2022.01.02 國際新聞導讀-俄中關係因抗美而達到高點、哈瑪斯兩枚火箭攻以,以國反擊、OMICRON病毒株較不侵襲人的肺部,症狀輕微但傳染力強大無比

2022-01-02·17 minutes


2022.01.02 國際新聞導讀-俄中關係因抗美而達到高點、哈瑪斯兩枚火箭攻以,以國反擊、OMICRON病毒株較不侵襲人的肺部,症狀輕微但傳染力強大無比

俄中關係將成為 2022 年的大事——分析


中國外交部網站本週援引習近平的話說:“我對中俄關係發展取得的成果深感滿意。” 據塔斯社報導,中國領導人說:“2022年,我們兩國將慶祝中俄體育年,我們將在兩國世代相傳的友誼史上翻開新的一頁。”
莫斯科還表示,默克爾在與俄羅斯的關係中發揮了關鍵作用,並稱讚了北溪 2 號管道。“俄羅斯總統早些時候說默克爾和他有著務實的關係。” 俄羅斯希望這條管道能增加其在歐洲的影響力,削弱美國的影響力。
有爭議的納戈爾諾-卡拉巴赫地區和亞美尼亞休尼克省邊境地區的緊張局勢在 11 月再次爆發。發生了幾起造成人員傷亡的武裝衝突,”報告說。俄羅斯接待了亞美尼亞和阿塞拜疆領導人來解決問題。
報告還討論了與中國的密切關係。“總的來說,即將過去的一年裡世界舞台上的局勢往往給了普京一個引用中國智慧的機會。'你可能知道,有一句諺語說:“上帝禁止生活在變化的時代。” 然而,無論我們喜歡與否,我們已經在那裡了,而且這些變化正在變得更深入、更根本,”普京在 10 月份瓦爾代討論俱樂部智庫會議上發表講話時說。
Russia-China ties will be the big story of 2022 - analysis
A new report in the Russian press has said that Russia and China cooperated very well in 2021.
Published: JANUARY 1, 2022 18:34

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping pose after signing ceremony in Moscow, Russia, June 5, 2019

Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a New Year greeting to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced on Friday.
The report was carried in Russia’s Tass News. “In that telegram he expressed great satisfaction with the development of Chinese-Russian relations,” the report says.
It is one example of how Moscow and Beijing are increasingly coordinating their policies and forming an alliance. The goal is to create a multi-polar world and remove the vestiges of US hegemony that have existed since the 1990s.
With the US exit from Afghanistan, Russia is also saying it could recognize the Taliban, according to Sergei Lavrov.
The “decision to recognize the Taliban government depends on their fulfillment of promises,” Lavrov says. This matters because China and Russia could coordinate on Iran and also on Afghan issues.

