2021.07.18 國際新聞導讀-以色列要打第三劑、無國界醫師呼籲富國提供疫苗給窮國、以色列改善與海外猶太人關係、阿富汗塔利班進擊,俄國有意提供中亞軍事基地給美國

2021-07-18·27 分鐘


2021.07.18 國際新聞導讀-以色列要打第三劑、無國界醫師呼籲富國提供疫苗給窮國、以色列改善與海外猶太人關係、阿富汗塔利班進擊,俄國有意提供中亞軍事基地給美國

超過 1,000 名以色列人的新冠病毒檢測呈陽性
PM Bennett:疫苗對Delta變體的效果“顯著降低”
2021 年 7 月 17 日 22:31

總理納夫塔利·貝內特 (Naftali Bennett) 週五表示,輝瑞 (Pfizer) 疫苗針對 Delta 變體的有效性“弱於”衛生官員的預期,因為有 1,000 多人的冠狀病毒檢測呈陽性,並且更多國家被添加到以色列人將前往的地方名單中。被禁止旅行。
總理召開了一次高級衛生官員和部長會議,討論根據以色列的數字以及貝內特所說的“Delta 突變在世界範圍內跳躍式發展,包括在英國等接種疫苗的國家”,管理該病毒的下一步措施。 、以色列和美國。”
超過 570 萬以色列人至少接種了一針輝瑞疫苗,該國繼續推動公民——尤其是青少年——出去接種疫苗。
根據衛生部周六晚間的報告,週五診斷出的冠狀病毒病例數是近四個月以來最高的——1,118 人。在接受篩查的人中,1.58% 的檢測呈陽性。繁殖率 (R),即病人感染的人數,為 1.37,這意味著 Covid-19 再次傳播。
檢測呈陽性的人中有宗教事務部長馬坦·卡哈納 (Matan Kahana) 的一名顧問。他們自 7 月 12 日以來就沒有在一起過,所以他被告知不需要隔離。儘管如此,部長和他的工作人員仍被要求接受冠狀病毒檢測。
雖然每日病例繼續激增,但嚴重發病率的上升幅度更為有限。據衛生部稱,在感染者中,約有 58 人情況嚴重——週末增加了 6 人。
可能的解釋是,在目前的病毒攜帶者中,約有 2,000 名是學童,其中一半已完全接種疫苗。兩組都不太可能患上這種疾病的嚴重形式,即使它偶爾會發生。
目前,大約 60% 病情嚴重的患者已經接種了疫苗。此外,據為政府提供建議的希伯來大學研究人員稱,50 歲以上的新感染者中約有 90% 已完全 接種疫苗。
魏茨曼科學研究所的計算生物學家 Eran Segal 教授建議,“現在重症病例的百分比為 1.6%,而在第三波沒有疫苗的類似階段,這一比例為 4%”。週五在推特上發布了冠狀病毒內閣。
希伯來大學的研究人員周六預測,到 8 月上半月,預計將有 100 多起嚴重病例。
根據西格爾的說法,上週只有大約 4,000 人接種了疫苗——不足以幫助以色列重新獲得群體免疫。
此外,部長們同意為執行“快樂徽章”做準備”,該 徽章 僅允許接種疫苗、康復或最近冠狀病毒檢測呈陰性的人參加有 100 多名客人參加的婚禮和類似活動。
不遵守規則的企業將被處以 5,000 新謝克爾的罰款。
幾位高級衛生官員正在推動政府在未來兩週內為 100 人以上的所有聚會(包括在餐館)恢復綠色通行證。預計冠狀病毒內閣將在本週討論這個想法,內部人士表示他們可能會接受。
週日,一個由 1,600 名市政檢查員組成的小組將負責確保公眾戴口罩,主要是在商場和大型雜貨店。在封閉的公共場所不戴口罩的罰款是 NIS 500。
最後,部長們還同意,醫院僱用的在冠狀病毒危機期間提供幫助的所有員工將繼續受僱,直到國家預算獲得通過。這包括大約 600 名醫生和 1,600 名護士。
上週,來自全國 30 個醫療中心的數千名行政和其他支持人員對大約 200 個在大流行期間同樣受僱並面臨取消威脅的職位進行了罷工。
罷工於週四結束,在衛生部長 Nitzan Horowitz 與 Histadrut 工會達成協議後,所有員工同意重返工作崗位,該工會同樣表示,在製定國家預算之前,所有員工在COVID-19 大流行將繼續留在他們的工作中。
此外,週四還同意 Histadrut 主席 Arnon Bar-David 將與財政部討論增加這些工人的工資。
會議召開前不久,衛生部宣布有意將西班牙和吉爾吉斯斯坦列入禁運國家名單,英國、塞浦路斯、土耳其、格魯吉亞、烏干達、緬甸、斐濟、巴拿馬、柬埔寨、肯尼亞和利比里亞列入禁運國家名單。從 7 月 23 日星期五開始的國家/地區 - 這意味著如果以色列人前往這些地方,他們將不得不在返回後被隔離 7 到 14 天。
貝內特總結道:“政府將繼續監控所有事態發展,並經常召開會議討論並提前計劃下一步行動,以便公眾了解我們的發展方向和正在做的事情,不會發生意外,不會恐慌。” – 主要是通過提前規劃來預測未來。”
More than 1,000 Israelis test positive for COVID
PM Bennett: Vaccine ‘significantly less’ effective against the Delta variant
JULY 17, 2021 22:31

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett addresses the coronavirus cabinet on Friday, July 16, as number of new cases rise
(photo credit: ROEE AVRAHAM/GPO)
The effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine against the Delta variant is “weaker” than health officials had hoped, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Friday, as over 1,000 people tested positive for coronavirus and more countries were added to the list of places to which Israelis will be banned from traveling.
“We do not know exactly to what degree the vaccine helps, but it is significantly less,” Bennett said.
The prime minister held a meeting of top health officials and ministers to discuss the next steps for managing the virus in light of the numbers in Israel and what Bennett described as “the Delta mutation leaping forward around the world, including in vaccinated countries such as Britain, Israel and the US.”
