2021.11.03 國際新聞導讀-世界領袖COP26會議決定2030年起禁止砍伐森林救地球、美國俄國情報頭子會晤、以色列總理呼籲注意伊朗核武、衣索比亞內戰加劇提格雷人民解放陣線向首都進軍、敘利亞阿塞德政權穩定,俄羅斯與以色列有利益聯手將伊朗趕出敘利亞

2021-11-03·22 minutes


2021.11.03 國際新聞導讀-世界領袖COP26會議決定2030年起禁止砍伐森林救地球、美國俄國情報頭子會晤、以色列總理呼籲注意伊朗核武、衣索比亞內戰加劇提格雷人民解放陣線向首都進軍、敘利亞阿塞德政權穩定,俄羅斯與以色列有利益聯手將伊朗趕出敘利亞

2021 年 11 月 2 日 21:46

2020 年 11 月 9 日,阿姆哈拉地區民兵成員乘坐卡車前往與埃塞俄比亞提格雷接壤的阿姆哈拉地區桑賈的提格雷人民解放陣線(TPLF)。

在 TPLF 聲稱最近幾天佔領了幾個城鎮並表示它可能會向亞的斯亞貝巴進軍之後,緊急狀態立即生效,該地區距離他們的前沿陣地以南約 380 公里(235 英里)。
他說,任何違反緊急狀態的人都將面臨 3 到 10 年的監禁,罪名是向“恐怖組織”提供財務、物質或精神支持等罪行。

2021 年 3 月 18 日,埃塞俄比亞提格雷地區 Adwa 鎮附近一座被燒毀的坦克(圖片來源:BAZ RATNER/REUTERS)
埃塞俄比亞上一次在 2018 年 2 月實施了這樣的措施,這是在權力移交給阿比之前的六個月。宵禁得到執行,人們的行動受到限制,數千人被拘留。

美國最昂貴的豪宅——這個家真的很了不起由 Mansion Global 贊助
埃塞俄比亞 10 個地區中的四個地區的政府也呼籲埃塞俄比亞人動員起來對抗提格雷軍隊,國家附屬法納電視台說。
曾經被認為是動盪地區穩定的西方盟友的衝突已使提格雷約 40 萬人陷入飢荒,數千名平民喪生,並迫使北部超過 250 萬人逃離家園。
它於 2020 年 11 月 3 日晚上爆發,當時忠於 TPLF 的部隊(包括一些士兵)佔領了北部地區提格雷的軍事基地。作為回應,阿比向那裡派遣了更多軍隊。
TPLF 主導了埃塞俄比亞政治近三十年,但在經過多年的反政府抗議活動後,阿比於 2018 年上任時失去了很大的影響力。
在他們指責他以犧牲埃塞俄比亞地區國家為代價來集中權力後,與 TPLF 的關係惡化——阿比否認了這一指控。
TPLF 發言人 Getachew Reda 表示,如果提格雷軍隊及其盟友成功推翻政府,他們將建立一個臨時政府。“如果政府垮台,我們肯定會有臨時安排。”
最近幾天,TPLF 聲稱在阿姆哈拉地區抓獲了 Dessie、Kombolcha 和 Burka。
一位政府發言人對抓捕 Dessie 和 Kombolcha 提出異議,但後來發表聲明稱,TPLF“滲透者”在 Kombolcha 殺害了 100 名青年。
杰弗裡·費爾特曼 (Jeffrey Feltman) 說,主要是政府的限制阻止了人道主義援助到達人們手中。
同樣在周二,美國總統喬·拜登 (Joe Biden ) 的政府指責埃塞俄比亞“嚴重侵犯了國際公認的人權”,並表示計劃將該國從《非洲增長與機會法案》(AGOA) 貿易協定中移除,該協定賦予其免稅准入權。到美國。
埃塞俄比亞貿易部表示,對美國的舉動“極為失望”,並呼籲在 1 月前逆轉。
Ethiopia declares state of emergency amid Tigray mayhem
Authorities in Addis Ababa told residents to register their arms and prepare to defend their neighborhoods.
NOVEMBER 2, 2021 21:46

Members of Amhara region militias ride on their truck as they head to face the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), in Sanja, Amhara region near a border with Tigray, Ethiopia November 9, 2020.

