2021.10.16 國際新聞導讀-阿富汗坎達什葉派哈清真寺發生大爆炸塔利班追查中、沙烏地與伊朗談判、約旦河西岸猶太屯墾民攻擊巴勒斯坦農人

2021-10-16·19 minutes


2021.10.16 國際新聞導讀-阿富汗坎達什葉派哈清真寺發生大爆炸塔利班追查中、沙烏地與伊朗談判、約旦河西岸猶太屯墾民攻擊巴勒斯坦農人

阿富汗坎大哈清真寺發生爆炸 32人死亡68人受傷
爆炸現場至少有 62 具屍體和 68 名傷員,但傷亡人數可能會增加。
2021 年 10 月 15 日 16:31

2021 年 10 月 15 日,一名塔利班戰士在阿富汗喀布爾的一個市場上對攝影師做出反應。

官員說,阿富汗南部城市坎大哈的一座什葉派清真寺在星期五的祈禱中發生大爆炸,造成至少 32 人死亡、68 人受傷,這是一周內針對少數教派信徒的第二次大規模襲擊。
一名衛生官員提供了 32 人死亡和 73 人受傷的數字,並表示最終總數可能更高。沒有立即聲稱對這次襲擊負責。執政的塔利班運動的內政部發言人 Qari Saeed Khosti 表示,當局正在收集細節。爆炸發生在伊斯蘭國武裝分子聲稱發動襲擊後幾天,該襲擊在北部城市昆都士的一座清真寺殺死了數十名什葉派信徒。那次襲擊造成的全部死亡人數估計高達 80 人。

2021 年 9 月 7 日,在阿富汗喀布爾舉行的反巴基斯坦抗議活動中,塔利班士兵走在抗議者面前。(圖片來源:WANA(西亞新聞社)VIA REUTERS)
伊斯蘭國的遜尼派穆斯林戰士過去曾多次以什葉派為目標。塔利班也是嚴格的遜尼派穆斯林,但自 8 月隨著美軍撤出而上台以來,他們承諾保護所有種族和教派團體。
在塔利班 8 月在喀布爾戰勝西方支持的政府後,伊斯蘭國的當地分支機構,以阿富汗地區的古老名稱而被稱為伊斯蘭國呼羅珊,加強了襲擊。
32 killed, 68 injured as blast hits Afghan mosque in Kandahar
At least 62 bodies and 68 wounded had been taken from the blast site but the number of casualties may rise.
OCTOBER 15, 2021 16:31

A Taliban fighter reacts to the photographer at a market in Kabul, Afghanistan, October 15, 2021.

A large explosion tore through a Shi'ite mosque in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar during Friday prayers, killing at least 32 people and wounding 68, officials said, the second massive attack in a week targeting worshippers from the minority sect.
A local reporter in Kandahar told Reuters that eyewitnesses had described three suicide attackers, one of whom blew himself up at the entrance to the mosque with the two others detonating their devices inside the building.
"The situation is very bad. Mirwais hospital is messaging and calling on young people to give blood," he said, referring to a local hospital where dead and injured had been taken.
Photographs and mobile phone footage posted by journalists on social media showed many people apparently dead or seriously wounded on the bloody floor of the Imam Bargah mosque.
A health official gave figures of 32 dead and 73 wounded and said the final total could be higher. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack. Interior ministry spokesman Qari Saeed Khosti of the ruling Taliban movement said authorities were collecting details. The blast took place just days after an attack claimed by Islamic State militants, which killed scores of Shi'ite worshippers at a mosque in the northern city of Kunduz. The full death toll from that attack has been estimated as high as 80.

Taliban soldiers walk in front of protesters during the anti-Pakistan protest in Kabul, Afghanistan, September 7, 2021. (credit: WANA (WEST ASIA NEWS AGENCY) VIA REUTERS)
Sunni Muslim fighters of Islamic State have repeatedly targeted Shi'ites in the past. The Taliban are also strict Sunni Muslims but have pledged to protect all ethnic and sectarian groups since sweeping into power in August as U.S. forces withdrew.

