
2021.05.11 國際新聞導讀-耶路撒冷衝突的原因分析、阿富汗繼續發生攻擊事件


(照片來源:OMAR SOBHANI /路透社)
官員周一表示, 炸彈炸毀了阿富汗的一輛公共汽車,炸死至少11人,數十人受傷,這是外國部隊撤離後發生的一系列致命爆炸中的最新事件。
省長發言人古爾·伊斯蘭·西亞爾(Gul Islam Sial)說,路邊炸彈於週日晚在南部扎布爾省爆炸。
扎布爾省州長發言人古爾·伊斯蘭·薩爾(Gul Islam Sial)表示,爆炸發生在周日深夜,造成25人受傷,其中包括處於嚴重狀況的婦女和兒童。
Eleven people killed in bombing of bus in Southern Afghanistan - officials
Woman and children were among the wounded, he said. An interior ministry spokesman said 28 people were wounded.
MAY 10, 2021 08:51

Hospital workers carry an injured person after an attack in Kabul, Afghanistan March 6, 2020.
(photo credit: OMAR SOBHANI / REUTERS)
KABUL - A bomb has blown up a bus in Afghanistan killing at least 11 people and wounding dozens, officials said on Monday, the latest in a series of deadly blasts that has come as foreign forces withdraw.
The roadside bomb exploded late on Sunday in the southern province of Zabul, the provincial governor's spokesman, Gul Islam Sial, said.
oman and children were among the wounded, he said. An interior ministry spokesman said 28 people were wounded.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility. Taliban insurgents did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Early on Monday, a blast hit a minibus in Parwan province, just north of the capital, Kabul, killing two people and wounding nine, the Interior Ministry said.
Violence has been rising sharply in recent weeks after the United States announced it would withdraw all of its troops by Sept. 11, 20 years after al Qaeda attacks on the United States triggered U.S.-led intervention in Afghanistan.
The Taliban announced late on Sunday they would declare a three-day ceasefire for the religious holiday of Eid al-Fitr later this week.
The ceasefire declaration came two days after bombings outside a school in Kabul killed 68 people, most of them girl students, and injured more than 165 people.At least 11 people were killed and dozens injured in the bombing of a bus in Afghanistan's southern Zabul province, officials said on Monday.
The blast took place late on Sunday night, said Zabul's provincial governor's spokesman Gul Islam Sial, adding 25 people were injured including women and children who were in critical condition.
Violence in the country has been rising sharply in recent weeks after the United States announced it would withdraw troops by Sept. 11. The insurgent Taliban announced late on Sunday they would declare a three-day ceasefire for the religious holiday of Eid-ul-Fitr later this week.

在執行齋月的最後一個星期五之後,人們在巴勒斯坦人聚集的時候舉著哈馬斯國旗,抗議2021年5月7日在東耶路撒冷謝赫·賈拉(Sheikh Jarrah)居民定居的土地上驅逐幾個巴勒斯坦家庭的房屋。

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引述哈尼耶赫告訴《埃爾多安》的話:“我們的決定和巴勒斯坦人民的決定是捍衛阿克薩清真寺和耶路撒冷。” “這不僅僅是耶路撒冷居民的戰鬥,而是所有巴勒斯坦和所有穆斯林的戰鬥。”
以色列發動罷工是在所謂的哈馬斯“軍事”聯隊Izzadin al-Qassam向以色列發射了一枚火箭彈之後。
哈馬斯在加沙地帶的一位高級官員說:“為了避免進一步升級,一些國際和地區組織已經與我們取得了聯繫。” “我們明確表示,是以色列開始了當前的升級,原因是它對我們在耶路撒冷和阿克薩清真寺的人民的侵略。”
哈馬斯官員伊扎特·裡舍克(Izzat al-Risheq)說,巴勒斯坦人與警察之間在耶路撒冷的衝突“重申了新一代巴勒斯坦人有能力擊敗以色列並取得勝利。”








Egypt, Qatar and the UN urge Hamas to end violence against Israel

The United Nations, Egypt and Qatar have contacted Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh to prevent further violence. Haniyeh defended the actions taken today against Israel.
MAY 10, 2021 22:04

People hold Hamas flags as Palestinians gather after performing the last Friday of Ramadan to protest over the possible eviction of several Palestinian families from homes on land claimed by Jewish settlers in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, May 7, 2021.
(photo credit: JAMAL AWAD/FLASH90)

Egypt, Qatar and the United Nations have contacted Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in an attempt to prevent a major confrontation between the Gaza-based terrorist groups and Israel, sources close to Hamas said Monday night.
Haniyeh, who is based in Qatar, phoned Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and briefed him on the current situation in the Gaza Strip and Jerusalem, the sources said.
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“Our decision and the decision of the Palestinian people is to defend al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem,” Haniyeh was quoted as telling Erdogan. “This is not the battle of the Jerusalem residents alone, but the battle of all of Palestine and all Muslims.”
Leaders of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip threatened to step up their attacks on Israel in response to Israeli attacks on the Hamas-ruled coastal enclave.
The Israeli strikes came after Izzadin al-Qassam, the so-called “military” wing of Hamas, fired a barrage of rockets toward Israel.
“We have been contacted by some international and regional parties as part of an effort to avoid further escalation,” a senior Hamas official in the Gaza Strip said. “We made it clear that it was Israel that started the current escalation because of its aggression on our people in Jerusalem and al-Aqsa Mosque.”
The clashes in Jerusalem between Palestinians and the police “reaffirm that the new generation of Palestinians is capable of defeating Israel and achieving victory,” Hamas official Izzat al-Risheq said.