He said that in “Britain, in recent days, we have seen a jump in the number of children who are being hospitalized on a daily basis. This is a development that we are aware of; we are dealing with it rationally and responsibly.”
With more than 5.7 million Israelis having received at least one shot of the Pfizer vaccine, the country continues to push for citizens – especially teenagers – to go out and get the jab.
The highest number of coronavirus cases in nearly four months was diagnosed on Friday – 1,118 people, according to the Health Ministry’s Saturday night report. Of those screened, 1.58% tested positive. The reproduction rate (R), the number of people a sick person infects, stood at 1.37 – meaning that Covid-19 is spreading again.
Among those who tested positive was an adviser to Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana. They had not been together since July 12, so he was told he did not need to enter isolation. Nonetheless, the minister and his staff were asked to take a coronavirus test.
While the spike in daily cases continues, the increase in serious morbidity has risen in a more limited way. Of those infected, some 58 were in serious condition, according to the ministry – an increase of six people over the weekend.
In April, with around 6,500 active cases like now, there were 370 patients in serious conditions.
The likely explanation is that among current virus carriers, about 2,000 are schoolchildren, and half of them were fully vaccinated. Both groups are very unlikely to develop severe forms of the disease, even though it occasionally happens.
At the moment, around 60% of the patients in serious conditions have been vaccinated. Moreover, according to Hebrew University researchers who advise the government, around 90% of newly infected people over the age of 50 are fully vaccinated.
The “percent of cases that turn critically ill is now 1.6%, compared to 4% at a similar stage in the third wave when there were no vaccines,” Prof. Eran Segal, a computational biologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science who advises the coronavirus cabinet, tweeted on Friday.
He said that even if the number of cases continues to increase, “many more cases will be needed than in the third wave to reach similarly high numbers of critically ill patients in the hospitals. This will contribute significantly to population-level immunity.”
The Hebrew University researchers predicted Saturday that more than 100 serious cases are expected by the first half of August.
The ministers met for several hours on Friday, only completing their meeting shortly before Shabbat, and agreed on several principles, the first of which was to ensure that Israel maintains a continuous inventory of vaccines and that vaccination efforts be stepped up.
According to Segal, only around 4,000 people were vaccinated last week – not enough to help move Israel back toward herd immunity.
The government also said it would evaluate the need for a third shot of the vaccine, at least for the elderly.
