18 - 恭,寬,信,敏,惠 Gōng, kuān, xìn, mǐn, huì. | 修身篇 About Cultivation|《論語》 The Analects of Confucius

2020-08-06·1 分鐘




Zǐ yuē:`Gōng, kuān, xìn, mǐn, huì. Gōng zé bù wǔ, kuān zé dé zhòng, xìn zé rén rèn yān, mǐn zé yǒugōng, huì zé zúyǐ shǐ rén.'-“Lúnyǔ•yáng huò”
< English Translation>⁣
Confucius said, “Gravity,generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness. If you are grave,you will not be treated with disrespect. If you are generous,you will win all. If you are sincere, people will repose trust in you. If you are earnest, you will accomplish much. If you are kind,this will enable you to employ the services of others. “
< Explanation in Simplified>⁣ 

< Explanation in Traditional>⁣
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