會。 (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
財政部長阿維格多·利伯曼 (Avigdor Liberman) 削減對一些極端正統派的日托補貼的舉措讓他在搖搖欲墜的聯盟中的合作夥伴擔心他的行為可能會破壞他們取得的所有進展。
週四,一位高級部長告訴以色列希伯來語姊妹網站《泰晤士報》Zman Yisrael:“我不懂利伯曼。我們承諾不會傷害極端正統派。貝內特和拉皮德都重複了一遍。他在做什麼?毀滅一切,甚至連他們加入聯盟的機會都沒有。”
利伯曼的決定影響了大約 20,000 個極端正統派家庭;極端正統派聲稱此舉最終將使國家花費更多資金。

說明:耶路撒冷猶太學校的學生,2018 年 8 月 16 日。(Aharon Krohn/Flash90)
“貝內特-利伯曼政府正在讓以色列的孩子挨餓,”沙斯分發的傳單上寫道。隸屬於聯合托拉猶太教 MK Yaakov Litzman 的東正教報紙 Hamodia 在其頭版將利伯曼稱為“惡意和破壞政府的財​​政部長”。
在 UTJ MK Meir Porush 的 Hamashber 論文中,一個大的紅色標題寫道:“財政部長反對極端正統公眾的運動仍在繼續。” 另一份極端正統派的報紙 Shaharit 報導了 Liberman 的“可惡的法令”。
一些漫畫仍然更具挑釁性。在其中之一,在 Yated Ne'eman 報紙上,有人看到 Liberman 用獨輪車將極端正統派的幼兒推到垃圾填埋場——引用了 Liberman 先前反對極端正統派的言論——並且看到 Bennett 看著他說:我會保護政府不受任何極端正統派的傷害。”
在第二部卡通片中,利伯曼從一個飢餓的極端正統派孩子身上拉出一條麵包,一篇文章寫道:“兒童襲擊者,摩爾多瓦利伯曼再次出擊。” 利伯曼此前曾因在 1999 年襲擊一名據稱傷害他兒子的 12 歲男孩而被定罪。
週四,波拉什、利茲曼和聯合托拉猶太教領袖 MK Moshe Gafni 發誓要確保耶路撒冷市長 Moshe Lion 在兩年半任期結束時不會再次當選,因為他與利伯曼關係密切。如果沒有極端正統派的支持,萊昂是不會當選的,但現在他們打算尋找另一位候選人來接替他的位置。
據政治消息人士透露,納夫塔利·貝內特總理對利伯曼的宣布並不滿意,目前還不清楚是否與他協調。聯盟主席和 Yamina MK Idit Silman 公開反對這一決定。然而,利伯曼的同夥聲稱,他是按照財政部專業機構制定的有序計劃進行的,而這一切都為貝內特所知。

納夫塔利·貝內特總理於 2021 年 7 月 4 日在耶路撒冷總理辦公室主持每週內閣會議。 (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
對利伯曼的批評也來自聯盟的左翼。Meretz 的衛生部長 Nitzan Horowitz 和工黨的 Emily Moati 和 Naama Lazimi 以及 Meretz 的 Gaby Lasky 對終止補貼的決定進行了抨擊。
MK Mossi Raz (Meretz) 告訴 Zman Yisrael:“Liberman 鼓勵極端正統派去工作,這很好,但你不能以這種方式為他們削減一切,傷害兒童。”
Avigdor Liberman’s moves against the ultra-Orthodox have the coalition seething
Cuts to daycare subsidies spark outrage among Haredi communities, vows of revenge from their parties; it’s not clear move was fully coordinated with other coalition members