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The embassy of Iran, Afghanistan's neighbor and the region's largest Shi'ite power, condemned the attack.
"We hope Taliban leaders take decisive action against these wicked terrorist incidents," it said in a tweet.
Taliban special forces arrived to secure the site and an appeal went out to residents to donate blood for the wounded.
The blast, coming so soon after the Kunduz attack, underlined the increasingly uncertain security in Afghanistan as the Taliban grapple with an escalating economic and humanitarian crisis that threatens millions with hunger.
The local affiliate of Islamic State, known as Islamic State Khorasan after an ancient name for the region covering Afghanistan, has stepped up attacks following the Taliban victory over the Western-backed government in Kabul in August.
Taliban officials have played down the threat from Islamic State, and dismissed suggestions they may accept US help to fight the group. But the repeated attacks have tarnished their claim to have brought peace to Afghanistan after four decades of war.
The fact that the Shi'ite minority has again been targeted may also inflame tensions among ethnic and sectarian groups in the largely Sunni country. Most Shi'ites in Afghanistan belong to the Hazara ethnic group of Persian speakers, who have complained of persecution under the mainly Pashtun-speaking Taliban in the past.
2021 年 10 月 15 日 10:03

2021 年 10 月 14 日,美國國務卿安東尼·布林肯和沙特阿拉伯外交部長費薩爾·本·法爾漢·阿勒沙特在美國華盛頓國務院會晤前向記者發表講話。

Blinken, Saudi foreign minister discuss Iran nuclear program
Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan has said that talks with Iran had been "cordial."
OCTOBER 15, 2021 10:03

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al-Saud deliver remarks to reporters before meeting at the State Department in Washington, US, October 14, 2021.

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud met US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Washington and exchanged views on Iran's nuclear program and international talks on the matter, Saudi Arabia's foreign ministry said in a statement on Friday.
"Had a productive meeting today with my friend Secretary Blinken, during which we discussed a range of issues of common interest & concern to both our nations & ways to strengthen our strategic partnership & cooperation on multiple fronts," Al Saud said in a Twitter post on Friday.
Al Saud also met the US Special Envoy for Iran, Robert Malley, and discussed intensifying joint efforts against "Iranian violations of international treaties related to the nuclear agreement," the Saudi foreign ministry said.
Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan has said that talks with Iran had been "cordial," describing the negotiations as "exploratory,” the Financial Times reported on Friday.
"We are serious about the talks," bin Farhan told the FT in an interview. "For us, it’s not that big a shift. We’ve always said we want to find a way to stabilize the region."
2021 年 10 月 15 日 02:26

伊朗總統哈桑·魯哈尼於 2019 年 12 月 11 日在伊朗德黑蘭舉行的內閣會議上發表講話;沙特阿拉伯王儲穆罕默德·本·薩勒曼於 2019 年 12 月 10 日在沙特阿拉伯利雅得出席海灣合作委員會(GCC)第 40 屆峰會

