2021.09.11 國際新聞導讀-俄羅斯與白俄羅斯達成能源經濟國防合作協議、塔利班說女人應在家生育與教小孩就好、美國以色列伊朗很可能因為伊朗核武發展爆發衝突或戰爭、黎巴嫩重建不要以色列

2021-09-11·23 minutes


2021.09.11 國際新聞導讀-俄羅斯與白俄羅斯達成能源經濟國防合作協議、塔利班說女人應在家生育與教小孩就好、美國以色列伊朗很可能因為伊朗核武發展爆發衝突或戰爭、黎巴嫩重建不要以色列

俄羅斯和白俄羅斯更加團結! 在克里姆林宮, 弗拉基米爾·普京和亞歷山大·盧卡申科宣佈已經達成協議, 創造一個共同的經濟和防禦空間, 白俄羅斯天然氣價格保持在同一水平, 儘管由於短視, 歐洲價格已經多次上漲. 歐洲委員會的政策. 這是國家居民等了多年的融合新階段. 蘇聯垮台後, 我們國家人民越來越明白, 千年共存的人工分裂是毀滅性的, 沒有給我們帶來前景. 我們一起很堅強, 在歷史上不止一次向世界證明瞭這一點.
· 大約100名包括美國人在內的乘客,今天飛離阿富汗首都喀布爾機場,隨後抵達卡達首都杜哈。這是美國為首的撤離行動結束以來,第一架載送外國人離開阿富汗的班機。有數名消息人士曾說,機上人數多達200人。白宮國家安全會議發言人霍恩(Emily Horne)稱塔利班配合放行此包機為「正向的第一步」,白宮國家安全會議(NSC)表示之後這類撤離行動將繼續進行。
· 面對外界質疑阿富汗臨時政府陣容沒有女性成員,塔利班組織一名發言人在接受當地電視台訪問時回應,女性的本份就是生育,不是參與政治。
· 金磚五國(BRICS)昨日召開高峰會議,會中採納「新德里宣言」,對於阿富汗可能成為恐怖主義溫床感到擔憂,強調應加強反恐合作,避免這樣的場景發生。
通過內森杰斐 今天,晚上 8:59

一名男子正在接受高壓氧治療,而護士正在檢查他的面罩。(Drazen Zigic 通過 iStock by Getty Images)
“我認為這不能‘治愈’人類的阿爾茨海默氏症,但它可能能夠顯著減緩其進展和嚴重程度,”發表在《衰老》雜誌上的研究的主要作者 Uri Ashery 教授說,告訴以色列時報. “需要進一步研究,但人們可能會在短短幾年內開始從中受益。”
特拉維夫大學倡導高壓療法來對抗衰老相關的衰退,這引起了專家們的不同反應。Deborah Toiber 博士是內蓋夫本古里安大學的阿爾茨海默病學者,沒有參與這項新研究,她告訴以色列時報,她認為任何似乎可以對抗認知能力下降的療法都是“有趣且有前途的”。

使用 Shai Efrati 抗衰老方案的高壓艙。(提供:Sagol 高壓醫學中心)
Ashery 和他的團隊使用了一種氧療方案,他們在過去的研究中稱讚該方案可以改善人類的“大腦生物學”,並改變人類血細胞,從而“逆轉”衰老。
在涉及 15 只模擬阿爾茨海默氏症引起的退化的轉基因小鼠的動物試驗中,研究人員報告說,該療法可以預防大腦中形成澱粉樣蛋白斑塊,並去除一些現有的澱粉樣蛋白斑塊沉積物。許多醫學專家認為澱粉樣蛋白是一種非可溶性蛋白質,與嚴重的退行性疾病(如阿爾茨海默氏症)有關。
“我們有一組沒有接受氧療的類似小鼠,它們長出了更多的澱粉樣斑塊,”特拉維夫大學 Sagol 神經科學學院的 Ashery 說。“在接受治療的人中,只有三分之一的新斑塊出現,而現有的大斑塊的大小平均減少到原來的一半。”