Russian and Chinese flags. (credit: WIKIMEDIA)
“I am deeply satisfied with the results of the development of relations between China and Russia,” the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry quoted Xi as saying this week. “In 2022, our countries will celebrate the Chinese-Russian Year of Sports and we will write a new page in the history of friendship between the two countries, passed down from generation to generation,” the Chinese leader said, according to Tass.
Putin will attend the China Winter Olympic Games, the report says. “I am sincerely ready to maintain close contacts with you in various formats,” the Chinese leader noted.
The report says that Russia and China cooperated very well in 2021. “Predictability and stability are the most crucial factors in world affairs, and Russian President Vladimir Putin has reiterated this several times,” Tass News also noted.
In an annual wrap of developments in Russia and of Putin’s policies, the Russian media has claimed that “the United States kept threatening Russia with sanctions. An energy crisis engulfed Europe and Asia. The Taliban, outlawed in Russia, seized power in Afghanistan, while the situation in and around Ukraine went from bad to worse. The southern Caucasus and other hot spots across the globe saw hostilities flare up now and then. And the already well familiar backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic completed the landscape.”
Russian media called former US President Donald Trump a “heavyweight” and also eulogized former German chancellor Angela Merkel’s long time in office, which recently came to an end.
“Putin declared that Russia needed firm guarantees to be sure NATO would not proceed with its eastward expansion,” the report said. Meanwhile, Russia-Ukraine tensions continue. The report says that Moscow views NATO as conducting a “creeping invasion” of Ukraine. “This is happening on our doorstep,” Putin said. “They should realize that we have nowhere further to retreat.”
Moscow also said that Merkel had played a key role in relations with Russia and praised the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. “The Russian president earlier said Merkel and he shared a businesslike relationship.” Russia hopes the pipeline will increase its influence in Europe and erode US influence.
Tensions in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region and the border districts of Armenia’s Syunik Province flared up again in November. Several armed clashes causing casualties took place,” the report says. Russia has hosted Armenian and Azeri leaders to sort things out.
“Last summer, the Russian president intensified contacts with foreign counterparts, primarily from Central Asian members of the CIS, in the light of the situation in Afghanistan, where the Taliban came to power without waiting for the completion of the US troop pullout,” the report notes.
“In 2021, Russia and south and east Asian powers pushed ahead with bilateral cooperation. At the beginning of December, Putin paid a visit to India. It was his second foreign visit for the entire year,” it says.
The report also discusses close ties with China. “By and large, the situation on the world stage during the outgoing year often gave Putin a chance to cite Chinese wisdom. ‘One proverb, as you may know, says, “God forbid living in a time of change.” However, we are there already, whether we like it or not, and these changes are becoming deeper and more fundamental,’ Putin said while speaking at a meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club think tank in October.”
The report appears to indicate that Russia sees the recent global crisis as an opportunity. It will use this to work more closely with China, and Beijing also looks to exploit the opportunity.
發佈時間: 2021 年 12 月 30 日 20:30


(圖片來源:MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/耶路撒冷郵報)
該出版物的姊妹公司經濟學人智庫發布了一項調查,其中詳細列出了全球 173 個城市的生活成本,您難道不知道,特拉維夫名列榜首。
這部分是由於謝克爾兌美元升值。此外,該調查還指出,酒類、食品雜貨和交通價格上漲是通往世界第一的主要驅動力,巴黎、香港和蘇黎世將在 2020 年獲得這一榮譽。
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IDF updates COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions as Omicron cases surge

特拉維夫的場景:咖啡館場景。(來源:MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/耶路撒冷郵報)
下火車後,我找了一家咖啡館,可以讓我公平地代表特拉維夫的早餐價格,然後我在離迫在眉睫的 Azrieli 中心不遠的一個小地方落腳。
我下了訂單——一小杯咖啡和一個糕點(NIS 27)——然後坐下來計劃我的一天,同時觀察清晨的人流量。
運行總數:NIS 27

在另一家內城連鎖店(白天和晚上都營業,正如他們的品牌所暗示的那樣),價格要高得多:在這裡,親愛的史密斯奶奶以 14.90 新謝克爾/公斤的價格出售。另外值得注意的是,在這裡,鱷梨的重量與新謝克爾 14.90/kg 的價格相同,這將在稍後相關。
我認為與特拉維維亞人的實際估計相比,個人價格檢查相形見絀,所以我對一些當地居民進行了調查。一個三口之家每週在農產品上花費 400 到 600 新謝克爾,在各種雜貨上花費 1,000 新謝克爾,在肉類產品上額外花費 300 新謝克爾;加上每週訂購幾次,加起來大約是 NIS 600。我決定將這個平均值用於科學合理的運行總數。
運行總價: NIS 2,427.00

特拉維夫的場景:查看公寓價格。(來源:MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/耶路撒冷郵報)
“我們的租金是 5,500 新謝克爾,我們有一套夢想中的公寓,我們永遠不想離開,因為我們永遠找不到這麼好的交易,”在高科技行業工作的凱文說。他在特拉維夫的公寓很方便,有 55 平方米,即使是通信學位也可以處理謝克爾/平方米的細分。我做了一個心理記錄,並將這個“優惠”添加到我的跑步記錄中(NIS 5,500)。
運行總價:7,927.00 新謝克爾