(圖片來源:官方總統網站/ BANDAR ALGALOUD/沙特皇家法院提供/通過路透社的講義)
兩個中東主要競爭對手之間的第四輪談判於 9 月下旬舉行。

2019 年 10 月 4 日,在也門薩那,一名男子和胡塞運動的支持者參加集會慶祝該組織在與沙特阿拉伯接壤的邊界附近取得軍事進展時高呼口號。(圖片來源:MOHAMED AL-SAYAGHI/REUTERS) )
在胡塞武裝於 2015 年佔領首都薩那後,利雅得領導了一個軍事聯盟,支持也門國際公認的政府對抗胡塞叛軍。
2016 年,在沙特處決一位受人尊敬的什葉派神職人員之後,憤怒的抗議者襲擊了沙特駐伊斯蘭共和國的外交使團,遜尼派佔多數的沙特阿拉伯與什葉派佔多數的伊朗斷絕了關係。
沙特外交大臣費薩爾·本·法爾漢親王證實,第四輪會談於 9 月舉行,並表示希望他們為解決兩國之間的問題“奠定基礎”。
雙方的會談是在伊朗前總統哈桑·魯哈尼 (Hassan Rouhani) 的領導下發起的,後者在易卜拉欣·賴西 (Ebrahim Raisi) 當選後於 8 月被取代。
沙特阿拉伯與阿拉伯聯合酋長國、以色列等國一樣,嚴厲批評了 2015 年的聯合綜合行動計劃、伊朗與全球大國之間的核協議,利雅得對美國總統唐納德特朗普退出該協議的決定表示讚賞,同時歡迎前總統的“極限施壓”運動。沙特阿拉伯還反對伊朗的彈道導彈計劃,因為它認為該計劃對其存在構成威脅。
Brodsky 說這兩個鄰居有相同的目標,但他們在如何到達那裡的方式不同。
“沙特人希望在也門取得進展作為恢復外交關係的前奏,但伊朗希望首先恢復關係。從本質上講,伊朗希望以姿態換取不讓步,這可能是不可能的, “ 他說。
Are Saudi Arabia and Iran on the road to reconciliation?
Negotiations have been held, and a normalization announcement is expected soon.
OCTOBER 15, 2021 02:26

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaks during the cabinet meeting in Tehran, Iran, December 11, 2019;Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman attends the Gulf Cooperation Council's (GCC) 40th Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia December 10, 2019

Saudi Arabia and Iran reportedly are on the path to reconciliation after years of tense relations.
Iraq has been hosting a series of meetings between officials on both sides aimed at easing tensions after a five-year rift, and expectations are high that a public announcement of a normalization agreement could come soon.
A fourth round of negotiations between the two Middle East arch-rivals took place in late September.
Professor Mohammad Marandi, head of the American Studies Department at Tehran University, told The Media Line that he doesn’t believe that Iran sees Saudi Arabia as a rival, but rather as part of the western bloc.
"Iran's rival is the United States, and Iran's issue with Saudi Arabia is the war in Yemen; other than that Iran doesn’t have any problem with Saudi Arabia," he said.

A man chants slogans as he and supporters of the Houthi movement attend a rally to celebrate following claims of military advances by the group near the borders with Saudi Arabia, in Sanaa, Yemen October 4, 2019. (credit: MOHAMED AL-SAYAGHI/REUTERS)
Riyadh has led a military alliance backing Yemen’s internationally recognized government against the Houthi rebels after the Houthis captured the capital Sanaa in 2015.
Saudi Arabia accuses Iran of supporting the Houthis with weapons and drones, but Tehran denies the accusations, saying it only provides the insurgents with political support.
"From the Iranian perspective, the Saudis have to end the war in Yemen – the genocide in Yemen – and to come to terms with reality on the ground there," Marandi said.