(photo credit: REUTERS/TIKSA NEGERI)
Ethiopia declared a six-month state of emergency on Tuesday after forces from the northern region of Tigray said they were gaining territory and considering marching on the capital Addis Ababa.
The announcement came two days after Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed urged citizens to take up arms to defend themselves against the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF).
Earlier on Tuesday, authorities in Addis Ababa told residents to register their arms and prepare to defend their neighborhoods.
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The state of emergency was imposed with immediate effect after the TPLF claimed to have captured several towns in recent days and said it might march on Addis Ababa, about 380 km (235 miles) to the south of their forward positions.

"Our country is facing a grave danger to its existence, sovereignty and unity. And we can’t dispel this danger through the usual law enforcement systems and procedures," Justice Minister Gedion Timothewos told a state media briefing.

He said anyone violating the emergency would face three to 10 years in prison, for offenses such as providing financial, material or moral support to "terrorist groups."

A burned tank stands near the town of Adwa, Tigray region, Ethiopia, March 18, 2021 (credit: BAZ RATNER/REUTERS)

Ethiopia last imposed such a measure in February 2018 for six months ahead of the transition of power to Abiy. Curfews were enforced and people's movements restricted, while thousands of people were detained.
The Addis Ababa city administration said people should register their weapons and gather in their neighborhoods. House-to-house searches were being conducted and troublemakers arrested, a statement said.

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"Residents can gather in their locality and safeguard their surroundings. Those who have weapons but can't take part in safeguarding their surroundings are advised to handover the weapon to the government or their close relatives or friends."
Before the announcement, people moved around the capital as normal.
"I will try to buy food commodities in advance. But so far I haven't yet purchased anything," said one woman who asked not to be named.
The governments of four of Ethiopia's 10 regions also called upon Ethiopians to mobilize to fight against the Tigrayan forces, state-affiliated Fana TV said.
The conflict in what was once considered a stable Western ally in a volatile region has plunged around 400,000 people in Tigray into famine, killed thousands of civilians and forced more than 2.5 million people in the north to flee their homes.
It erupted on the night of Nov. 3, 2020 when forces loyal to the TPLF - including some soldiers - seized military bases in Tigray, a northern region. In response, Abiy sent more troops there.
The TPLF had dominated Ethiopian politics for nearly three decades but lost much influence when Abiy took office in 2018 following years of anti-government protests.
Relations with the TPLF soured after they accused him of centralizing power at the expense of Ethiopia's regional states - an accusation Abiy denies.
TPLF spokesperson Getachew Reda said that if Tigrayan forces and their allies succeeded in removing the government, they would establish an interim government. "If the government falls, we will definitely have an interim arrangement."
There would also need to be a national dialog, he said, but Abiy and his ministers would not be asked to take part. "They will have their day in court," he said.
The TPLF has claimed the capture of Dessie, Kombolcha and Burka, all in the Amhara region, in recent days.
A government spokesperson disputed the capture of Dessie and Kombolcha but later released a statement saying TPLF "infiltrators" had killed 100 youths in Kombolcha.
Spokespeople for the government, military and the Amhara region did not return calls seeking further comment on Tuesday.
On Monday night, Tigrayan forces said they had linked up with fighters from an Oromo force also fighting the central government. The Oromo are Ethiopia's biggest ethnic group. Many of their political leaders are currently in prison.
The US Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa said on Tuesday Washington was alarmed by the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the north, including signs of famine, and urged all sides to find ways to de-escalate and let aid in.
Jeffrey Feltman said it was mostly government restrictions that were preventing humanitarian help from getting to people.
Abiy's government had denied blocking food aid.
Also on Tuesday, US President Joe Biden's administration accused Ethiopia of "gross violations of internationally recognized human rights" and said it planned to remove the country from the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) trade agreement which gives it duty-free access to the United States.
Ethiopia's trade ministry said it was "extremely disappointed" by the US move and called for a reversal by January.
"The Ethiopian government takes all human rights allegations seriously: we are looking at them and conducting investigations and we are committed to ensuring accountability," it said.
約翰遜:我們需要一些以色列的精神來對抗英國的 COVID-19;貝內特將於 2022 年初訪問印度。
2021 年 11 月 2 日 21:22