神經元上的澱粉樣斑塊:受阿爾茨海默病影響的大腦。(通過 iStock 由 Getty Images 提供的 selvanegra)
Ashery 的團隊還監測了 6 名出現認知能力下降跡象的 60 歲以上的人。
這部分研究在 Rishon Lezion 附近的 Shamir 醫療中心的非營利性 Sagol 高壓醫學和研究中心進行,該中心為以色列以外的企業提供氧氣協議。它正在佛羅里達州一個退休村的 Aviv 診所出售,該診所提供它作為衰老的答案。
研究小組報告說,經過 90 天的 60 次氧療後,流向大腦的血流量平均提高了 20%,記憶測試結果平均提高了 16.5%。
Ashery 承認人類樣本量很小,但表示這可能反映了氧氣療法的好處,正如在老鼠身上觀察到的那樣,對人類起作用。“需要更多的研究,但如果這可以幫助那些在阿爾茨海默氏症發作之前或期間失去認知能力的人,可能會帶來巨大的好處。”
Oxygen therapy may slow Alzheimer’s, say Israeli researchers after mice study
Plaque fell away from brains of mice after oxygen chamber stints, and scientists say it may ‘significantly slow progression and severity’ of Alzheimer’s; but others are skeptical
By NATHAN JEFFAY 9 September 2021, 8:59 pm

A man receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy while nurse is checking his mask. (Drazen Zigic via iStock by Getty Images)
Build-up of plaque on the brain, a characteristic of Alzheimer’s, has been slowed in an animal trial using oxygen therapy, Israeli scientists claimed in peer-reviewed research published on Thursday.
Tel Aviv University researchers have spent years exploring the purported anti-aging potential of therapy in a pressurized — or hyperbaric — chamber, breathing pure oxygen for some of the time.
In their latest study, they concluded that the therapy boosts the functioning of the human brain, and was shown in animals to fight the build-up of brain plaque that is associated with Alzheimer’s.
“I don’t think this can ‘cure’ Alzheimer’s in humans, but it may be able to significantly slow its progression and severity,” Prof. Uri Ashery, lead author of the research published in the journal Aging, told The Times of Israel. “Further studies are needed, but people could possibly start benefiting from this in just a few years.”
Tel Aviv University’s championing of hyperbaric therapy to fight aging-related decline attracted mixed reactions among experts. Dr. Deborah Toiber, an Alzheimer’s scholar from Ben Gurion University of the Negev, who was not involved in the new study, told The Times of Israel that she considers any therapy that appears to counter cognitive decline as “interesting and promising.”
But while some in her field believe that reducing plaque on the brain is key to countering Alzheimer’s, she is skeptical.
“I think plaques are a dead end [for research],” she said, suggesting that while they are a characteristic of Alzheimer’s, there is inadequate evidence that eliminating or reducing them will significantly prevent or decrease the severity of the onset of Alzheimer’s.

A hyperbaric chamber using Shai Efrati’s anti-aging protocol. (Courtesy: Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine)
Ashery and his team used an oxygen therapy protocol which they have lauded in past studies for improving “the biology of the brain” in humans, and making changes in human blood cells that “reverse” aging.
In the animal trial, which involved 15 genetically-modified mice that mimicked degeneration caused by Alzheimer’s, researchers reported that the therapy led to the prevention of amyloid plaques forming on the brain and the removal of some existing amyloid plaque deposits. Amyloids, non-soluble proteins, are believed by many medical professionals to be connected with severe degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s.
“We had a control group of similar mice that did not receive the oxygen therapy, and they grew many more amyloid plaques,” said Ashery, who is based at Tel Aviv University’s Sagol School of Neuroscience. “Among those who received the therapy, only a third of the number of new plaques appeared, and existing large plaques reduced their size, on average, to a half of what they were.”