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Sunni-majority Saudi Arabia severed ties with Shiite-majority Iran in 2016 following an attack on Saudi diplomatic missions in the Islamic Republic by angry protesters, following the kingdom's execution of a revered Shiite cleric.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the de facto ruler of the kingdom, has been one of Iran’s staunchest critics. But Prince Mohammed’s verbal attacks against his country&'s regional rival have mellowed lately, after the crown prince said earlier this year that his government seeks “good relations” with Iran and is “working with our
partners in the region to overcome our differences with Iran.”
Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan has confirmed that a fourth round of talks took place in September and expressed hope that they would "lay the foundation" to address issues between the two countries.
His Iranian counterpart, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, has said the discussions are "on the right track."
"We have achieved results and agreements, but we still need more dialogue," he said earlier this month.
Talks between the two sides were initiated under Iran’s former President Hassan Rouhani, who was replaced in August following the election of Ebrahim Raisi.
Hussein Ibish, senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, told The Media Line that the optimism surrounding the discussions is overly exaggerated.
“I would not advise anyone to hold their breath. The talks remain exploratory, and while Saudi Arabia wants to focus on Yemen and ending the war there, Iran wants to focus on restoring diplomatic relations,” he said, adding: “There might be some move on restoring ties, but not immediately.”
Ibish explains that Riyadh will continue to view Tehran in a suspicious way as long as it continues to, as it says, “meddle” in internal Arab affairs.
“The biggest difference has to do with Iran's network of regional militia groups in neighboring Arab countries. Iran sees them as legitimate and necessary, while Saudi Arabia sees them as a destructive cancer hollowing out various Arab states, most notably Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq, and doing tremendous damage to the Arab state system,” he said.
Both sides are motivated by two developments that have reshaped the strategic landscape in the Middle East and the calculations of major regional players over the past couple of years, Ibish says.
“They are overextended and need to pull back a bit from regional conflicts that have all, in one way or another, passed the point of diminishing returns for outside actors,” he said, adding that the second big factor has to do with trust issues with Washington, “particularly for pro-American states like the Gulf countries, there is a growing sense
that Washington has become fundamentally unreliable.”
The two adversaries have several issues over which they quarrel: mainly, the war in Yemen, and Iran's support of Hezbollah, the Houthis and the Shiite militia Kataib Hezbollah in Iraq.
Jason Brodsky, senior Middle East analyst at Iran International TV, told The Media Line that it's premature to say the two sides are ready to bury the hatchet.
"There is still a long road ahead for true rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia. While Iranian officials and media have offered optimistic assessments of the state of the talks, Saudi officials have been more cautious and circumspect," he said.
Brodsky says the optimism is because attacks originating from Iraq by militias loyal to Iran have subsided, but cross-border attacks launched on Saudi Arabia from Yemen by the Houthis have continued.
Several factors have shaped the evolution of Riyadh’s calculations regarding dialogue with Tehran.
Saudi Arabia, like the United Arab Emirates, Israel and others, had harshly criticized the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the nuclear agreement between Iran and global powers, and Riyadh applauded US President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the accord, while welcoming the former president’s "maximum pressure" campaign. Saudi Arabia also opposes Iran's ballistic missile program as it sees in it a threat to its existence.
"For the sake of regional stability, Iran is more than willing to reestablish ties with the Saudis," Marandi said, adding that this comes with a caveat: "The Saudis have to accept the fact they have lost the war in Yemen."
Brodsky says the two neighbors have the same goal, but they differ on how to get there.
"The Saudis want progress in Yemen as the prelude to the reestablishment of diplomatic ties, but Iran wants the reestablishment of relations to come first. In essence, Iran wants a gesture in exchange for no concessions, and that is probably a non-starter," he said.
Iranian-backed Houthi militia have been intensifying their drone attacks deep into Saudi territory causing a major headache for Riyadh, including worries that a continuation of the war will exhaust the country’s treasury and tarnish its image internationally.
"The Saudis have to accept the reality on the ground in that country and that is the government, the real government in Yemen, has won the war against Saudi Arabia,” Marandi said. “They have to accept that fact to end the war and that they are not in a position to gain concessions," he added.
2021 年 10 月 15 日 11:21

