(Eng) Xiaomi 11 ultra Review defeat Samsung phone? - Lens by Taiwan 3406玉晶光

2021-07-21·16 分鐘


Mi 11 Ultra is the top flagship configuration of Mi 11 series. In addition to being equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 mobile platform, it is equipped with a 120Hz 2K AMOLED quad-curved screen. The screen also supports Dolby Vision, HDR10+ and 1.07 billion color image colors; on the back of the fuselage It also provides a 1.1-inch AMOLED screen with an Always-On screen that can preview messages and assist in selfies

In addition, Mi 11 Ultra provides 67W wired and wireless charging (100% full charge in 36 minutes), a rear three-lens main camera that supports 8K 24fps video recording; the international version provides a single version of 12GB + 256GB

Mi 11 Ultra is available in China with 8GB + 256GB, 12GB + 256GB, Marble Special Edition (12GB + 512GB) and other versions. The suggested prices are 5,999, 6,499, 6,999 RMB (about 26,095, 28,390, 30,440 Taiwan dollars); the international version only There are 12GB + 256GB specifications, the price is 1,199 euros (about 40,358 Taiwan dollars

Following UBS and Citi’s relay call into Yujingguang (3406), JPMorgan Chase said that benefiting from the iPhone 12’s hot sale, Yujingguang announced that its June revenue forecast was significantly better than expected, and it will challenge 1.1 billion yuan, flipping April and May sharply. With the trend of recession, Yujingguang has won most of the iPhone 13 orders to support the upward operation, and reiterated its "outperform" rating. The target price has been revised from 600 yuan to 650 yuan.

JPMorgan Chase said that Yujingguang has surged 17% in the past month, indicating that the market is becoming more optimistic about its operations from the second half of the year to next year. Prior to this, thanks to the iPhone 12’s hot sales, Yujingguang is expected to take the lead in paying good results in June. It is estimated that it exceeded 1.1 billion yuan last month, 10% higher than market estimates.

Yujingguang's revenue in April and May declined by nearly 30% compared with the same period last year. JPMorgan Chase believes that the good results in June are expected to inspire investor confidence. As for the gross profit margin in the second quarter may remain at a low level of 34%, net profit per share (EPS) is 1.8 yuan, which is about 8% lower than market estimates.

JPMorgan Chase recommends that the market's attention be further turned to the iPhone 13. It is estimated that Yujingguang won 45% of the orders for the wide-angle lens of the four new models, 50% of the ultra-wide-angle lens, 35% of the telephoto lens, and 50% of the ToF lens. Last year’s four categories Each won 30%, 50-60%, 0% and 50-60%. The growth of the new machine is optimistic until 2022, and the EPS will be revised up to 24.9 yuan and 35 yuan this year and next year.





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繼瑞銀、花旗接力喊進玉晶光(3406),摩根大通表示,受惠iPhone 12熱賣,玉晶光公布6月營收預估大幅優於預期,將挑戰11億元,翻轉4、5月大幅衰退的趨勢,配合玉晶光拿下iPhone 13多數訂單支持營運向上,重申「優於大盤」評級,目標價自600元上修到650元。
摩根大通表示,玉晶光過去一個月大漲17%,顯示市場對下半年到明年的營運轉趨樂觀,而在此之前,受益於iPhone 12熱賣,玉晶光6月營收有望率先繳出好成績,預估上個月超過11億元,較市場財測高出10%。

摩根大通建議市場目光進一步轉向iPhone 13,預估玉晶光在四款新機的廣角鏡拿下45%訂單,超廣角鏡50%,遠攝鏡頭35%,另外ToF鏡頭也拿下50%,去年四類各拿下30%、50-60%、0%及50-60%。新機成長力道看好到2022年,今明年EPS上修至24.9元、35元

小米 11 Ultra 是小米 11 系列之中擁有頂級的旗艦配置,除了搭載 Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 行動平台,配備 120Hz 2K AMOLED 四曲面螢幕,螢幕更支援了 Dolby Vision、HDR10+ 與 10.7 億色圖像色彩;機身背面還提供 1.1 吋 AMOLED 螢幕,具備 Always-On 螢幕,能夠預覽訊息、自拍輔助使用

此外,小米 11 Ultra 提供 67W 有線與無線充電(36 分鐘可充滿 100%),後置三鏡頭主相機,支援 8K 24fps 錄影;國際版提供 12GB + 256GB 單一版本

小米 11 Ultra 在中國共有 8GB + 256GB、12GB + 256GB、大理石紋路特別版(12GB + 512GB)等版本,建議售價分別為 5,999、6,499、6,999 人民幣(約 26,095、28,390、30,440 台幣);國際版僅有 12GB + 256GB 規格,價格為 1,199 歐元(約 40,358 台幣

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