Amyloid plaques on neurons: a brain affected by Alzheimer’s disease. (selvanegra via iStock by Getty Images)
Blood flow to the brain decreases with Alzheimer’s, but the researchers reported improved blood flow to the mice brains.
Ashery’s team also monitored six people over the age of 60, who have experienced signs of cognitive decline.
This part of the research took place at the non-profit Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research at the Shamir Medical Center, near Rishon Lezion, which offers its oxygen protocol to businesses outside Israel. It is being sold at the Aviv Clinic at a retirement village in Florida, which offers it as an answer to aging.
The research team reported that after 60 sessions of oxygen therapy over 90 days, blood flow to the brain was improved by an average of 20 percent, and results in memory tests were improved on average by 16.5%.
Ashery acknowledged that the human sample size was small, but said that it may reflect the benefits of the oxygen therapy, as observed in mice, working on humans. “More research is needed, but there could be tremendous benefits if this can help people who lose cognitive abilities, either before or during the onset of Alzheimer’s.”
國務卿表示,很快,伊朗重新遵守 JCPOA 可能不會“重現原協議所取得的好處”
由機構和TOI 工作人員提供2021 年 9 月 8 日,晚上 8:02

美國國務卿安東尼·布林肯於 2021 年 9 月 8 日在德國拉姆施泰因空軍基地舉行的新聞發布會上 (Olivier DOULIERY / POOL / AFP)
布林肯在德國對記者說:“我不打算確定日期,但我們離嚴格恢復遵守 JCPOA 不會重現該協議所帶來的好處的地步越來越近了。”按其首字母縮略詞處理。
德國外交部長海科·馬斯 (Heiko Maas) 還表示,德黑蘭提出的旨在恢復陷入僵局的協議的談判不太可能在兩到三個月內恢復的建議“太長了”。

2021 年 9 月 8 日,美國國務卿安東尼·布林肯(左)和德國外交部長海科·馬斯在德國西南部拉姆施泰因空軍基地會晤開始時摘下口罩(Olivier DOULIERY / POOL / AFP)
極端保守派易卜拉欣·賴西於 8 月初成為伊朗總統,接替溫和派哈桑·魯哈尼(Hassan Rouhani),後者是 2015 年協議伊朗方面的主要設計師。
2015 年的協議讓伊朗放鬆西方和聯合國的製裁,以換取對其由聯合國監督的核計劃的嚴格控制。

2021 年 8 月 21 日,伊朗總統易卜拉欣·賴西在議會發表講話,為他在首都德黑蘭舉行的內閣選舉辯護。(ATTA KENARE / 法新社)
“當然,如果 IAEA 採取非建設性方法,期待伊朗做出建設性回應是不合理的,”Raisi 補充道。
國際原子能機構週二表示,由於德黑蘭自 2 月以來暫停了一些檢查,其對伊朗核設施的監測“嚴重受損”。
據國際原子能機構報導,德黑蘭自 5 月以來已將其60% 濃縮鈾的庫存增加了四倍,這公然違反了 2015 年與世界大國達成的旨在遏制其核計劃的協議。
以色列一再警告伊朗正在尋求核武器。前總理本雅明·內塔尼亞胡公開反對 2015 年的協議,稱該協議將為伊朗核武庫鋪平道路,並公開敦促拜登重新加入該協議。
Blinken warns US ‘getting closer’ to giving up on Iran nuclear deal
Soon, says secretary of state, a return by Iran to compliance with the JCPOA may not ‘reproduce the benefits’ that the original agreement achieved
By AGENCIES and TOI STAFF8 September 2021, 8:02 pm