2021 年 10 月 14 日,黎巴嫩貝魯特發生槍聲後,軍隊士兵被部署。

週四,貝魯特至少有 7 人喪生,32 人受傷,真主黨支持者在抗議貝魯特港爆炸事件的法官塔雷克·比塔爾(Tarek Bitar)的抗議活動中開槍,因為圍繞此案的緊張局勢繼續升級。
據報導,槍擊事件始於 Tayouneh 地區,在那裡與 Ain El Remmaneh 和 Chiyah 相遇,該地區以 1975 年黎巴嫩內戰期間的教派衝突而聞名,因為它標誌著貝魯特東西部之間的邊界。
週四晚上,目擊者告訴 MTV 黎巴嫩新聞,一些年輕人通過一條小街來到艾因雷馬內,並開始高呼什葉派口號。然後,他們開始與該地區的年輕人交談,並爆發了一場鬥毆,導致該地區的一名年輕人帶著一把卡拉什尼科夫步槍向什葉派男子開槍,後者急忙從他們的車裡拿出武器。衝突擴大到整個社區,導致持續數小時的激烈衝突。
目擊者質疑,如果抗議是和平的,為什麼抗議者手頭有數百件武器,包括火箭彈。目擊者還稱,真主黨支持者故意進入艾因雷馬內地區進行挑釁,將這一事件與 2008 年差點引發內戰的 5 月 7 日暴力事件相提並論。
“陸軍指揮部與雙方有關方面進行了接觸,以控制局勢並防止發生叛亂,指揮部重申對任何武裝部隊的零容忍,同時軍隊繼續在該地區部署以防止再次發生衝突, ”黎巴嫩軍隊宣布。
黎巴嫩內政部長巴薩姆·毛拉維強調,人們被狙擊手射中頭部的事實是不可接受的,並補充說,所有政府機構都在盡其所能逮捕肇事者並將他們繩之以法。Mawlawi 還表示,抗議活動的組織者已向該部確認將是和平的,並將槍擊事件稱為“犯罪”。
真主黨及其盟友阿邁勒運動指責由真主黨的強烈反對者薩米爾·蓋吉亞 (Samir Gaegea) 領導的黎巴嫩基督教力量運動週四從屋頂狙擊抗議者,意圖殺人,稱襲擊者打算將黎巴嫩拖入“煽動。”

2021 年 10 月 14 日,黎巴嫩貝魯特,軍隊士兵在槍聲爆發後巡邏。(圖片來源:REUTERS/MOHAMED AZAKIR)

2021 年 10 月 14 日,黎巴嫩貝魯特發生槍聲後,軍隊士兵被部署。(圖片來源:AZIZ TAHER/REUTERS)
已辭職的基督教議員、被暗殺的黎巴嫩總統勒內·莫阿瓦德的兒子米歇爾·莫阿瓦德週四下午告訴 MTV 黎巴嫩真主黨的行為“極其無禮和挑釁”,並警告該運動“甚至不敢認為它可以用它來嚇唬我們”。步槍和RPG。”
“我們希望在街頭繼續戰鬥,以對抗那些想要破壞黎巴嫩主權和實體、破壞司法機構、其獨立性和國內和平的人,”Moawad 補充道。
根據真主黨附屬的 Al-Manar 新聞,原定於上午舉行的抗議旨在“拒絕將貝魯特港爆炸案調查政治化,並譴責 Tarek Bitar 法官和美國干預。”
米歇爾·奧恩總統強調,槍擊事件是“一個痛苦和不可接受的場景,無論原因和原因。” 奧恩向遇難者家屬表示哀悼。
部長理事會原定於週三舉行會議,以討論真主黨要求將 Bitar 從港口爆炸調查中移除的要求,但會議被無限期推遲,據報導是由於無法就如何處理該事件達成協議。法官。
事件發生之際,由於真主黨及其盟友阻撓 Bitar 的調查,聲稱法官有偏見並為政治目的而工作,因此對宗派暴力的擔憂加劇。

哈利勒週二告訴 Al-Mayadeen TV,Bitar 的調查“是非法的,並且超出了許多必須遵守的協議。” 國會議員還聲稱,法官在向哈利勒發出逮捕令後幾分鐘會見了一個外國代表團——暗示受到外國勢力的影響。
國會議員警告說,將會有“政治升級,也許 [an escalation] 另一種類型”,並補充說,“所有可能性都是開放的”,包括走上街頭。
哈利勒聲稱調查可能是試圖“改變平衡”的區域和內部計劃的一部分,並且他掌握的信息表明,調查的目標是“應外部各方的要求”針對某個政治團體。週三,真主黨附屬議員哈桑·法德拉拉 (Hassan Fadlallah) 直截了當地指責美國干涉調查。
真主黨和馬拉達運動的消息人士告訴黎巴嫩 Al-Jadeed 電視台新聞,比塔爾準備直接指責真主黨對爆炸負責。消息人士補充說,如果不移除 Bitar,他們將離開政府。
爆炸受害者的家屬警告說,“無論威脅程度有多高”,都不要更換或恐嚇 Bitar,並告訴官員“不要讓 [他們的] 干預司法部門”。
Seven killed, 32 injured in firefight in the heart of Beirut
Hezbollah protests investigation into Beirut Port explosion, leading to violence.
OCTOBER 15, 2021 11:21