英國首相鮑里斯·約翰遜於 2021 年 11 月 1 日抵達英國蘇格蘭格拉斯哥參加聯合國氣候變化會議(COP26)時迎接以色列總理納夫塔利·貝內特。

格拉斯哥——一位外交消息人士稱,總理納夫塔利·貝內特 (Naftali Bennett)在周一和周二在聯合國氣候變化會議上會見了領導人,他告訴領導人,與伊朗有雙邊關係的國家需要採取更強硬的立場向其新政府施壓。
伊朗總統易卜拉欣·賴西 (Ebrahim Raisi) 是一名法官,他負責監督處決數千名伊朗持不同政見者的敢死隊,其中包括婦女和兒童。他和伊朗內閣 30 名成員中的另外 11 人因與恐怖主義、侵犯人權和其他罪行有聯繫而受到美國、歐盟或英國的製裁。

週一,在格拉斯哥舉行的 COP26 會議開始時,總理納夫塔利·貝內特 (Naftali Bennett) 與印度總理納倫德拉·莫迪 (Narendra Modi)。(信用:GPO)
貝內特向領導人展示了他的立場,即重返 2015 年的伊朗協議——約翰遜和馬克龍的國家是其中的一方——將涉及取消對伊朗的製裁,將導致新釋放的資金用於增加地區侵略,並將帶來相反的結果他們正在尋找什麼。
以色列的 COVID-19 反應和第三劑疫苗的推出是許多領導人在格拉斯哥的兩天遇到貝內特時提出的另一個話題。
約翰遜說,他希望以色列學習如何應對 COVID-19 大流行。
雖然英國已開始接種加強劑量的 COVID-19 疫苗,但約翰遜表示,他們需要嘗試“以以色列的速度”行動。
“我們現在已經改變了我們的政策,這是我們歷史上第一次承諾到 2050 年實現零排放,我們是認真的,”貝內特說。
Bennett 說,他 20 年前經營的高科技公司與一家印度公司合併,以色列人和印度人合作得很好,彼此有很多東西可以學習。
Bennett 也第一次見到了 Al Khalifa。
Al Khalifa 告訴 Bennett:“我們必須為更美好的未來而努力,這就是我們期待做的事情。”
Bennett pushes world leaders to pressure new Iranian gov't
Johnson: We need some of Israel’s spirit to fight COVID-19 in UK; Bennett to visit India in early 2022.
NOVEMBER 2, 2021 21:22

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson greets Israel's Prime Minister Naftali Bennett as he arrives for the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland, Britain November 1, 2021.

GLASGOW – The countries with bilateral relations with Iran need to take a stronger stance to pressure its new government, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett told leaders he met at the United Nations Climate Change Conference on Monday and Tuesday, a diplomatic source said.
Bennett met with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Bahrain’s Crown Prince and Prime Minister Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa on Tuesday. A day earlier, he met with French President Emmanuel Macron, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez. He brought up Iran at every meeting.
One leader called Iran’s new ruling government “purely IRGC,” the diplomatic source said, referring to the Iran Revolutionary Guards Corps.
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is a judge who oversaw death squads that executed thousands of Iranian dissidents, including women and children. He and 11 other of the Iranian cabinet’s 30 members have been sanctioned by the US, EU or UK for links to terrorism, human-rights violations and other crimes.
“Israel is standing before the world powers and saying you need to take a serious, unequivocal line, a tough stance against Iran in the [International Atomic Energy Agency], the UN Security Council and bilateral relations with the new government,” the diplomatic source said.