Hatikva 市場
當您進入 Hatikva 市場時,您會立刻感受到幾件事:橫幅和色彩繽紛的攤位令人愉悅,您聞到各種令人垂涎的街頭食品(還有生魚,如果您喜歡的話) ),你會聽到一群人用嗓子大聲尖叫,試圖說服路人他們的 NIS 3 柑橘比其他人的更好、更美味。
在這裡,鱷梨,以前我遇到過的最昂貴的水果之一,售價僅為 5 新謝克爾/公斤。事實上,任何可以想像到的產品的售價都只是其市中心價格的一小部分:標誌性的 Granny Smith 的售價僅為 NIS 3/kg。
在市場的大熔爐中有各種各樣的人跨越金融領域:看到一群穿著設計師緊身褲的學生仔細閱讀各種攤位的情況並不少見,而其他人則坐在地上或矮凳上,向購物者索要零錢. 我停下來問了幾個乞丐他們在城裡的生活費用,但得知我沒有錢可以給他們後,他們都拒絕回答,除了一個男人,一個中年坐在凳子上,膝上放著一本書的人,聳了聳肩說:“為什麼不呢?”
顯然,沒有人的經驗可以代表整個人口。無論他們是否選擇抱怨,將近 40% 的以色列無家可歸人口居住在特拉維夫及其周邊地區,該市已知有 1,000 多名登記人士。這是一個沒有經歷凱文提到的涓滴效應的人群。
事實上,根據《2022 年世界不平等報告》,以色列底層 50% 的人口僅擁有國民總財富的 5%,而頂層 10% 的人口擁有 62%。收入不平等的差距至少在一定程度上要歸咎於該國無家可歸居民的數量,特別是在特拉維夫這樣租金高昂的地方。話雖如此憤世嫉俗,但並不是每個人都像這個人一樣“幸運”,能夠負擔得起房租。
我感謝他的時間,從附近的小販那裡買了一瓶果汁(NIS 9.90),然後回到內城,在那裡我有點愧疚地吃了一盤意大利面當午餐(NIS 55)。
運行總價:7,991.90 新謝克爾

我再次對一群家長進行了調查,他們毫不猶豫地告訴我,他們平均為幼兒園支付 4,319.50 新謝克爾。小學的學費略高於其中的一半,約為 2,800 新謝克爾。如果你想瘋狂,你可以加入一些課後課程,如英語輔導 (NIS 370)、編程課程 (NIS 250) 或網球 (NIS 280)。
當我們這樣做時,我不妨為父母支付去健身房的費用:每人大約 400 新謝克爾。不過,有一個家庭讓我意識到了一個儲蓄機會。如果您獲得體育俱樂部的家庭會員資格,您只需為整個家庭每月支付大約 500 新謝克爾的費用。
總的來說,如果你有一個在私立幼兒園蹣跚學步的孩子和一個在小學有一項平均價格的課外活動和一個體育俱樂部會員資格的孩子,那麼你可以在夏天去游泳池,你可能會向上看NIS 7,919.50。
“你絕對需要有兩個收入的家庭,即使是夫妻職業生涯的早期階段在經濟上也可能具有挑戰性,”1983 年從美國來到特拉維夫並在那裡撫養了三個孩子的希勒爾·瓦克斯 (Hillel Wachs) 說。

因此,在晚餐吃了沙拉三明治(新謝克爾 18.90)後,我一家四口的每月開支總計——包括合理的雜貨賬單、55 平方米公寓的租金、我蹣跚學步的私人幼兒園以及之後——我孩子的學校活動、全家人的體育俱樂部會員資格以及一些外出就餐 - 加起來為15,931.30 新謝克爾。

Two rockets fired from Gaza towards central Israel
Explosions were heard in the Tel Aviv and Rishon Lezion areas.
Published: JANUARY 1, 2022 07:42
Updated: JANUARY 1, 2022 20:44