Army soldiers are deployed after gunfire erupted in Beirut, Lebanon October 14, 2021.

(photo credit: AZIZ TAHER/REUTERS)
At least seven people were killed and 32 wounded in Beirut on Thursday as shots were fired during a protest by Hezbollah supporters against Tarek Bitar, the judge investigating the Beirut Port blast, as tensions surrounding the case continue to rise.
As of Thursday evening, the Lebanese Army had succeeded in returning calm to the streets and the security situation had improved.
The shooting reportedly began in the Tayouneh area where it meets Ain El Remmaneh and Chiyah, a site famous for sectarian clashes during the 1975 civil war in Lebanon, as it marked the border between east and west Beirut.

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Hezbollah and the Lebanese Army reported on Thursday that the shooting targeted the protesters. However, shortly after the shooting began, Hezbollah and Amal supporters could be seen firing toward buildings in the areas with automatic weapons and RPGs, raising questions whether the supporters who had claimed to be peaceful had come to the protest armed.
Eyewitnesses told MTV Lebanon news on Thursday evening that a number of young men came to Ain El Remmaneh through a small side street and began chanting Shi’ite slogans. They then started speaking with young men from the area and a fistfight broke out, leading up to one of the young men from the area bringing a Kalashnikov rifle and shooting toward the Shi’ite men, who rushed to bring weapons from their vehicles. The clash expanded throughout the neighborhood leading to the intensive clashes that lasted hours.
The eyewitnesses questioned why, if the protest was meant to be peaceful, the protesters had hundreds of weapons on hand, including RPGs. The eyewitnesses also claimed that the Hezbollah supporters deliberately entered the Ain El Remmaneh area to cause a provocation, comparing the incident to the May 7 violence that nearly sparked a civil war in 2008.
The Lebanese Army announced on Thursday evening that a firefight broke out in the area as protesters headed to the Palais de Justice, leading to casualties. The army immediately reinforced its deployment in the area and conducted searches for the shooters, arresting nine people from both sides, including one Syrian citizen. Investigations have begun with the detainees supervised by the judiciary.
“The army command made contacts with the concerned parties on both sides to contain the situation and prevent a slide toward sedition, and the command reiterated its zero tolerance with any armed forces, while army units continue to deploy in the area to prevent renewed clashes,” the Lebanese Army announced.

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Video from the clashes showed gunmen hiding behind cars and garbage cans while firing at buildings and unseen targets. Unarmed civilians could be seen in the area of the clashes.
Many residents who live in the area where the clashes broke out fled due to concerns of escalating tensions and damage. Much material damage was caused in the fighting on Thursday.
Prime Minister Najib Mikati has called for calm and urged the Lebanese people not to be drawn into sedition.
Lebanese Interior Minister Bassam Mawlawi stressed that the fact that people were shot in the head by snipers is inadmissible, adding that all government agencies are doing their part to arrest the perpetrators and bring them to justice. Mawlawi stated as well that the organizers of the protest had confirmed to the ministry that it would be peaceful and called the shooting a “crime.”
Hezbollah and its ally, the Amal movement, accused the Christian Lebanese Forces movement, headed by Samir Gaegea, a strong opponent of Hezbollah, of sniping protesters from the rooftops on Thursday, with the intent to kill, saying the attackers intended to drag Lebanon into “sedition.”
The two Shi’ite movements called on their supporters for calm and on the army and security forces to restore the peace. Hezbollah and Amal called for the arrest and punishment of the perpetrators and those who instigated the violence, adding that their names are already known.