PRIME MINISTER Naftali Bennett with his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi at the beginning of the COP26 conference in Glasgow on Monday. (credit: GPO)
Bennett presented his stance to leaders that returning to the 2015 Iran deal – to which Johnson and Macron’s countries were a party – would involve removing sanctions from Iran, would lead to the newly freed funds going to increased regional aggression and would bring the opposite result of what they are seeking.
At the same time, Bennett said Israel is prepared to act against Iran independently if it needs to.
The leaders were interested in hearing how Bennett sees things, the diplomatic source said.
Israel’s COVID-19 response and the rollout of third vaccine doses was another topic that many leaders brought up when they encountered Bennett in his two days in Glasgow.
Johnson said he is looking to Israel to learn how to handle the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We need everybody in our country to learn from the Israeli booster campaign and get their jab,” he said.
While the UK has begun administering booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, Johnson said they need to try to move “at Israeli speed.”
“We need some of that spirit in the UK as well,” he said.
Johnson said he and Bennett had been in touch for months to talk about fighting COVID.
Israel’s vaccine rollout is “astonishing,” he said, adding that Israel “showed the whole world a pretty clean pair of heels” by running ahead of everyone.
Bennett congratulated Johnson for hosting the climate conference.
UK involvement was “instrumental” in helping Israel launch a new policy for climate change, he said.
“We have now changed our policy on this and for the first time in our history committed to zero emissions 2050, and we mean business,” Bennett said.
“I think you can do it faster, frankly,” Johnson said.
Bennett said Johnson is “a huge friend to Israel.”
The prime ministers also discussed plans for a future UK-Israel innovation conference.
Bennett also met with Modi and thanked him for being “the person who re-accelerated the relations between India and Israel.”
“I know it comes from the heart,” he said. “It’s not a matter of interests, but a deep belief that you hold, and we feel it. In the name of all citizens of Israel, we appreciate your new approach.”
Bennett and Modi discussed cooperation in the areas of green innovation, food technology, next-generation solar panels, cybersecurity and more, a diplomatic source said.
Bennett said the hi-tech company he ran 20 years ago was merged with an Indian company, and Israelis and Indians worked well together and have much to learn from one another.
“Our goal is to continue the wonderful path you led with my predecessor and bring it to a new level to ensure that both countries work together on innovation, technology, space, security, agriculture, food technology and, of course, climate technology,” he said.
Bennett also met Al Khalifa for the first time.
Al Khalifa told Bennett: “We must work toward a better future, and that’s what we look forward to doing.”
In response, Bennett said: “We ain’t seen nothing yet.”
Israel hopes to increase trade with Bahrain, a diplomatic source said after the meeting, and gets the sense that Manama wants a more robust and energetic partnership between the countries, following the Emirati mode.
The Palestinians did not come up at all in any of the meetings, according to the diplomatic source.
Bennett declined to respond to Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh’s speech in which he said the “occupation of Palestine” was “the most critical long-term threat to the Palestinian environment.”
“We have nothing to say about those accusations,” the diplomatic source said. “We are not going to fight them in public because it would give importance to those words.”
2021 年 11 月 2 日 20:39

俄羅斯和美國國旗飄揚在俄羅斯列寧格勒地區弗謝沃洛日斯克的一家工廠附近,2019 年 3 月 27 日


中央情報局 (CIA) 局長提名人威廉伯恩斯於 2021 年 2 月 24 日在華盛頓國會山參議院情報委員會聽證會上作證。(來源:TOM WILLIAMS/POOL VIA REUTERS)
由於俄羅斯對美國目標的網絡攻擊、莫斯科對敘利亞總統巴沙爾·阿薩德的支持、反對派政治家阿列克謝·納瓦爾尼被監禁以及俄羅斯對烏克蘭的行為等問題,雙方關係觸及冷戰後的一系列低點。 2014年的克里米亞半島。
拜登於 6 月在日內瓦的一次峰會上會見了俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾·普京,當時他表示需要六個月到一年的時間才能確定兩國能否建立有意義的戰略對話。
CIA director makes rare Moscow visit to discuss Russia-US ties
Russia's Security Council said CIA chief William Burns held talks with Nikolai Patrushev, the council's secretary and a former head of Russia's FSB.
NOVEMBER 2, 2021 20:39

Russian and US state flags fly near a factory in Vsevolozhsk, Leningrad Region, Russia March 27, 2019

CIA director William Burns is making a rare visit to Moscow to discuss US-Russia relations, the latest in a series of high-level contacts that show both sides want to keep talking despite mutual distrust and a long list of disputes.
A US Embassy spokesperson said Burns was leading a delegation of senior US officials to Moscow on Tuesday and Wednesday at President Joe Biden's request.
"They are meeting with members of the Russian government to discuss a range of issues in the bilateral relationship," the spokesperson said.
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Russia's Security Council said Burns, a Russian-speaker and former ambassador to Moscow, held talks with Nikolai Patrushev, the council's secretary and a former head of Russia's FSB intelligence service.