Next, the ministers said they would put an emphasis on rolling out rapid home testing as early as next week. Bennett said he wants to see these and other rapid tests accessible to everyone to enable life to go on during the pandemic.
FURTHERMORE, the ministers agreed to prepare for enforcing the Happy Badge," which gives access to weddings and similar events with more than 100 guests only to those who are vaccinated, recovered or holders of a recent negative coronavirus test.
The system applies to indoor gatherings where food and drinks are served and people mingle or stand, such as dancing at weddings or concerts. While there will be no cap on participants, people will be required to wear masks.
Establishments that do not follow the rules will be subject to a NIS 5,000 fine.
Several top health officials are pushing for the government to bring back the Green Pass within the next two weeks for all gatherings over 100 people, including at restaurants. The coronavirus cabinet is expected to discuss the idea this week and insiders have said they are likely to accept it.
Already on Sunday, a team of 1,600 municipal inspectors will be charged with ensuring that the public is wearing masks, mostly in malls and larger grocery stores. The fine for not wearing a mask in closed public spaces is NIS 500.
Another action authorized at the meeting is that a joint team run by the Health and Transportation ministries will examine the policies at Ben-Gurion Airport – and the relevant authorities will begin preparations for the High Holy Days and the opening of the school year in the shadow of coronavirus.
Finally, the ministers also agreed that all of the staff hired by the hospitals to help during the coronavirus crisis will remain employed until the passing of a state budget. This includes some 600 doctors and 1,600 nurses.
Last week, thousands of administrative and other support staff from 30 medical centers across the country went on strike over some 200 positions that were likewise hired during the pandemic and were under threat of cancellation.
The strike ended on Thursday and all of the employees agreed to go back to work after a deal was brokered between Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz and the Histadrut Labor Union, which similarly said that until a state budget is formulated, all employees that were hired during the COVID-19 pandemic would remain in their jobs.
The doctors, nurses and support staff who were hired to help the hospitals during the crisis were supposed to lose their jobs at the end of the month.
In addition, it was agreed on Thursday that Histadrut chairman Arnon Bar-David would discuss a wage increase for these workers with the Finance Ministry.
THE MEETING came shortly after the Health Ministry announced its intention to add Spain and Kyrgyzstan to the list of banned countries, and Britain, Cyprus, Turkey, Georgia, Uganda, Myanmar, Fiji, Panama, Cambodia, Kenya and Liberia to the list of red countries beginning Friday, July 23 – meaning that if Israelis travel to these places, they will have to be isolated upon returning for seven to 14 days.
Other countries for which there is already a severe travel warning include the United Arab Emirates, Seychelles, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, Paraguay, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Tunisia.
Additional countries are also expected to be added soon, including Thailand, Greece and Holland, according to reports from Israeli media.
The list of banned countries includes Argentina, Brazil, India, Mexico, Russia and Belarus. Israelis are prohibited from visiting these countries unless they obtain permission from a special governmental exceptions committee.
The government is expected to approve the new list of countries this week.
“The government will continue to monitor all developments and convene frequently to discuss them and plan the next steps in advance,” Bennett concluded, “so that the public will understand where we are going and what we are doing, without the mishaps, without panic – and mainly, with advance planning, to anticipate the future.”
美國如何在 8 月 31 日之前確保阿富汗的和平
魯莽的撤退可能會將阿富汗變成恐怖組織的遊樂場,而塔利班可能會再次邀請基地組織重蹈 2001 年 9 月 11 日的襲擊。
2021 年 7 月 17 日 15:49

2019 年,一名阿富汗女孩在喀布爾郊區的一個難民營裡抱著一個孩子。
(照片來源:OMAR SOBHANI / 路透社)
4 月,美國總統拜登宣布美軍將在 9 月 11 日之前從阿富汗撤軍。此後他將日期推遲到 8 月 31 日。魯莽撤退可能會使阿富汗成為恐怖組織的遊樂場,塔利班可能再次邀請所有基地組織將重複 2001 年 9 月 11 日那樣的襲擊。然而,負責任的撤離是可能的,這可以保護美國在過去二十年的成就並防止阿富汗政府崩潰。
啟動強硬派塔利班思想“正常化”的進程對於締造和平進程至關重要。大多數戰場上的塔利班仍然夢想著勝利,因為他們知道阿富汗的穆斯林在過去的一個世紀裡擊敗了三個超級大國。第一個是 1920 年代的英國,然後是 1980 年代的蘇聯,現在是美國。一名塔利班發言人甚至稱該協議是“在白頭巾面前挫敗了白宮的傲慢”。
How the US can secure peace in Afghanistan by August 31
A reckless withdrawal could turn Afghanistan into a playground for terrorist groups, and the Taliban could again invite al-Qaeda to repeat attacks such as those on September 11, 2001.