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at a press conference at Ramstein Air Base in Germany on September 8, 2021 (Olivier DOULIERY / POOL / AFP)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned Wednesday that time was running out for Iran to return to a nuclear deal after a scathing report by the UN atomic watchdog.
“I’m not going to put a date on it but we are getting closer to the point at which a strict return to compliance with the JCPOA does not reproduce the benefits that that agreement achieved,” Blinken told reporters in Germany, referring to the deal by its acronym.
The IAEA released a strongly-worded report Tuesday saying monitoring tasks in Iran have been “seriously undermined” after Tehran suspended some of the UN agency’s inspections of its nuclear activities. The watchdog said Iran has also dramatically increased its production of highly enriched uranium in recent months.
Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas also said Tehran’s suggestion that talks aimed at reviving the stalled deal were unlikely to resume for two to three months was “far too long.”
The German minister said he had telephoned his new counterpart in Tehran to get him to “return more swiftly to the negotiating table.”
Nevertheless, Maas said Berlin still expects the new Iranian government to continue to support results from negotiations that had taken place so far.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (L) and German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas remove their face masks at the start of a meeting at Ramstein Air Base in south-western Germany on September 8, 2021 (Olivier DOULIERY / POOL / AFP)
Ultraconservative Ebrahim Raisi became Iran’s president in early August, taking over from moderate Hassan Rouhani, the principal architect on the Iranian side of the 2015 agreement.
The 2015 deal offered Iran an easing of Western and UN sanctions in return for tight controls on its nuclear program, monitored by the UN.
In retaliation for Trump’s withdrawal three years ago and his subsequent imposition of swingeing sanctions, Iran in effect abandoned most of its commitments under the deal.
But Trump’s successor President Joe Biden wants to bring Washington back into the agreement.
Iran’s new President Ebrahim Raisi said Wednesday that his country was “transparent” about its nuclear activities, a day after the UN atomic watchdog criticized it for lack of cooperation.
“The Islamic Republic of Iran’s serious cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency is a clear example of Iran’s will to be transparent about its nuclear activities,” Raisi told European Council chief Charles Michel by phone, according to an Iranian presidency statement.

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi speaks before parliament to defend his cabinet selection in the capital Tehran on August 21, 2021. (ATTA KENARE / AFP)
“Of course, if the IAEA has a non-constructive approach, it’s unreasonable to expect a constructive response from Iran,” Raisi added.
“What’s more, non-constructive actions of course upset the negotiation process.”
On Tuesday the IAEA said its monitoring at Iranian nuclear sites had been “seriously undermined” by Tehran’s suspension of some inspections since February.
Tehran has quadrupled its stockpile of 60 percent-enriched uranium since May, in open contravention of the 2015 accord with world powers that was meant to contain its nuclear program, the IAEA reported.
The Vienna-based agency warned members that its confidence in properly assessing Iran’s activities — what it called the “continuity of knowledge” — was declining over time and that would continue “unless the situation is immediately rectified by Iran.”
Israel has repeatedly warned that Iran is seeking nuclear weapons. Former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu openly opposed the 2015 deal, which it said would pave the way to an Iranian nuclear arsenal, and publicly urged Biden to reenter the deal.
Meeting with Biden at the White House last month, current Prime Minister Naftali Bennett warned of the “nightmare” of a radical Islamic regime attaining nuclear weapons, and Biden publicly vowed that the US would “never” allow Iran to attain the bomb.
Israel has “greatly accelerated” preparations for action against Iran’s nuclear program, military chief Aviv Kohavi said in an interview published Monday.
由艾米斯皮羅 今天下午 4:34更新於下午 4:51

2021 年 9 月 9 日,外交部長亞伊爾·拉皮德(左)與俄羅斯外長謝爾蓋·拉夫羅夫在莫斯科向媒體發表評論。(Shlomi Amsalem/GPO)
在為期一天的訪問莫斯科的以色列外交部長說,“如果有伊朗的存在,敘利亞或整個中東地區就不會穩定。” 他稱德黑蘭為“世界第一恐怖輸出國”。
他補充說,以色列“不會在伊朗在我們的北部邊境建立恐怖基地或伊朗向恐怖組織提供先進武器時袖手旁觀。” 拉皮德說,雖然耶路撒冷承認莫斯科“在該地區的主要利益”,但以色列將“在面對來自敘利亞和其他地方的威脅時保持我們自衛的能力”。

2021 年 9 月 9 日星期四,俄羅斯外交部長謝爾蓋·拉夫羅夫(左)在俄羅斯莫斯科舉行會談之前歡迎外交部長亞伊爾·拉皮德。(Alexander Nemenov/Pool Photo via AP)
“俄羅斯相信……[相信]敘利亞的領土完整,”拉夫羅夫說,並補充說,“敘利亞有權決定其國家的未來。” 他強調了人道主義援助對敘利亞人的重要性,並指責西方制裁阻止了部分援助。
在拉皮德和拉夫羅夫在莫斯科會晤的同時,俄羅斯副外長謝爾蓋里亞布科夫正在會見美國伊朗問題特使羅布馬利,討論“恢復全面實施聯合全面行動計劃的前景, ” 據俄羅斯外交部稱,2015 年伊朗核協議。
今年早些時候在維也納舉行的數月談判旨在讓伊朗重新遵守 2015 年的協議——美國前總統唐納德特朗普於 2018 年退出該協議——在強硬派易卜拉欣·賴西當選伊朗新總統後於 6 月陷入僵局。