Neither side gave details of the conversation, but security issues loom large in their troubled relationship.

William Burns, nominee for Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director, testifies during his Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, February 24, 2021. (credit: TOM WILLIAMS/POOL VIA REUTERS)

Ties have hit a series of post-Cold War lows over issues including Russian-based cyberattacks against US targets, Moscow's support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the jailing of opposition politician Alexei Navalny and Russia's behavior towards Ukraine, from which it seized the Crimea peninsula in 2014.

Biden sent a top Russia expert, Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, to Moscow for talks last month that failed to yield any progress in a dispute between the two countries over the sizes of their respective embassies.
Biden met Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in Geneva in June, and said at the time it would take six months to a year to find out whether the two countries could establish a meaningful strategic dialog.
Putin frequently criticizes the United States but said last month he had established a constructive relationship with Biden. The Kremlin has said a further meeting between the two this year is a realistic possibility.
阿富汗的一家醫院發生爆炸和槍擊事件,造成至少 25 人死亡,50 多人受傷。
2021 年 11 月 2 日 18:26

2021 年 11 月 2 日,阿富汗喀布爾市中心發生爆炸後,薩達爾·穆罕默德·道德汗國家軍事醫院附近濃煙滾滾

官員說,阿富汗最大的軍事醫院在喀布爾市中心發生兩次嚴重爆炸後,槍手襲擊了該醫院,造成至少 25 人死亡,50 多人受傷。
塔利班發言人 Zabihullah Mujahid 說,爆炸襲擊了擁有 400 個床位的 Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan 醫院的入口,隨後一群伊斯蘭國槍手襲擊了他們,他們都在 15 分鐘內喪生。
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自從塔利班在 8 月
一名不願透露姓名的塔利班安全官員表示,至少有 25 人在襲擊中喪生,50 多人受傷,但沒有官方確認的傷亡人數。

2021 年 11 月 2 日,阿富汗喀布爾市中心發生爆炸後,Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan 國家軍事醫院附近濃煙滾滾(來源:HANDOUT/REUTERS)
塔利班官員說,死者中有喀布爾軍隊的負責人莫拉維·哈姆杜拉·穆赫利斯 (Mawlawi Hamdullah Mukhlis),他是該市倒塌時第一批進入廢棄總統府的塔利班高級指揮官之一。
居民分享的照片顯示,該市 Wazir Akbar Khan 地區前外交區附近的爆炸區域上空冒出濃煙。
醫院一名設法逃脫的衛生工作者說,他聽到一聲大爆炸,接著是槍聲,大約 10 分鐘後又發生了更大的爆炸。
自塔利班 8 月占領喀布爾以來,伊斯蘭國對清真寺和其他目標進行了一系列襲擊,並於 2017 年對該醫院發動了複雜襲擊,造成 30 多人死亡。
該組織的襲擊在阿富汗以外地區引起了越來越多的擔憂,即該國可能成為激進組織的避風港,就像 2001 年基地組織襲擊美國時一樣。

2021 年 11 月 2 日,塔利班戰士在阿富汗喀布爾急診醫院門口檢查受傷的同志(圖片來源:REUTERS/ZOHRA BENSEMRA)
At least 25 killed, 50 wounded as blasts, gunfire hit Kabul hospital
At least 25 people were killed and more than 50 wounded after explosions and gunfire hit a hospital in Afghanistan.
NOVEMBER 2, 2021 18:26

Smoke billows near the Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan National Military Hospital after an explosion in central Kabul, Afghanistan November 2, 2021