JULY 17, 2021 15:49

AN AFGHAN girl carries a child at a refugee camp on the outskirts of Kabul in 2019.
(photo credit: OMAR SOBHANI / REUTERS)
In April, US President Biden announced that US troops would withdraw from Afghanistan by September 11. He has since moved the date up to August 31. A reckless withdrawal could turn Afghanistan into a playground for terrorist groups, and the Taliban could again invite al-Qaeda to repeat attacks such as those on September 11, 2001. However, a responsible withdrawal is possible that could protect the accomplishments of the US in the last two decades and prevent the Afghan government from collapsing.
Neither Americans nor Afghans want the US to stay in Afghanistan forever, but no one wants the repetition of the 2011 exit mistake from Iraq that caused the rise of ISIS, causing US forces to return to fight the terrorists. To facilitate a responsible withdrawal, the US must first achieve a few goals.
First of all, Biden should explicitly tell the Taliban that the US will come back to Afghanistan with enormous force if the group breaks the terms of the agreement, refuses to resolve the issues by intra-Afghan talks and invites al-Qaeda to again use Afghan soil against the US and its allies after the departure. Warning the Taliban of possible strict sanctions on their leadership, and future targeting of their sanctuaries in case of violation is pivotal for the US to compel them to abide by their commitments.
Moreover, the US will shortly lose bases in Afghanistan from which it has launched combat missions and monitored terrorist groups such as the Taliban, al-Qaeda and the Islamic State. However, a hasty US military withdrawal could reverse the gains for which US troops and their NATO allies fought and spent trillions of dollars over the course of two decades.
The US needs to set conditions for security guarantees if the peace process collapses, and the Taliban returns to war. For that scenario, the US should get bases in the neighboring central and south Asian countries to show the Taliban that its forces are in the region, and can return quickly with counterterrorism operations if the group rejects the negotiated solution and tries to forcefully recapture Afghanistan after the withdrawal.
Furthermore, the US withdrawal should be conditioned on a permanent ceasefire from the Taliban, which will show if they were sincere in the negotiations or only remain interested in victory.
Leaving before a lasting ceasefire is established is an invitation to civil war, leading to a Taliban victory. In fact, the Taliban began celebrating victory after the announcement of the withdrawal, claiming that the US was on the verge of defeat. The Taliban have already prepared militarily for an irresponsible withdrawal scenario. Securing a lasting ceasefire before the departure could stimulate the Taliban to resolve any issues through intra-Afghan talks.
SIMILARLY, RESTARTING the intra-Afghan talks and reaching consensus on major issues – particularly on the power-sharing structure, controversial clauses of the constitution, and upcoming Afghan elections – are paramount before forces withdraw. Certainly, the Taliban will reject a negotiated solution after the US exit, and the intra-Afghan talks would collapse directly.
In that situation, the Taliban would choose war to capture Kabul because they achieved immense support from the regional powers during their incessant visits. Also, the Taliban’s morale has risen enormously after thousands of their veteran fighters were released, a majority of whom have again started fighting with Afghan military.
Initiating a process of “normalizing” the minds of the hard-line Taliban is crucial for the peace-making process. Most battlefield Taliban are still dreaming of victory, knowing the Muslims of Afghanistan have defeated three superpowers in the past century. The first was Great Britain in the 1920s, then the Soviet Union in the 1980s, and now the US. A Taliban spokesman even called the agreement “the defeat of the arrogance of the White House in the face of the white turban.”
These ideologue warriors have also announced they plan to sustain the war against the Afghan government after dealing with the US, which could collapse the entire peace process once the withdrawal is completed.