文件:伊朗位於伊朗納坦茲的核濃縮設施(美聯社照片/Hasan Sarbakhshian)
拉夫羅夫說:“我們歡迎以色列與該地區各國關係正常化,我們相信這些努力將推動全面和平進程。” “俄羅斯將繼續支持組織以色列人和巴勒斯坦人之間的直接和平對話,包括通過四方”——聯合國、歐盟、美國和俄羅斯旨在促進中東和平的超國家機構。
拉夫羅夫說:“[拉皮德]的訪問即將迎來一個重要的日子,即俄羅斯和以色列重建外交關係 30 週年,這是非常具有像徵意義的。” “這幾十年證明,為了以色列和俄羅斯的利益,關係已經變得先進和發展。”
拉皮德說,過去 30 年來,俄羅斯已成為“以色列最重要和最重要的合作夥伴之一”。他指出,他與拉夫羅夫的會面並不僅僅關注“威脅和衝突”。
拉皮德由俄羅斯土生土長的旅遊部長約爾·拉茲沃佐夫 (Yoel Razvozov) 陪同前往莫斯科,他是 Yesh Atid 的成員,外交部長指出,他是“居住在以色列的超過 100 萬講俄語的人”之一。

外交部長亞伊爾·拉皮德於 2021 年 9 月 9 日在莫斯科舉行的儀式上向無名烈士墓敬獻花圈。(Shlomi Amsalem/GPO)
“紅軍從暴政和種族主義中拯救了世界。他們還在貧民窟救了一個 13 歲的男孩,”拉皮德說。“三年後,俄羅斯人民支持建立以色列國。我們虧欠你。我們是一個記憶力很強的民族。”
Lapid in Moscow: If the world doesn’t stop a nuclear Iran, Israel will act
Foreign minister tells Russian counterpart that while Israel recognizes Moscow’s interests in Syria, ‘we’ll maintain our ability to defend ourselves’; Lavrov to visit Israel soon
By AMY SPIRO 9 September 2021, 4:34 pmUpdated at 4:51 pm

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid (left) makes comments to the press alongside his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, in Moscow on September 9, 2021. (Shlomi Amsalem/GPO)
During a visit to Moscow on Thursday, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid told his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, that Iran must be stopped from obtaining nuclear weapons.
“Iran’s march towards a nuclear weapon is not only an Israeli problem, it’s a problem for the entire world,” Lapid said during a press conference following a sit-down meeting with Lavrov. “A nuclear Iran will lead to a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.”
Lapid declared: “The world needs to stop Iran from getting a nuclear capability, no matter the price,” adding, “If the world doesn’t do it, Israel reserves the right to act.”
The Israeli foreign minister, visiting Moscow on a one-day trip, said, “There won’t be stability in Syria, or in the wider Middle East, while there is an Iranian presence.” He called Tehran “the world’s number one exporter of terror.”
He added that Israel “will not sit quietly by while Iran builds terror bases on our northern border or while Iran supplies advanced weapons to terror organizations.” Lapid said while Jerusalem recognizes Moscow’s “key interests in the region,” Israel will “maintain our ability to defend ourselves in the face of threats from Syria and elsewhere.”
Lapid also noted reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency about Iran’s nuclear program, noting “serious violations, fraud, deception and outright lies.”
“The picture is clear and very worrying,” he said.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, left, welcomes Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, prior to their talks in Moscow, Russia, Thursday, Sept. 9, 2021. (Alexander Nemenov/Pool Photo via AP)
In his own public comments, Lavrov did not mention Iran, but he noted that he and Lapid had discussed the situation in Syria.
“Russia believes… [in] the territorial integrity of Syria,” said Lavrov, adding that “Syria has the right to define the future of its nation.” He stressed the importance of humanitarian aid to Syrians, and blamed Western sanctions for blocking some of that assistance.
In response to a question from a reporter about Israeli airstrikes in Syria, Lavrov said Russia opposes Syria “becoming an arena of confrontations with third parties. This is why we don’t want the Syrian territory to be used against Israel or against any other party,” he added, noting ongoing coordination between Jerusalem and Moscow on activity in the area.
Lavrov also said that Lapid had invited him to visit Israel soon, “and I gladly accept his offer.”
At the same time that Lapid and Lavrov were meeting in Moscow, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov was meeting with Rob Malley, the US envoy on Iran, to discuss “the prospects of restoring full-fledged implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action,” the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry.
Months of negotiations in Vienna earlier this year aimed at bringing Iran back into compliance with the 2015 deal — which former US president Donald Trump withdrew from in 2018 — stalled in June after hardliner Ebrahim Raisi was elected the new president of Iran.