Army soldiers patrol after gunfire erupted, in Beirut, Lebanon October 14, 2021. (credit: REUTERS/MOHAMED AZAKIR)
The two Shi’ite movements called on their supporters for calm, and on the army and security forces to restore the peace. Hezbollah and Amal called for the arrest and punishment of the perpetrators and those who instigated the violence, adding that their names are already known.
The Lebanese Forces denied the claims by Hezbollah, saying the shooting was because of incitement caused by Hezbollah’s leaders against Bitar, and that the claims were an attempt to divert attention from Hezbollah’s invasion into the area.
The movement pointed out that Hezbollah operatives were clearly seen in many videos entering safe neighborhoods with automatic weapons, and stated that the shooting was an attempt to use violence and intimidation to overthrow the investigation into the port explosion.
Despite the calls by Hezbollah for calm, video shared on social media showed multiple convoys of Hezbollah operatives reportedly heading to Beirut with heavy weapons, raising concerns that the violence could escalate.
Later on Thursday afternoon, Gaegea condemned the shooting, saying: “The main reason for these events is the uncontrolled and widespread weapons that threaten citizens at all times and places.”
The Lebanese Forces leader called on the Lebanese government to conduct a “full and thorough investigations” to determine who was responsible for the shooting. “Civil peace is the only wealth left for us in Lebanon… but this requires all of us to cooperate to reach it,” said Gaegea.

Army soldiers are deployed after gunfire erupted in Beirut, Lebanon October 14, 2021. (credit: AZIZ TAHER/REUTERS)
Christian officials made multiple statements on Thursday stressing that the “free people of Lebanon” would not allow Hezbollah to force Bitar out of his position, although many of the officials have clarified that they would not use violence to do so.
Michel Moawad, a resigned Christian MP and son of assassinated Lebanese president René Moawad, told MTV Lebanon on Thursday afternoon that Hezbollah’s behavior was “extremely impudent and provocative” and warned the movement not to “even dare to think that it can frighten us with its rifles and RPGs.”
“We want to continue the battle in the street to confront those who want to destroy Lebanon’s sovereignty and entity, and destroy the judiciary, its independence and civil peace,” Moawad added.
According to the Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Manar news, the protest that had been planned for the morning was meant to “reject the politicization of the investigations into the crime of the Beirut Port explosion, and to denounce the decisions of Judge Tarek Bitar and the American intervention.”
President Michel Aoun stressed that the shooting was “a painful and unacceptable scene, regardless of the reasons and causes.” Aoun expressed his condolences to the families of the victims.
“It is not acceptable for the weapon to return as a language of communication between the Lebanese parties, because we all agreed to turn this dark page of our history,” said Aoun, stressing that the state must be the only valid authority dealing with problems and disputes.
The president stressed that the Council of Ministers must convene quickly in order to find a solution. Aoun added: “Contacts were made with the concerned parties to address what happened, and most importantly to prevent it from happening again, knowing that we will not allow it to happen under any circumstances.”
The Council of Ministers had been set to meet on Wednesday in order to discuss the demands by Hezbollah to remove Bitar from the port blast investigation, but the meeting was postponed indefinitely, reportedly due to an inability to reach an agreement about what to do with the judge.
Aoun confirmed that security forces will protect security, stability and civil peace and warned that the government would “not allow anyone to take the country hostage to their own interests or accounts.”
The president said security forces and the judicial system would follow up on the clashes and that he would ensure the investigation reaches the truth of what happened.
“I assure the Lebanese that the clock will not turn back,” said Aoun. “We are going toward a solution, not toward a crisis. I, in cooperation with the prime minister and the speaker of parliament, will not tolerate and will not surrender to any fait accompli whose goal could be sedition, which all Lebanese reject.”
The incident comes amid heightened concerns of sectarian violence as Hezbollah and its allies obstruct Bitar’s investigation, alleging that the judge is biased and working for political purposes.
Lebanese newspapers on Thursday morning largely featured headlines warning of the collapse of the government and violence in the streets.