The war in Afghanistan will continue until the Taliban establish outside sanctuaries where their main leadership, policy-makers and decision-making bodies are in safe havens, recruiting and training fresh madrasa students for boosting the war. Ending the US war in Afghanistan will be tough without first shutting down Taliban sanctuaries near the border. These sanctuaries provide tremendous human resources for escalating the conflict and are a major source of international terrorism.
On the other hand, a great amount of the Taliban’s funds for insurgency comes from wealthy Muslims in Gulf states, especially Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi, where the group’s representatives frequently go to raise money. Eliminating those sources of funding would immensely ruin the Taliban’s war economy and compel them to end the war.
The Biden administration should talk to Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh and Mohammed bin Zayed in Abu Dhabi to convince them to stop allowing the funding of the Taliban and to act against those who are backing terrorists and prolonging America’s longest war.
Finally, the US should engage diplomatically with the region’s countries before exiting in order to support a negotiated settlement, as these actors’ interests are contradicted by Taliban militancy in Afghanistan. For instance, Pakistan backs the Taliban in order to control Afghanistan’s foreign policy and counter India’s soft-power influence, while Iran is seeking interests in an unstable Afghanistan, and India is striving for peace in order to capture central Asian markets.
Pakistan and Iran’s roles are important to the success or failure of the peace process. Both countries could play the role of spoilers and destroy the entire negotiating process if they see war as being in their national interests.
The writer is a political analyst focusing on US foreign policy.
俄羅斯提議美國使用中亞基地獲取阿富汗情報 - 紙
2021 年 7 月 17 日 17:57

2011 年 3 月 10 日,俄羅斯總理弗拉基米爾·普京(右)在莫斯科會晤時與時任美國副總統喬·拜登握手。
據《生意人報》週六報導,美國 總統弗拉基米爾·普京( Vladimir Putin)於 6 月向美國總統喬·拜登 (Joe Biden) 提供了使用俄羅斯在中亞的軍事基地從阿富汗收集信息的機會,當時美國軍隊正在撤離該國。
隨著美軍在 20 年戰爭後撤出,塔利班戰士取得了重大進展,這是莫斯科的安全問題,擔心難民可能被推入中亞後院,其南部防禦側翼不穩定。
《生意人報》援引消息人士的話報導稱,在華盛頓和莫斯科關係冷淡期間,普京在 6 月 16 日與拜登在日內瓦舉行的會談中提議,他們在阿富汗問題上進行協調,並將俄羅斯在塔吉克斯坦和吉爾吉斯斯坦的基地投入“實際使用” ,這是在華盛頓和莫斯科之間的一個罕見提議。
Russia offered US use of Central Asia bases for Afghan intel - paper
Vladimir Putin offered Joe Biden use of Russian military bases for information gathering from Afghanistan.
JULY 17, 2021 17:57

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (R) shakes hands with then US Vice President Joe Biden during their meeting in Moscow March 10, 2011.
President Vladimir Putin in June offered US counterpart Joe Biden the use of Russian military bases in Central Asia for information gathering from Afghanistan, the Kommersant newspaper reported on Saturday, as American troops leave the country.
Taliban fighters have made major advances as US forces pull out after 20 years of war, a security headache for Moscow which fears refugees may be pushed into its Central Asian backyard and its southern defensive flank destabilized.
In a rare offer during a period of frosty relations between Washington and Moscow, Putin proposed at June 16 talks with Biden in Geneva that they coordinate on Afghanistan and put Russia's bases in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan to "practical use," Kommersant reported, citing sources.
The newspaper said this could involve the exchange of information obtained using drones but that there had been no concrete response from the US side. The Kremlin did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Earlier this month, Reuters reported that the Biden administration was in talks with Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan about temporarily taking in thousands of Afghans who worked with US forces and now face threats from the Taliban, citing three sources familiar with the matter.
Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday said the US and NATO alliance withdrawal from Afghanistan made the political and military situation more uncertain, which in turn exacerbated the terrorist threat in the region.