Two rockets launched from the Hamas-run Gaza Strip fell in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of central Israel early on Saturday morning.
“Earlier this morning, two rocket launches were identified from the Gaza Strip toward the Mediterranean. The rockets fell off the coast of the Tel Aviv metropolitan area. According to protocol, no sirens were sounded and no interception took place,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said in a statement.
The rockets were heard in the cities of Tel Aviv, Holon, Bat Yam and Rishon Lezion.
According to reports, one rocket fell near Tel Aviv while the other landed near Palmahim, south of the city. There were no injuries and, despite the smoke seen off the coast, no reports of damage.
Army Radio reported that Egypt has sent a message to Israel that the rocket fire was not intentional and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kohavi held situational assessments regarding the rocket fire.

Streaks of lights are seen from Ashkelon as rockets are launched from the Gaza Strip towards Israel May 19, 2021. (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett held consultations over Shabbat regarding the rocket fire, according to a political source.
Groups in the Gaza Strip said that the two rockets were caused by “weather conditions.”
Hamas has used the excuse of lightning strikes causing rockets to be launched toward Israel, including in November of last year. In that incident, two rockets were fired and landed north of Ashdod and the other struck Palmahim Beach. In response, Israeli jets struck military positions and an underground structure belonging to Hamas.

Other incidents where lightning was blamed for rocket fire included one in March 2019 where a rocket made a direct impact on a home in the central town of Mishmeret in the Sharon Plain and injured seven people, as well as another in October 2018 when a home in Beersheba was destroyed after a rocket made a direct hit and another landed off the coast of Israel.
All rockets had been aimed towards the Jewish state and were preemptively primed.
The rocket launches come as the Israeli military said that this had been the longest period of operational quiet in relation to the four most recent operations in the coastal enclave.
In the six months following the 11 days of fighting in May, known as Operation Guardian of the Walls, only five long-range rockets were fired from the Hamas-run coastal enclave toward Israel.
In comparison, 22 rockets were fired following Protective Edge in 2014, 196 rockets were fired following Cast Lead in 2009, and 76 were fired following Pillar of Defense in 2012.
Despite the relative quiet, it remains tense in southern Israel with Hamas continuing to hold large-scale military drills, firing rockets toward the sea in an attempt to improve their rocket arsenal and threaten Israel.
In August, a Border Police officer was shot at point-blank range during a violent protest along the Gaza border fence. He died nine days later.

On Wednesday, senior officials from the terrorist group met with Hezbollah officials in the Lebanese capital of Beirut and vowed that they are preparing for a military confrontation with Israel.
Later that day, an Israeli civilian doing maintenance work on the newly completed border fence in the northern sector was lightly wounded after he was shot by a sniper.
In response, Israeli tanks fired artillery shells towards a Hamas post near Gaza City, wounding several farmers. The IDF also closed roads next to the border fence out of concern over additional attacks and ordered farmers to stay away from land near the border.

由於對肺的影響較輕,Omicron 變體不太嚴重 - 研究
最近的數據表明,Omicron 冠狀病毒變種比 Delta 和其他變種更溫和。
發佈時間: 2022 年 1 月 1 日 01:14
更新時間: 2022 年 1 月 1 日 16:18