Avigdor Liberman attends a Channel 13 news conference in Jerusalem on June 3, 2021. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman’s move to slash daycare subsidies for some ultra-Orthodox has his partners in the shaky coalition worried that his actions could torpedo all the progress they have made.
Liberman’s decision to dramatically target the ultra-Orthodox where it hurts them the most, just three weeks after the government’s formation and as it faces ongoing strains in getting legislation passed, upset many in the coalition.
A senior minister told Zman Yisrael, The Times of Israel’s Hebrew-language sister-site, on Thursday: “I don’t understand Liberman. We promised not to harm the ultra-Orthodox. Both Bennett and Lapid repeated it. What is he doing? Destroying everything, even the chance that they may enter the coalition.”
“Today it seems far off,” the minister added, “but if the budget passes and the government stabilizes, it will be possible to talk to the ultra-Orthodox one day. They are the only segment in the opposition that can drop out.”
The current coalition spans eight parties from the right, center, left and Arab sector and commands a razor-thin majority in the Knesset.
Many of its members have hoped that the ultra-Orthodox parties, who are reliant on large-scale state subsidies for their communities, could be tempted to join the coalition to secure access to funds.
But on Wednesday, Liberman announced that from the coming school year yeshiva students that do not work would not be eligible for subsidized supervised daycare for their children up to the age of three. The decision caused outrage in the ultra-Orthodox community and saw waves of anger directed toward Liberman.
Liberman’s decision hits some 20,000 ultra-Orthodox families; the ultra-Orthodox claim that the move will ultimately cost the state more money.

Illustrative: Students in a Jerusalem yeshiva, August 16, 2018. (Aharon Krohn/Flash90)
If an ultra-Orthodox woman who works instead of her husband, while he studies in a yeshiva, is now compelled to stay at home and take care of the small children, the state will wind up paying these families higher unemployment benefits than the subsidies, they argue.
Liberman’s associates claim that he is actually fighting the black market economy, and that many of the ultra-Orthodox actually do work, but off the books, and do not study in the yeshiva full-time. Alternatively, they say, the men could help out with the daycare.
Regardless, the reactions were stark.
“The Bennett-Liberman government is starving the children of Israel,” read leaflets distributed by Shas. The Orthodox newspaper Hamodia, affiliated with United Torah Judaism MK Yaakov Litzman, branded Liberman on its front page “the finance minister of the malice and destruction government.”
In UTJ MK Meir Porush’s Hamashber paper, a large red headline read: “The finance minister’s campaign against the ultra-Orthodox public continues.” Another ultra-Orthodox paper, Shaharit, reported on Liberman’s “hateful decrees.”
Some caricatures were still more provocative. In one, in the Yated Ne’eman newspaper, Liberman is seen wheeling ultra-Orthodox toddlers in a wheelbarrow to a landfill — in a reference to previous remarks by Liberman against the ultra-Orthodox — and Bennett is seen looking at him, saying “I will protect the government from any harm to the ultra-Orthodox.”
In a second cartoon, Liberman is seen pulling a loaf of bread from a hungry ultra-Orthodox child, and an article reads, “Child assaulter, Moldovan Liberman strikes again.” Liberman had previously been convicted of assaulting a 12-year-old boy in 1999 who allegedly harmed his son.
The ultra-Orthodox will now seek revenge at every possible corner, including targeting Liberman’s allies.
On Thursday, Porush, Litzman and United Torah Judaism leader MK Moshe Gafni vowed to ensure that Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion will not be re-elected when his term ends in two and a half years, because he is close to Liberman. Lion would not have been elected without the support of the ultra-Orthodox, but now they intend to find another candidate in his place.
Liberman, meanwhile, is working in his own interest. His voters support the latest move; he has long campaigned for a more equitable distribution of the burden in Israel, with promises to try and get the ultra-Orthodox to pay taxes and serve in the military.
But the government and the coalition are paying a price. The ultra-Orthodox have emerged in these weeks as the most determined opposition force in the Knesset, and now Liberman is giving them more energy, ahead of upcoming political battles in the Knesset.
According to political sources, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett was not happy with Liberman’s announcement, and it is unclear whether it was coordinated with him. Coalition chair and Yamina MK Idit Silman spoke out against the decision. Liberman’s associates, however, claim that he is proceeding according to an orderly plan drawn up by the professional bodies in the Finance Ministry, and that all this was known to Bennett.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett leads the weekly cabinet meeting at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem on July 4, 2021. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Criticism of Liberman also came from the left-wing of the coalition. Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz of Meretz and Labor’s Emily Moati and Naama Lazimi, as well as Meretz’s Gaby Lasky, attacked the decision to end the subsidy.
MK Mossi Raz (Meretz) told Zman Yisrael: “Liberman encourages the ultra-Orthodox to go to work and that’s good, but you can’t cut everything for them in this way, and harm children.”
伊扎克·約瑟夫(Yitzhak Yosef)沒有資格成為以色列的首席拉比 - 意見
在 2023 年的下一次投票之前很久就改變選擇下一任首席拉比的製度和標準
2021 年 7 月 8 日 20:52