File: Iran’s nuclear enrichment facility in Natanz, Iran (AP Photo/Hasan Sarbakhshian)
While Lapid did not mention potential talks between Israel and the Palestinians in his public remarks, Lavrov used his comments to urge restarting discussions.
“We welcome the normalization of relations of Israel with various nations of the region, and we believe that the comprehensive peace process will be boosted by these efforts,” said Lavrov. “Russia will continue to support organizing direct peaceful dialogue between the Israelis and the Palestinians including through the Quartet” — the supranational body of the UN, EU, US and Russia aimed at fostering Middle East peace.
In response to a question by a reporter, Lapid said Israel was not opposed to an upcoming meeting of the Quartet, “but right now there is nothing of the sort on the table.”
Both foreign ministers also acknowledged the upcoming anniversary marking 30 years of diplomatic relations between Israel and Russia.
“It’s very symbolic that [Lapid’s] visit is coming close to an important date, 30 years since the renewal of diplomatic ties between Russia and Israel,” said Lavrov. “These decades have proved that relations have become advanced and developed for the good of both Israel and Russia.”
Lavrov said he expected to “take another step today toward developing these relations, and to discuss the regional and international situation as well as bilateral ties.”
Lapid said over the past 30 years Russia has become “one of Israel’s most significant and important partners.” And he noted that his meeting with Lavrov did not focus solely on “threats and conflicts.”
“Israel and Russia have strong and deep ties in economics, culture, tourism, energy and science,” he noted. “Without Russia, culture in the world, and in Israel, wouldn’t be the same.”
Lapid was accompanied to Moscow by Tourism Minister Yoel Razvozov, a native of Russia and a fellow member of Yesh Atid, who the foreign minister noted is one of “over a million Russian speakers living in Israel.”
Earlier Thursday, Lapid laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow, and paid tribute to the Red Army soldiers who fell in World War II.

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid at a ceremony in Moscow on September 9, 2021, laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. (Shlomi Amsalem/GPO)
Speaking alongside Lavrov, Lapid noted that his father, who was imprisoned in the Budapest Ghetto during the Holocaust, was liberated by Russian forces at the end of the war.
“The Red Army saved the world from tyranny and racism. They also saved a 13-year-old boy in the ghetto,” said Lapid. “Three years later, the people of Russia supported the creation of the State of Israel. We owe you. And we are a people with a long memory.”
由TOI 工作人員和機構提供今天,晚上 8:37

納夫塔利·貝內特總理於 2021 年 9 月 5 日在耶路撒冷總理辦公室主持內閣會議。 (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
在聯合國核監督機構報告稱伊朗近幾個月大幅增加了高濃縮鈾的產量後,總理納夫塔利·貝內特 (Naftali Bennett) 週五呼籲國際社會立即對伊朗採取行動。.
貝內特說:“認為伊朗將準備通過談判改變其道路的幼稚預期已被證明是毫無根據的。” “只有國際社會採取強有力的立場,並以決定和行動為後盾,才能導致德黑蘭政權發生變化,該政權已經失去了一切克制。