Speaking at a conference with senior Central Asian officials in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, Lavrov said Russia wanted to help kickstart peace talks between the warring sides in Afghanistan
無國界醫生組織發起請願,要求公平分配 COVID 疫苗
2021 年 7 月 17 日 20:31

2020 年 6 月 24 日,在南非索韋託的 Baragwanath 醫院,在該國首次針對新型冠狀病毒的潛在疫苗進行人體臨床試驗期間,一名醫務人員在等待接受注射的志願者與他們交談。
非營利組織 無國界醫生 呼籲其全球成員 簽署請願書, 以實現公平的疫苗分配並幫助結束 COVID-19 危機。
這份請願書發布之際,以色列發起了一項運動,為其免疫功能低下的公民提供加強注射,而且總理納夫塔利·貝內特 (Naftali Bennett) 週五表示,衛生專家正在研究是否應向其他人口,尤其是老年人注射第三針。
以色列至少向大約 570 萬符合條件的公民注射了一劑。Delta 變種 導致全球病例激增,包括在猶太國家。一些研究表明,輝瑞疫苗對感染變異的有效率為 64%。
世界上超過 40% 的疫苗劑量已用於高收入國家。低收入國家只管理了 1%。
上週,世界衛生組織總幹事 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus 博士猛烈抨擊了在如此多的國家幾乎無法獲得第一劑疫苗的情況下提供加強劑的想法,即使是對風險最大的醫護人員和老年人也是如此。
“我們現在正在做出有意識的選擇,不保護有需要的人,”他說,並呼籲輝瑞和 Moderna“全力以赴供應 COVAX、非洲疫苗採購工作組以及中低收入國家。”
具體來說,它呼籲他的政府盡快和廣泛地分享更多的剩餘疫苗劑量;幫助擴大 mRNA 疫苗的生產能力;消除限制疫苗生產能力的知識產權壁壘;並打開“黑匣子”,揭示製藥公司如何花費納稅人的錢將疫苗推向市場。
該組織寫道:“與 COVID-19 的鬥爭是全球性的——只有我們在全球範圍內、自由、快速地共享我們的資源,才能取得成功。” “現在加上你的名字,並要求我們給每個人一個機會。”
非營利組織無國界醫生呼籲其來自世界各地的成員簽署請願書,以實現公平的疫苗分配並幫助結束 COVID-19 危機。
請願書發布之際,以色列發起了一項運動,為其免疫功能低下的公民提供加強注射,而且總理納夫塔利·貝內特 (Naftali Bennett) 週五表示,衛生專家正在研究是否應向其他人口,尤其是老年人注射第三針。
以色列至少向大約 570 萬符合條件的公民注射了一劑。Delta 變種導致全球病例激增,包括在猶太國家。一些研究表明,輝瑞疫苗對感染病毒的有效率為 64%。
世界上超過 40% 的疫苗劑量已用於高收入國家。低收入國家只管理了 1%。
上週,世界衛生組織總幹事特德羅斯·阿達諾姆·格布雷耶蘇斯博士猛烈抨擊了在如此多的國家幾乎無法獲得第一劑疫苗的情況下提供助推器的想法,即使是對他們的醫護人員和風險最大的老年人也是如此。 .
“我們現在正在做出有意識的選擇,而不是保護那些有需要的人,”他說,並呼籲輝瑞和 Moderna“全力以赴供應 Covax、非洲疫苗採購工作組以及低收入和中等收入國家。”
具體來說,它呼籲他的政府盡快和廣泛地分享更多的剩餘疫苗劑量;幫助擴大 mRNA 疫苗的生產能力;消除限制疫苗生產能力的知識產權壁壘;打開“黑匣子”,揭示製藥公司如何花費納稅人的錢將疫苗推向市場。
該組織寫道:“對抗 COVID-19 的鬥爭是全球性的——只有我們在全球範圍內、自由、快速地共享我們的資源,才能取得成功。” “現在加上你的名字,並要求我們給每個人一個機會。”
Doctors Without Borders launches petition for fair COVID vaccine allotment
“This pandemic will not be over until it's over for everyone, everywhere,” said Doctors Without Borders who called for equitable coronavirus distribution.
JULY 17, 2021 20:31

A medical worker talks to volunteers as they wait to receive an injection during the country's first human clinical trial for a potential vaccine against the novel coronavirus, at the Baragwanath hospital in Soweto, South Africa, June 24, 2020.
The nonprofit organization Doctors Without Borders is calling on its members worldwide to sign a petition to enable equitable vaccine distribution and help end the COVID-19 crisis.