(photo credit: HANDOUT/REUTERS)
At least 25 people were killed and more than 50 wounded when gunmen attacked Afghanistan's biggest military hospital after two heavy explosions at the site in central Kabul, officials said.
The explosions hit the entrance of the 400-bed Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan hospital and were followed with an assault by a group of Islamic State gunmen, all of whom were killed within 15 minutes, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said.
He said Taliban special forces dropped by helicopter had prevented the attackers from entering the hospital itself, with all killed at the entrance or in the courtyard. Earlier another spokesman said one of the attackers was captured.
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The blasts add to a growing list of attacks and killings since the Taliban
completed their victory
over the Western-backed government in August, undermining their claim to have restored security to Afghanistan after decades of war.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility but the operation was typical of the complex attacks mounted by Islamic State. It follows a string of bombings by the group which has emerged as the biggest threat to Taliban control of Afghanistan.

A Taliban security official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said at least 25 people had been killed and more than 50 wounded in the assault but there was no officially confirmed casualty toll.

Smoke billows near the Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan National Military Hospital after an explosion in central Kabul, Afghanistan November 2, 2021 (credit: HANDOUT/REUTERS)
Among the dead was Mawlawi Hamdullah Mukhlis, head of the Kabul military corps and one of the first senior Taliban commanders to enter the abandoned presidential palace when the city fell, Taliban officials said.
Photographs shared by residents showed a plume of smoke over the area of the blasts near the former diplomatic zone in the Wazir Akbar Khan area of the city.

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Witnesses said at least two helicopters flew over the area as the assault went on, one of the first times Taliban forces have used aircraft captured from the Western-backed government in a military operation.
A health worker at the hospital, who managed to escape, said he heard a large explosion followed by gunfire and a second, larger explosion about 10 minutes later.
Islamic State, which has carried out a series of attacks on mosques and other targets since the Taliban's seizure of Kabul in August, mounted a complex attack on the hospital in 2017, killing more than 30 people.
The group's attacks have caused mounting worries outside Afghanistan about the potential for the country to become a haven for militant groups as it was when an al Qaeda group attacked the United States in 2001.
"It's just about the biggest concern at the moment for everyone, in the region and in the West," a senior Western diplomat said.

Taliban fighters check on injured comrades at the entrance of the emergency hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan November 2, 2021 (credit: REUTERS/ZOHRA BENSEMRA)
The United Nations' mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), along with countries including Pakistan, condemned the attack.
"Attacks targeting medical personnel and civilians seeking treatment are violations of human rights and international humanitarian law. Those responsible need to be held to account," UNAMA said in a tweet.
The concern has been worsened by a spiralling economic crisis that has threatened millions with poverty as winter approaches and left thousands of former fighters with no employment.
The abrupt withdrawal of international support following the Taliban victory has brought Afghanistan's fragile economy to the brink of collapse just as a severe drought has threatened millions with hunger.
為什麼摩薩德會在蘇丹會見政變領導人?- 分析
2021 年 11 月 2 日 18:55

2021 年 10 月 25 日,在蘇丹喀土穆,信息部稱之為軍事政變期間,路障被點燃

(圖片來源:路透社/EL TAYEB SIDDIG)
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就在納夫塔利·貝內特總理和外交部長亞伊爾·拉皮德的新政府於 6 月中旬上台後,有消息稱,蘇丹高級文職官員向以色列政府和美國政府官員抱怨摩薩德與蘇丹軍方官員的接觸不協調。

Naftali Bennett 和 Yair Lapid 的政府真的會成為潛在的左翼災難嗎?(信用:米里亞姆·阿爾斯特)


阿麗亞娜格蘭德以 1400 萬美元出售洛杉磯豪宅由 Mansion Global 贊助
過去,摩薩德的約西·科恩(Yossi Cohen)於 6 月 1 日退休,與布爾汗有聯繫,並幫助安排了前總理本傑明·內塔尼亞胡和布爾汗之間的重要會晤。
從技術上講,Hemetti 是 Burhan 的副手,也是他在對抗 Hamdok 的政變中的聯合主演。
許多人認為赫梅蒂是在 2019 年推翻了該國前 25 年獨裁者奧馬爾·巴希爾的真實人物。