2021 年 12 月 20 日,隨著 Omicron 冠狀病毒變種繼續在美國紐約市曼哈頓傳播,人們在時代廣場排隊接受 COVID-19 檢測。

(照片來源:路透社/ANDREW KELLY TPX 當天的圖片)
根據新的動物研究,與其他 SARS-CoV-2 變體相比,Omicron 變體的嚴重程度較低,因為在這種 COVID-19 病例中,肺部大部分都沒有受到損傷。
據《紐約時報》週六報導,Omicron 對倉鼠和老鼠等小動物的影響不那麼嚴重。被檢測到的變異感染對鼻子、喉嚨和氣管造成的損害不太嚴重。
據報導,動物研究可以幫助澄清有關新研究的問題,泰晤士報報導稱。它還引用了表明 Omicron 變體比 Delta 和其他 SARS-CoV-2 變體更溫和的數據。當科學家得出結論認為倉鼠因冠狀病毒的所有其他變體而患上重病時,這一點得到了證實。
其他研究表明,肺中 Omicron 的存在是其他變體病毒載量的十分之一或更少。 香港大學研究人員在同行評審的《自然》雜誌上發表的一項研究證實,Omicron 的複制速度比 Delta 和其他冠狀病毒變體慢。
上週二,發表在Live Science 上的另一項研究報告稱,Omicron 不太可能“[進入]肺細胞”,並補充說,來自該變體原產國南非的一些初步數據表明,該菌株造成的損害較小。

在這張 2021 年 12 月 11 日拍攝的插圖中,人們在顯示的“OMICRON SARS-COV-2”字樣前擺出帶有針頭的注射器(圖片來源:REUTERS/DADO RUVIC/ILLUSTRATION/FILE PHOTO)
發表在bioRxiv 上的一項研究表明,新變體可以避開那些完全接種疫苗的人產生的大部分抗體。
關於大流行,以色列上週四登記了近 5,000 例新的 COVID-19 病例,並批准向有感染病毒風險或患有嚴重症狀的人注射第四劑疫苗。這是衛生部主任宣布的。Nachman Ash 教授。
在美國,健康專家警告公民,“由Omicron 變體導致的 COVID-19 病例不斷上升,威脅到他們的生活。”
Rossella Tercatin 和路透社為本報告做出了貢獻
Omicron variant less severe due to milder effect on lungs - study
Recent data suggested that the Omicron coronavirus variant is milder than Delta and other variants.
Published: JANUARY 1, 2022 01:14
Updated: JANUARY 1, 2022 16:18

People queue to be tested for COVID-19 in Times Square, as the Omicron coronavirus variant continues to spread in Manhattan, New York City, US, December 20, 2021.

The Omicron variant is less severe in comparison to other SARS-CoV-2 variants as the lungs are mostly spared in such COVID-19 cases, according to new animal research.
Omicron had less severe effects on small animals such as hamsters and mice, The New York Times reported on Saturday. Infection by the variant that were detected caused less severe damage to the nose, throat and windpipe.
Animal research can reportedly help clear up questions regarding the new research, the Times report stated. It also cited data suggesting that the Omicron variant is milder than Delta and other SARS-CoV-2 ones. This was confirmed when scientists concluded that hamsters became severely ill from all other variants of the coronavirus.
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Other studies showed that the presence of Omicron in the lungs was a tenth or less than the viral load of other variants. One study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature by Hong Kong University researchers, confirmed that Omicron replicated more slowly than Delta and other coronavirus variants.
Last Tuesday, another study published in Live Science reported that Omicron is unlikely to "[enter] lung cells," adding that some of the initial data from South Africa, the variant's country of origin, indicated that the strain causes less damage.

People pose with syringe with needle in front of displayed words ''OMICRON SARS-COV-2'' in this illustration taken, December 11, 2021 (credit: REUTERS/DADO RUVIC/ILLUSTRATION/FILE PHOTO)
A study published in bioRxiv stated that the new variant dodges most of the antibodies made by those who are fully vaccinated.
Regarding the pandemic, Israel registered almost 5,000 new COVID-19 cases last Thursday and approved a fourth vaccine shot to be given to those who are at risk of contracting the virus or suffering from severe symptoms. This was announced by Health Ministry Dir.-Gen. Prof. Nachman Ash.
In the US, health experts warned citizens that "a rising tide of COVID-19 cases led by the Omicron variant threatens major disruptions to their lives."
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Rossella Tercatin and Reuters contributed to this report.
發佈時間: 2022 年 1 月 1 日 21:30

以色列媒體週六晚間援引 al-Arabiya 的話說,埃及正在調解以色列和哈馬斯之間的談判,以防止加沙地帶衝突升級。
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