Supporters of Lebanese Shi'ite groups Hezbollah and Amal and the Christian Marada movement take part in a protest against Tarek Bitar, the lead judge of the port blast investigation, near the Justice Palace in Beirut (credit: MOHAMED AZAKIR/REUTERS)
A Lebanese court on Thursday dismissed the latest legal complaint brought against the lead investigator of the Beirut Port blast probe, allowing him to resume work, a judicial source and court documents showed.
Lebanese MP Ali Hassan Khalil, an ally of Hezbollah, had filed the complaint after Bitar issued an arrest warrant against him in order to question him regarding the blast.
Khalil told Al-Mayadeen TV on Tuesday that Bitar’s investigation “is unlawful and surpasses many of the protocols that must be followed.” The MP additionally claimed that the judge had met with a foreign delegation minutes after issuing the arrest warrant for Khalil – implying influence by foreign powers.
Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah attacked Bitar on Monday, saying the judge is using the case for political goals and that he does not want to reach the truth about the explosion. Nasrallah also questioned why Bitar questioned only certain ministers and not others.
The MP warned there would be a “political escalation, and perhaps [an escalation] of another kind,” adding, “all possibilities are open,” including taking to the streets.
Khalil claimed the investigation may be part of a regional and internal plan to try to “change balances,” and that he had information indicating the investigation has a goal for a certain political group “at the behest of external parties.” On Wednesday, Hassan Fadlallah, a Hezbollah-affiliated MP, outright accused the US of interfering in the investigation.
Sources from Hezbollah and the Marada Movement told the Lebanese Al-Jadeed TV news that Bitar was preparing to accuse Hezbollah directly of responsibility for the explosion. The sources added that if Bitar is not removed, they will leave the government.
Gaegea called on the “free people of Lebanon” to prepare for a peaceful general strike if Bitar’s opponents attempt to impose their will by force. While Gaegea stressed his statement was not a threat, he added he would never accept a “certain reality” being imposed by force.
The families of the blast victims have warned against replacing or intimidating Bitar, “no matter how high the threat level,” telling officials to “keep [their] hands off the judiciary.”
Former MP Mustapha Allouch warned on Wednesday, in an interview with Voice of Lebanon, that an international investigation is needed, and that the current situation is repeating that of the assassination of former prime minister Rafik Hariri, as Hezbollah feels the threads of the investigation pointing at it.
Reuters contributed to this report.
2021 年 10 月 14 日 19:18

2021 年 10 月 14 日,黎巴嫩貝魯特發生槍聲後,槍手就位。

真主黨的目標是鞏固其對黎巴嫩的控制,在那裡它已經在總統職位上獲得了盟友,並建立一個平行的通信網絡並滲透到其他國家結構中。真主黨的目標——在它第一次試圖控制國家時謀殺了前總理拉菲克·哈里裡 16 年後——是展示自己的力量,讓法官塔雷克·比塔爾免職。

2021 年 10 月 14 日,黎巴嫩貝魯特,槍聲爆發後,地板上出現了槍彈。(圖片來源:REUTERS/MOHAMED AZAKIR)
黎巴嫩的不穩定和混亂不再符合真主黨的利益,因為現在它是國家結構的一部分——如果不是的話。雖然真主黨想讓國家成為寄生蟲並使其破產,但它也不希望出現內戰時期(1975 年至 1989 年)主導黎巴嫩的那種派系。現在已經接近權力,真主黨想要壟斷權力,這意味著它不希望其他民兵在該國活動。

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每當一個國家結構試圖挑戰真主黨的權力和不受懲罰時,該組織就會利用危機。這一次,法官對與 Amal 有關聯的官員發出了逮捕令。真主黨不允許這樣做。真主黨此前曾確保在哈里裡被謀殺後不會對其成員發出逮捕令。它暗殺作家、評論員、政治家、專家和官員。