因此,最近的政變在很大程度上似乎是布爾漢對哈姆多克失去了耐心,並且他渴望構建下一階段的選舉和民主過渡——如果事實上他願意像他所說的那樣在 2023 年放棄軍事統治。
在 6 月和上周訪問期間的一個問題是,摩薩德是否在為以色列謹慎而靈活地打牌,以防赫梅蒂在某個時候接管,或者過去的本-安息日-摩薩德的競爭是否正在被某種摩薩德取代- 外交部競爭。
在對競爭進行了所有這些引人入勝的調查之後,現在與 6 月份不同的新問題是以色列是否真的需要站在一邊。
Why was Mossad meeting in Sudan with coup leaders? - analysis
Sources indicate that the Foreign Ministry has taken a bigger role in Israeli-Sudanese relations since the government formed in June.
NOVEMBER 2, 2021 18:55

A road barricade is set on fire during what the information ministry calls a military coup in Khartoum, Sudan, October 25, 2021

What was the Mossad doing in Sudan this past week just as the latest Sudanese coup was playing out?
The answer is no one knows for sure, but there are plenty of hints for educated speculation.
First, the Mossad visit did not come out of nowhere.
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Although some sources indicate that the Foreign Ministry has taken a bigger role in Israeli-Sudanese relations since the current government formed in mid-June, the normalization wave between the countries was built-up by the Mossad, with a later assist from former national security council chief Meir Ben-Shabbat.

Just after the new government of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid took power in mid-June, news broke that senior Sudanese civilian officials were complaining to both Israeli government and US government officials about uncoordinated side-Mossad contacts with Sudanese military officials.

Would a government of Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid really be a potential leftist disaster? (credit: MIRIAM ALSTER)

The Jerusalem Post
learned that the side contacts were part of an ongoing rivalry between the Mossad and Ben-Shabbat for influence with power centers in Sudan.

Until last week, there were at least three key figures currently in Sudan.
Ben-Shabbat had been dealing more directly with Gen. Abdel Fatah al-Burhan, the chairman of Sudan’s governing council, who leads the current coup.

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In the past, Mossad’s Yossi Cohen, who retired as director on June 1, had ties to Burhan and helped arrange a key meeting between former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Burhan.
But at some point, the Post understands that Cohen started working more directly through just recently deposed Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok.
Under Cohen, and there are indications also under Cohen’s successor, current Mossad Director David Barnea, the Mossad has also operated ties with Gen. Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, aka Hemetti.
Technically, Hemetti is Burhan’s deputy and his co-star in the coup against Hamdok.
However, that is just on a formal level.
Underneath the formalities, Hemetti may be the true power in Sudan since he controls the largest and most powerful military force – a seasoned militia that far outshines the country’s military.
Hemetti is credited by many as the true figure who toppled the country’s former 25-year dictator Omar al-Bashir in 2019.
Moreover, Hemetti has stayed carefully out of the limelight during the current coup, potentially positioning himself to take down Burhan if the initial coup goes sideways.
The coup also did not come out of nowhere.
There was a failed coup last month, allegedly by Bashir supporters in the military.

FOLLOWING THAT failed coup it seemed that Hamdok started to go on a broader political counter-attack on the military leading into this time period when Burhan was meant to turn over additional authorities to him.
So the latest coup does very much seem to be Burhan’s having lost patience with Hamdok and his desire to frame the next phase of elections and democratic transition – if in fact he is willing to relinquish military rule in 2023 as he says.
One question then both in June and during last week’s visit is whether the Mossad is playing its cards carefully and flexibly for Israel in case Hemetti takes over at some point or whether the past Ben-Shabbat-Mossad rivalry is being replaced with some kind of Mossad-Foreign Ministry rivalry.
Neither the Prime Minister’s Office nor the Foreign Ministry would comment on the record, but the Post has learned that the Foreign Ministry is more in the picture than it was under Netanyahu.
In addition, Israeli officials under Netanyahu were cognizant of the mix of Israeli and Sudanese rivalries, and some in Jerusalem even got an earful from the Sudanese about it.
After all of this fascinating survey of the rivalries, the new question now as opposed to back in June, is whether Israel actually needs to take a side.
Should it be Burhan or Hemetti, who may be more committed to normalization with Israel, especially if the Jewish state can help with relations with Washington?
Or should Israel be aligning with Hamdok, like much of the world’s democracies, even though he seems to have been more hesitant about relations with Israel?
Some Israeli officials do feel that Jerusalem cannot be seen as undermining Sudan’s democratic processes and transitions regardless of other considerations.
But leaks that the latest meeting was with Hemetti or his brother and that their camp had recently visited Israel could be a sign of where Jerusalem is leaning. There are mixed reports about whether Israeli officials met with Hamdok as well.
Also, Israel has not condemned the coup like most democratic countries have.
Another narrative is that Israel will not choose sides, but merely wanted to have eyes on the ground to get an updated lay of the land, so that it can continue to play as many sides as needed to keep normalization on course.
Regardless of which direction Israel chooses, there are serious pitfalls and booby traps along the way – and whether the Mossad or the Foreign Ministry, it will take a master trapeze artist to avoid falling.
COP26:100 多位全球領導人承諾到 2030 年結束森林砍伐
根據英國首相辦公室的一份聲明,格拉斯哥領導人關於森林和土地利用的宣言將涵蓋總面積超過 1300 萬平方英里的森林。
2021 年 11 月 2 日 03:50

