Dì èr zhāng: Tiānxià jiē zhī měi zhī wèi měi, sī è yǐ; jiē zhī shànzhī wéi shàn, sī bùshàn yǐ. Gù yǒu wū xiāngshēng, nányì xiāng chéng, chángduǎn xiāngxíng, gāo xià xiāng qīng, yīn shēng xiāng hé, qiánhòu xiāng suí. Shì yǐ shèngrén chù wúwéi zhī shì, xíng bù yán zhī jiào, wànwù zuò yān ér bùcí, shēng ér bù yǒu, wéi ér bù shì, gōng chéng ér fú jū. Fū wéi fú jū, shì yǐ bù qù.
2. Abstraction
When beauty is abstracted
Then ugliness has been implied;
When good is abstracted
Then evil has been implied.
So alive and dead are abstracted from nature,
Difficult and easy abstracted from progress,
Long and short abstracted from contrast,
High and low abstracted from depth,
Song and speech abstracted from melody,
After and before abstracted from sequence.
The sage experiences without abstraction,
And accomplishes without action;
He accepts the ebb and flow of things,
Nurtures them, but does not own them,
And lives, but does not dwell.
1 天下的人都知道以美为美,这就是丑了。都知道以善为善,这就是恶了。
2 有和无是相互依存的,难和易是相互促成的,长和短互为比较,高和下互为方向,声响和 回音相呼应,前边与后边相伴随。
3 所以,圣人从事的事业,是排除一切人为努力的事业;圣人施行的教化,是超乎一切言语 之外的教化。他兴起万物却不自以为大,生养而不据为己有,施予而不自恃其能,成了也不自居其功。他不自居其功,其功却永恒不灭。
1 天下的人都知道以美為美,這就是丑了。都知道以善為善,這就是惡了。
2 有和無是相互依存的,難和易是相互促成的,長和短互為比較,高和下互為方向,聲響和 回音相呼應,前邊與後邊相伴隨。
3 所以,聖人從事的事業,是排除一切人為努力的事業;聖人施行的教化,是超乎一切言語 之外的教化。 他興起萬物卻不自以為大,生養而不據為己有,施予而不自恃其能,成了也不自居其功。他不自居其功,其功卻永恆不滅。
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