“This pandemic will not be over until it’s over for everyone, everywhere,” the organization wrote on its petition webpage, which was distributed over the weekend via email to its member list and through social media. “The world needs more doses now. Every day we wait, more people will die. We run the risk that new variants – possibly with the potential to spread in spite of currently available vaccines – will take hold.”
The petition comes as Israel launched a campaign to provide booster shots to its immunocompromised citizens and as Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Friday that health experts are examining whether third shots should be administered to the rest of the population, especially the elderly.
Israel had administered at least one dose to some 5.7 million eligible citizens. The Delta variant is causing a surge in cases worldwide, including in the Jewish state. Some studies have shown the Pfizer vaccine to be only 64% effective against contracting the variant.
More than 40% of the world’s vaccine doses have been used in high-income countries. Low-income countries have administered just 1%.
Last week, World Health Organization Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus slammed the notion of providing boosters when so many nations have had little access to first doses, even for their healthcare workers and elderly who are most at-risk.
“We are making conscious choices right now not to protect those in need,” he said, calling on Pfizer and Moderna to “go all out to supply COVAX, the Africa Vaccine Acquisition Task Team and low- and middle-income countries.”
Doctors Without Borders called it “unconscionable that millions more people will die waiting for vaccines just because of where they live.”
The petition will be submitted to US President Joe Biden, the organization said.
Specifically, it is calling on his administration to share more surplus vaccine doses as quickly and widely as possible; help scale up mRNA vaccine manufacturing capacity; remove intellectual property barriers that limit the ability to produce the vaccines; and open the “black box” to reveal how pharmaceutical corporations spend taxpayer dollars to bring vaccines to market.
“The fight against COVID-19 is global – and will only be successful if we share our resources globally, freely, and quickly,” the organization wrote. “Add your name now and demand that we give everyone a shot.”
The non-profit organization Doctors Without Borders is calling on its members from around the world to sign a petition to enable equitable vaccine distribution and help end the COVID-19 crisis.
“This pandemic will not be over until it's over for everyone, everywhere,” the organization wrote on its petition webpage, which was distributed over the weekend via email to its member list and through social media. “The world needs more doses now. Every day we wait, more people will die. We run the risk that new variants—possibly with the potential to spread in spite of currently available vaccines—will take hold.”
The petition comes as Israel launched a campaign to provide booster shots to its immunocompromised citizens and as Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said Friday that health experts are examining whether third shots should be administered to the rest of the population, especially the elderly.
Israel had administered at least one dose to some 5.7 million eligible citizens. The Delta variant is causing a surge in cases worldwide, including in the Jewish State. Some studies have shown the Pfizer vaccine to be only 64% effective against contracting the virus.
More than 40% of the world’s vaccine doses have been used in high-income countries. Low income countries have administered just 1%.
Last week, the director-general of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, slammed the notion of providing boosters when so many nations have had little access to first doses, even for their healthcare workers and elderly who are most at-risk.
“We are making conscious choices right now not to protect those in need,” he said, calling on Pfizer and Moderna to “go all out to supply Covax, the Africa Vaccine Acquisition Task Team and low- and middle-income countries.”
Doctors Without Borders called it “unconscionable that millions more people will die waiting for vaccines just because of where they live.”
The petition will be submitted to US President Joe Biden, the organization said.
Specifically, it is calling on his administration to share more surplus vaccine doses as quickly and widely as possible; help scale up mRNA vaccine manufacturing capacity; remove intellectual property barriers that limit the ability to produce the vaccines; open the “black box” to reveal how pharmaceutical corporations spend taxpayer dollars to bring vaccines to market.
“The fight against COVID-19 is global—and will only be successful if we share our resources globally, freely, and quickly,” the organization wrote. “Add your name now and demand that we give everyone a shot.”