Islamic Jihad called on Palestinians to join and support the “Ramadan Intifada” against Israel.

“Our people and their brave resistance will not allow the Zionist entity to carry out its plan to Judaize Jerusalem, steal our land and storm the holy sites,” the terrorist group said in a statement.


伊朗最高領導人阿亞圖拉·阿里·哈梅內伊(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)在先知穆罕默德誕辰之際在2020年11月3日在伊朗德黑蘭發表了虛擬演講。
在最近的衝突發生的前幾天,伊朗的阿亞圖拉·哈梅內伊(Ayatollah Khamenei)及其伊斯蘭革命衛隊負責人侯賽因·薩拉米(Hossein Salami)準備了演講和媒體接觸,在其中向整個地區傳播了信息,稱以色列處於“下行螺旋式”並註定要瓦解。這則消息是在哈桑·納斯拉拉(Hassan Nasrallah)的黎巴嫩掩體中發出的,他還將在5月7日星期五的聖城日演講中強調以色列的內部分歧。
週一,緊張局勢在耶路撒冷緩和,而與伊斯蘭革命衛隊聯繫的伊朗塔斯尼姆(Tasnim)則發表了有關伊朗官僚主義的極為重要的故事。“為什麼企業家要去18個地方獲得許可證?” 這是一個很好的問題,但不是通常的“猶太復國主義即將結束”的教條。德黑蘭還有什麼其他消息?該政權正在談論維也納核談判並討論大流行病。在Fars News,故事圍繞疫苗的高昂成本和減少走私而展開。
伊朗可能會試圖克服耶路撒冷的混亂局面。它長期以來一直支持哈馬斯和真主黨,但是像往常一樣,伊朗沒有與以色列對抗的真正計劃。它更傾向於宣傳以色列正在從內部瓦解,而不是直接採取行動。這是因為伊朗知道自己的能力不足以在戰場上甚至與它的代理人對抗以色列。它試圖在Quds Day煽動混亂的火焰,但除此之外,它沒有任何表現。儘管進行了宣傳,但它並未真正侵害巴勒斯坦人,到目前為止,它仍在努力利用暴力。
What is Iran’s goal in the Jerusalem crisis?
At Iran’s Press TV, its propaganda network focused on Western audiences in English, has wall-to-wall coverage of the violence in Jerusalem.
MAY 10, 2021 12:12

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei delivers a virtual speech, on the occasion of the Prophet Mohammad's birthday, in Tehran, Iran November 3, 2020.
Iran has been fanning the flames of the confrontations in Jerusalem.
Days before the latest clashes developed, Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei and its IRGC head, Hossein Salami, prepared speeches and media engagements in which they pushed messages throughout the region, arguing that Israel is in a “downward spiral” and destined to fall apart. This message was given to Hassan Nasrallah in his Lebanon bunker where he would also emphasize Israel’s internal divisions in a Quds Day speech on Friday, May 7.
This message discipline of Iran and its proxies was clear. Days later, however, as the violence in Jerusalem has grown and western powers have joined the chorus condemning Israel, as well as countries in the Gulf, who have increased concerns. Iran has been more quiet. So what happened? Why isn’t Iran’s regime riding the chaos, exploiting it, increasing tensions in Syria?
While tensions simmer in Jerusalem on Monday, Iran’s Tasnim, which is linked to the IRGC, ran an all-important story about bureaucracy in Iran. “Why should an entrepreneur go to 18 places to get a license?” Good question, but not the usual “Zionism is ending” dogma. What other news from Tehran? The regime is talking about the Vienna nuclear talks and discussing the pandemic. At Fars News the stories revolve around the high cost of vaccines and reduction in smuggling.
There is no doubt that in English, Iran has a different message. At Iran’s Press TV, its propaganda network focused on western audiences in English, it has wall-to-wall coverage of Jerusalem. Iran-backed Hamas says Israel will pay a price for the violence and Iran notes that its foreign ministry cares deeply about Palestinian issues. Of course, we know that the ministry is in the dog house with the Iranian regime in recent weeks because of leaked tapes of Foreign Minister Javad Zarif speaking with embarrassing disrespect about the late Qasem Soleimani.
Iran may be fumbling a bit in trying to ride the chaos in Jerusalem. It has long backed Hamas and Hezbollah, but as usual, Iran has no real plan to confront Israel. It prefers the propaganda of claims that Israel is falling apart from within, rather than take direct action. This is because Iran knows its own capabilities fall short of confronting Israel on the battlefield, or even with its proxies. It sought to fan the flames of chaos on Quds Day, but beyond that, it has nothing to show for it. Despite its propaganda, it has made no real inroads with the Palestinians and so far it is struggling to exploit the violence.