English You 自己說英文

English You 自己說英文



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太陳腔濫調了啦! Cliché強化版

太陳腔濫調了啦! Cliché強化版

🄴 English You 自己說英文

"All roads lead to Rome." Just take the first step, and the rest will follow.「條條大路通羅馬。」先邁出第一步,接下來就會水到渠成了。Yeah, that makes sense.也是,這說得通。Don’t sweat it, everything will work out.別擔心,一切都會好的。And Rome wasn’t built in a day.而且羅馬不是一天建成的。What’s with you today? You’re full of clichés!你今天怎麼了?滿嘴都是陳腔濫調!It’s cliché but fair enough.是有點老套,但說得也沒錯。Thank you anyway.不管怎樣,還是謝謝你。支持本節目愛喝一分糖溫普洱鮮奶茶的製作者:https://open.firstory.me/user/cki2uzhdb3lun0860s62yljc5最喜歡讀你們留言~知道你們想法:https://open.firstory.me/user/cki2uzhdb3lun0860s62yljc5/commentsPowered by Firstory Hosting

這樣講英文就順耳 #2 「Gosh...太老梗了啦!陳腔濫調...」

這樣講英文就順耳 #2 「Gosh...太老梗了啦!陳腔濫調...」

🄴 English You 自己說英文

***下集會是強化記憶版,間隔固化學習,幫你安排有效的輸入***I know...It's been a whole year since I last updated my podcast.距離上次我更新podcast已經整整一年了Last year was crazy busy, I was juggling too many things at once.去年太爆忙,同時有太多事情要處理I have to juggle too many things.要處理太多事情No excuses!沒有理由!Let's get back on track!讓我們回到軌道上吧!- Gosh, that's so cliché.- For God's sake, that's so cliché!- Cliché (搭配適當口氣+白眼翻起來)放鳥/遲到的熱門藉口如下:If someone is alway late and keeps using the same typical excuses, then you can say it.如果某人總是遲到然後用那些經典熱門理由,你就可以說Cliché了Sorry, I can't make it at the last minute.抱歉我臨時不能出席了I had some things to take care of at home.我家裡有點事情需要處理I thought we were meeting at a different time.我以為我們約的是另一個時間Follow your heart跟隨你的心Be yourself做你自己Every ending is a new beginning每個結束都是一個新的開始How cheesy! (太多了!好膩!好油!)Okay...then I couldn't help but roll my eyes now.我忍不住翻白眼I couldn't help but + 動作 = 我忍不住做(某事情)支持本節目愛喝一分糖溫普洱鮮奶茶的製作者:https://open.firstory.me/user/cki2uzhdb3lun0860s62yljc5最喜歡讀你們留言~知道你們想法:https://open.firstory.me/user/cki2uzhdb3lun0860s62yljc5/commentsPowered by Firstory Hosting

能學一句算一句 #4 改變才有幸運的空間

能學一句算一句 #4 改變才有幸運的空間

🄴 English You 自己說英文

Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.Things do not get better by chance, they get better by change.Don't be the same, be better.你的人生不會偶然變好,是要靠改變事情不會偶然變好,是要靠改變別一直一樣,可以嘗試變好-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------by chance 偶然ex. I met the man by chance. 我偶然遇見那個人支持本節目愛喝一分糖溫普洱鮮奶茶的製作者:https://open.firstory.me/user/cki2uzhdb3lun0860s62yljc5最喜歡讀你們留言~知道你們想法:https://open.firstory.me/user/cki2uzhdb3lun0860s62yljc5/commentsPowered by Firstory Hosting

能學一句算一句 #3 好傻眼!真的夠了...

能學一句算一句 #3 好傻眼!真的夠了...

🄴 English You 自己說英文

I'm so done with it!我真的對這件事感到很傻眼!(受夠了...)I'm so done with you!你真的讓我受夠了!支持本節目愛喝一分糖溫普洱鮮奶茶的製作者:https://open.firstory.me/user/cki2uzhdb3lun0860s62yljc5最喜歡讀你們留言~知道你們想法:https://open.firstory.me/user/cki2uzhdb3lun0860s62yljc5/commentsPowered by Firstory Hosting

能學一句算一句 #2 真的請你別插手我的事情...

能學一句算一句 #2 真的請你別插手我的事情...

🄴 English You 自己說英文

Keep your hands off my stuff.真的請你別插手我的事情...stuff 事物支持本節目愛喝一分糖溫普洱鮮奶茶的製作者:https://open.firstory.me/user/cki2uzhdb3lun0860s62yljc5最喜歡讀你們留言~知道你們想法:https://open.firstory.me/user/cki2uzhdb3lun0860s62yljc5/commentsPowered by Firstory Hosting