2021 年 7 月 17 日 08:29

2020 年 1 月 11 日,來自加利福尼亞州各地的伊朗裔美國人聚集在洛杉磯參加加利福尼亞自由伊朗大會,並表達對伊朗全國抗議活動的支持,與會者揮舞旗幟。
與阿瓦士人權組織有聯繫的在線活動人士報告了伊朗西南部阿瓦士地區的抗議活動。Akhbar Alaan 和其他媒體的報導也說有示威活動。網上發布的視頻顯示了抗議活動,主要是在晚上,很難確認還發生了什麼。
伊朗官方媒體似乎沒有報導抗議活動,甚至沒有輕描淡寫,或指責他們犯有某些罪行。Al-Hurra 上週報導稱,該地區最近也發生了爆炸。據伊朗石油部通訊社報導,這包括“穿越該市西部的一條石油管道發生爆炸”。
Susangerd 的抗議視頻也被稱為 Khafajiyeh,也在網上發布。在阿瓦茲人權組織,許多抗議視頻被放到網上。另一名激進分子還發布了來自哈米迪耶市的視頻,該市距離蘇桑格德有 30 分鐘車程,位於主要城市阿瓦士之外。
Protests reported in Iran’s Ahwaz region
The region has had many protests over the years against the regime, which has targeted Ahwaz activists abroad.
JULY 17, 2021 08:29

Attendees wave flags as Iranian Americans from across California converge in Los Angeles to participate in the California Convention for a Free Iran and to express support for nationwide protests in Iran from Los Angeles, California, U.S., January 11, 2020.
(photo credit: REUTERS/ PATRICK T. FALLON)
Online activists who are connected to Ahwaz human rights groups have reported protests in southwest Iran in the Ahwaz region. Reports at Akhbar Alaan and other outlets have also said there are demonstrations. Videos posted online showed protests, primarily at night, and it was difficult to confirm what else was occurring.
The reports say that Ahwaz residents of the region, which is mostly made up of Arab minorities within Iran, had been angry over lack of clean water. This was attributed to Tehran’s building of new dams.
There is also an ongoing anger over discrimination and a feeling that the region is marginalized. The region has had many protests over the years against the regime, which has targeted Ahwaz activists abroad. Activists in Europe and the UK, had vowed to hold a protest over the weekend in response.
Iranian state-affiliated media did not appear to report the protests, even to downplay them, or accuse them of some crimes. Al-Hurra reported last week that there was a recent explosion in the region as well. This included an “explosion in one of the oil pipelines crossing the western part of the city, according to the Iranian Oil Ministry's news agency.”
The explosion, at the time, killed three workers who were carrying out maintenance work, the report said. It happened in Ahwaz, the capital of the Khuzestan region, a report said. “Such accidents in industrial facilities are common in Iran.”
Video of protests in Susangerd, also known as Khafajiyeh, was also posted online. At the Ahwazi Organization for Human Rights, many videos of protests were put online. Another activists also posted videos from the city of Hamidiyeh, which is a thirty minute drive from Susangerd and is outside of the main city of Ahwaz.
It was impossible to confirm if the videos were actually from these places or the general lack of reporting and the fact that Iran suppresses information, means it is difficult to know what is going on.
PM Bennett警告Tisha Be'av猶太人不團結的歷史危險
2021 年 7 月 17 日 22:20

納夫塔利·貝內特總理在 Av 齋月 9 日開始時與他的兒子一起閱讀《哀歌》。
總理納夫塔利·貝內特( Naftali Bennett)在周六晚發表的評論中警告說,不團結對猶太人造成的歷史性危險及其未能完成統一主權的第八個十年,這是 Tisha Be'av 齋戒的開始。
“我們兩次失敗並列出了我們的猶太國家,這一次我們將保留它,”貝內特在周六晚上發佈到 Facebook 的評論中發誓。
公元前 11 世紀和 10 世紀的以色列王國在大衛王登基約 78 年後分裂為兩個國家,而獨立的公元前 2 世紀和 1 世紀的哈斯蒙尼王國在獨立 73 年後被羅馬人征服。
貝內特寫道:“現在我們第三次擁有一個獨立的國家,而且我們已經進入了它的第 8 個十年,我們必須盡一切努力保護它——永遠保護它。”
在一次缺乏團結和理解的事件中,數百名強硬的宗教猶太復國主義活動家來到西牆的平等主義區並在那裡舉行祈禱儀式,嚴重擾亂了 Masorti(保守黨)團體的服務。
平等主義部分通常由 Masorti(保守派)和改革運動用於祈禱服務和慶祝活動,並在本世紀初由高等法院指定用於此目的。
PM Bennett warns of historic danger of Jewish dis