英國首相鮑里斯·約翰遜於 2021 年 11 月 1 日抵達英國蘇格蘭格拉斯哥參加聯合國氣候變化會議(COP26)時迎接以色列總理納夫塔利·貝內特。

週一晚些時候,超過 100 位全球領導人承諾在本十年結束前停止和扭轉森林砍伐和土地退化,並以 190 億美元的公共和私人資金為基礎,投資於保護和恢復森林。
在格拉斯哥舉行的 COP26 氣候會談上的聯合聲明得到了巴西、印度尼西亞和剛果民主共和國等國家領導人的支持,這些國家的森林占世界森林總面積的 85%。
根據英國首相辦公室代表領導人發表的一份聲明,格拉斯哥領導人關於森林和土地利用的宣言將涵蓋總面積超過 1300 萬平方英里的森林。
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根據非營利組織世界資源研究所的數據,森林吸收了大約 30% 的二氧化碳排放量。森林將排放物從大氣中排出並防止它們使氣候變暖。

然而,這種自然氣候緩沖正在迅速消失。根據世界資源研究所的森林砍伐追踪倡議全球森林觀察,2020 年世界失去了 258,000 平方公里的森林。那是一個比英國還大的地區。

週一的協議極大地擴展了 40 個國家作為 2014 年紐約森林宣言的一部分做出的類似承諾,並且比以往任何時候都更進一步地為實現這一目標分配了資源。

單策略加密交易算法解釋。由 CoinTelegraph 贊助 - 比特幣新聞、分析和評論
根據該協議,包括英國在內的 12 個國家已承諾在 2021 年至 2025 年之間提供 87.5 億英鎊(120 億美元)的公共資金,以幫助發展中國家,包括努力恢復退化的土地和應對野火。
包括 Aviva、Schroders 和 AXA 在內的 30 多家私營部門投資者將至少再提供 53 億英鎊。
這些代表管理著 8.7 萬億美元資產的投資者還承諾到 2025 年停止投資與森林砍伐相關的活動。

在“綠波行動”期間看到燃燒的森林,以打擊亞馬遜雨林的非法採伐(圖片來源:BRUNO KELLY/REUTERS)
包括英國和美國在內的五個國家以及一組全球慈善機構週二也承諾提供 17 億美元的資金,以支持土著人民保護森林和加強他們的土地權利。
管理資產超過 8.7 萬億美元的 30 多家金融機構也表示,他們將“盡最大努力”到 2025 年消除與牛、棕櫚油、大豆和紙漿生產相關的森林砍伐。
COP26 旨在保持將全球變暖控制在比工業化前水平高 1.5 攝氏度(2.7 華氏度)的目標。科學家們表示,森林和所謂的基於自然的解決方案對於實現這一目標至關重要。
根據數據分析公司 Kayrros 和法國研究機構支持的生物質碳監測項目,自 2011 年以來,伍德蘭茲每年清除了約 7.6 億噸碳,抵消了化石燃料和水泥中約 8% 的二氧化碳排放量。