HennyMandarin漢妮漢語-Chinese Idiom Story 成語故事 II Taiwan Proverb 台灣諺語 II Taiwan Culture 台灣文化

HennyMandarin漢妮漢語-Chinese Idiom Story 成語故事 II Taiwan Proverb 台灣諺語 II Taiwan Culture 台灣文化


I am an online Mandarin Teacher from Taiwan. I'd like to share my culture with you and also I will add some Taiwanese during my talks because Taiwanese is also an important language in our daily life too.

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Chinese Poetry 五言絕句 - 春曉 Spring Dawn

Chinese Poetry 五言絕句 - 春曉 Spring Dawn

🄴 HennyMandarin漢妮漢語-Chinese Idiom Story 成語故事 II Taiwan Proverb 台灣諺語 II Taiwan Culture 台灣文化

詩名: 春曉shī míng: Chūn xiǎo作者: 孟浩然zuò zhě: mèng hào rán春眠不覺曉chūn mián bù jué xiǎo,處處聞啼鳥chù chù wén tíniǎo夜來風雨聲yè lái fēng yǔ shēng花落知多少huā luò zhī duō shǎoSleeping not knowing it’s morningBirds are chirping everywhereSounds of rain and wind from last nightI wonder how many fallen flowers are there.春曉:春天的早晨。chūn xiǎo: Spring dawn聞:聽見wén: hear啼鳥:鳥的啼叫聲。tíniǎo: birds'chirping知多少:不知有多少。zhī duō shǎo: I dont know how muchYou can tell from the first line that writer was sleeping in and didn’t know it was already in the morning. He was up because of birds singing here and there. Otherwise he probably was still in bed. He remembered the sounds of rain and wind from last night and then he wondered how much flowers was falling down on the ground.Powered by Firstory Hosting

Chinese Poetry - 靜夜思 Quiet Night Thought

Chinese Poetry - 靜夜思 Quiet Night Thought

🄴 HennyMandarin漢妮漢語-Chinese Idiom Story 成語故事 II Taiwan Proverb 台灣諺語 II Taiwan Culture 台灣文化

詩名: 靜夜思Shī míng: Jìng yè sī作者:李白zuòzhě: Lǐbái床前明月光,chuáng qián míngyuèguāng疑是地上霜。yí shì dìshàng shuāng舉頭望明月,Jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè低頭思故鄉。dītóu sī gùxiāng.Before my bed there's a pool of lightI wonder if it's frost on the groundLooking up, I find the moon brightThen bowing my head, I drown in homesicknessMeaning: This is a very symbolic five character quatrain on our Chinese literature history which everyone has read and studied during our school life.This poetry is expressing that a writer was homesick under the moonlight in Fall. . During daytime, works might keep his mind occupied as well as distracted from his sadness. When it comes to the quiet night, loneliness attacked his homesick mind and reminded him he was miles away from home.Powered by Firstory Hosting

Chinese Idiom story 成語故事 - 邯鄲學步

Chinese Idiom story 成語故事 - 邯鄲學步

🄴 HennyMandarin漢妮漢語-Chinese Idiom Story 成語故事 II Taiwan Proverb 台灣諺語 II Taiwan Culture 台灣文化

相傳在兩千年前,燕國某地有一位少年,不煩惱吃也不煩惱穿,論長相也算得上中等人材,可是他就是缺乏自信心,經常無緣無故地感到事事不如人,低人一等——衣服是別人的好,飯菜是別人的香,站相坐相也是別人高貴典雅。他看見別人做什麼就學什麼但學一件事忘一件事,雖然花樣百般但始終無法做好一件事情。xiāngchuán zài liǎng qiānnián qián, yàn guó mǒu dì yǒuyī wèi shàonián, bù fánnǎo chī yě bù fánnǎo chuān, lùn cháng xiāng yě suàndé shàng zhōngděng réncái, kěshì tā jiùshì quēfá zìxìn xīn, jīngcháng wúyuán wúgù dì gǎndào shì shì bùrú rén, dīrényīděng——yīfú shì biérén de hǎo, fàncài shì biérén de xiāng, zhàn xiāng zuò xiāng yěshì biérén gāoguì diǎnyǎ. tā kànjiàn biérén zuò shénme jiùxué shénme dàn xué yī jiàn shì wàng yī jiàn shì, suīrán huāyàng bǎibān dàn shǐzhōng wúfǎ zuò hǎo yī jiàn shìqíng.家裡的人勸他改掉這個毛病,他認為是家里人管得太多。親戚和鄰居們說他愛模仿但又不成功,他也根本聽不進去。日子久了,他竟然懷疑自己該不該這樣走路,越看越覺得自己走路的姿勢太笨、太醜了。jiālǐ de rén quàn tā gǎi diào zhège máobìng, tā rènwéi shì jiālǐ rén guǎn dé tài duō. qīnqī hé línjūmen shuō tā'ài mófǎng dàn yòu bù chénggōng, tā yě gēnběn tīng bù jìnqù. rìzi jiǔle, tā jìngrán huáiyí zìjǐ gāi bù gāi zhèyàng zǒulù, yuè kàn yuè juédé zìjǐ zǒulù de zīshì tài bèn, tài chǒule.有一天,他在路上碰到幾個人說說笑笑,只聽得有人說邯鄲人走路姿勢很美。他一聽,急忙走上前去,想打聽個明白。不料想,那幾個人看見他,一陣大笑之後揚長而去。yǒu yītiān, tā zài lùshàng pèng dào jǐ gèrén shuō shuōxiào xiào, zhǐ tīng dé yǒurén shuō hándān rén zǒulù zīshì hěn měi. tā yī tīng, jímáng zǒu shàng qián qù, xiǎng dǎtīng gè míngbái. bùliào xiǎng, nà jǐ gèrén kànjiàn tā, yīzhèn dà xiào zhīhòu yángcháng ér qù.邯鄲人走路的姿勢究竟怎樣美呢?他怎麼也想像不出來,這成了他的心病。終於有一天,他瞞著家人,跑到遙遠的邯鄲學走路去了。一到邯鄲,他感到處處新鮮,簡直令人眼花繚亂。看到小孩走路,他覺得活潑、美,學;看見老人走路,他覺得穩重,學;看到婦女走路,搖擺多姿,學。就這樣,不過半月光景,他連走路也不會了,路費也花光了,只好爬著回去了。hándān rén zǒulù de zīshì jiùjìng zěnyàng měi ne? tā zěnme yě xiǎngxiàng bù chūlái, zhè chéngle tā de xīnbìng. zhōngyú yǒu yītiān, tā mánzhe jiārén, pǎo dào yáoyuǎn de hándān xué zǒulù qùle.yī dào hándān, tā gǎndào chùchù xīnxiān, jiǎnzhí lìng rén yǎnhuāliáoluàn. kàn dào xiǎohái zǒulù, tā juédé huópō, měi, xué; kànjiàn lǎorén zǒulù, tā juédé wěnzhòng, xué; kàn dào fùnǚ zǒulù, yáobǎi duō zī, xué. Jiù zhèyàng, bùguò bànyuè guāngjǐng, tā lián zǒulù yě bù huìle, lù fèi yě huā guāngle, zhǐhǎo pázhe huíqùle.2000 years ago, there was a young man who didnt need to worry about his life in Yan country. He looked better than other people but he had a lack of confidence and always felt that he was not better than anyone. Clothes looked better on other people, other people’s meals smelled better and other people even sat more elegantly than him.His family tried to convince him to get rid of this bad habit but he thought his family should not educate him on it. His relatives and neighbors said he was like a copycat but was not successful. Their advice went in one ear and out the other. He started to doubt the way he walked. The more he walked the more he thought his walking looked stupid and ugly.One day, he saw a group of people walking on the street and overheard them saying people from Hándān walk so elegantly. He immediately came forward and wanted to know about it. Unfortunately, they just looked at him and walked away.He started to become curious. He couldn’t picture the way they walked and it bothered him a lot. Finally one day, he snuck out and travelled all the way to Hándān to learn how to walk.As soon as he arrived in Hándān, he couldn’t believe what he saw. The children walked with so much energy and beauty. He decided he had to learn. The senior’s walk was so modest and humble. Again, he decided he had to learn. The women’s walk was so graceful and elegant. He decided he needed to learn all of it. Eventually through imitation of everyone else, he lost his own ability to walk and with it, he lost his success. His family and friends warned him of his bad habit but he did not listen. Having no money left, there was no way to go back home except for crawling.意思: 別一味模仿別人可到最後連自己最基礎的長處都不見了 。Yìsi: bié yīwèi mófǎng biérén kě dào zuìhòu lián zìjǐ zuì jīchǔ de cháng chù dōu bùjiànle.To imitate another without success and lose what used to be one's own ability例句 不管學什么;都不能邯鄲學步;不然連自己的長處在哪都不知道。lìjù bùguǎn xué shénme; dōu bùnéng hándānxuébù; bùrán lián zìjǐ de cháng chù zài nǎ dōu bù zhīdào.No matter what you learn, don’t do what hándānxuébù did. Otherwise you will lose your own ability.我們做人不能邯鄲學步。我要有自己的想法和個性。wǒmen zuòrén bùnéng hándānxuébù. Wǒ yào yǒu zìjǐ de xiǎngfǎ hé gèxìng.We can’t copy hándānxuébù. We need to have our own critical thinking and personality.你別有樣學樣的,邯鄲學步這例子你沒有聽過嗎?nǐ bié yǒu yàng xué yàng de, hándānxuébù zhè lìzi nǐ méiyǒu tīngguò ma?Don’t be a copycat. Have you heard of the example of hándānxuébù?Powered by Firstory Hosting