伊朗總統哈桑·魯哈尼(右二)於 2021 年 4 月 10 日在伊朗德黑蘭參觀伊朗核新成就展覽時聽取伊朗原子能組織負責人阿里·阿克巴爾·薩利希(Ali Akbar Salehi)的講話。(伊朗總統辦公室,美聯社)
國際原子能機構週二發布的報告顯示,德黑蘭自 5 月以來已將其 60% 濃縮鈾的庫存增加了四倍,公然違反了 2015 年與世界大國達成的旨在遏制其核計劃的協議。
該監管機構還在其機密季度報告中告訴成員國,自 2 月以來,由於伊朗拒絕讓檢查人員接觸 IAEA 的監測設備,其核查和監測活動“受到嚴重破壞”。
該機構表示,它估計伊朗的裂變純度高達 60% 的濃縮鈾庫存為 10 公斤,自 5 月以來增加了 7.6 公斤。該國裂變純度高達 20% 的鈾庫存現在估計為 84.3 公斤,高於三個月前的 62.8 公斤。
該機構表示,截至 8 月 30 日,伊朗的鈾總庫存估計為 2441.3 公斤,低於 5 月 22 日的 3241 公斤。
根據被稱為聯合綜合行動計劃或 JCPOA 的核協議,德黑蘭僅被允許儲存 202.8 公斤鈾,該計劃承諾伊朗經濟激勵以換取對其核計劃的限制,旨在防止德黑蘭發展核計劃。炸彈。

美國總統喬拜登於 2021 年 8 月 27 日在華盛頓特區白宮橢圓形辦公室會見以色列總理納夫塔利貝內特。 (Nicholas Kamm/AFP)
2018 年,美國在時任美國總統唐納德特朗普的領導下單方面退出了核協議,但英國、法國、德國、中國和俄羅斯一直試圖維護該協議。
美國總統喬拜登表示,他對重新加入該協議持開放態度。上一輪在維也納舉行的會談於 6 月結束,但沒有明確結果。
以色列一再警告伊朗正在尋求核武器。前總理本雅明·內塔尼亞胡公開反對 2015 年的協議,稱該協議將為伊朗核武庫鋪平道路,並公開敦促拜登重新加入該協議。
Bennett calls for ‘rapid international action’ against Iran’s enrichment surge
Appearing to disparage US effort to revive nuclear deal, PM says ‘naive expectation that Iran will change path via negotiations has been proven to be baseless’
By TOI STAFF and AGENCIESToday, 8:37 pm

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett leads a cabinet meeting at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem on September 5, 2021. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Friday called on the international community to act immediately against Iran after the United Nations nuclear watchdog reported that the Islamic Republic has dramatically increased its production of highly enriched uranium in recent months. .
“Israel views with utmost gravity the picture of the situation reflected in the [International Atomic Energy Agency] report, which proves that Iran is continuing to lie to the world and advance a program to develop nuclear weapons while denying its international commitments,” Bennett said in a statement.
“I call for an appropriate and rapid international reaction to the severe actions of Iran. The IAEA report warns that the time to act is now,” he continued.

The premier then appeared to knock a key argument made by proponents of the Iran nuclear deal, which offered Tehran sanctions relief in exchange for curbs on its nuclear program.
“The naive expectation that Iran will be prepared to change its path via negotiations has been proven to be baseless,” Bennett said. “Only a vigorous stand by the international community, backed up by decisions and actions, will be able to lead to a change by the regime in Tehran, which has lost all restraint.
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“Israel will do everything to prevent Iran from attaining nuclear weapons,” he added.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, second right, listens to the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Ali Akbar Salehi while visiting an exhibition of Iran’s new nuclear achievements in Tehran, Iran, April 10, 2021. (Iranian Presidency Office via AP)
The IAEA report published Tuesday revealed that Tehran has quadrupled its stockpile of 60 percent-enriched uranium since May, in open contravention of the 2015 accord with world powers that was meant to contain its nuclear program.
The watchdog also told member states in its confidential quarterly report that its verification and monitoring activities have been “seriously undermined” since February by Iran’s refusal to let inspectors access IAEA monitoring equipment.
The agency said that it estimates Iran’s stock of uranium enriched to up to 60% fissile purity at 10 kilograms, an increase of 7.6 kilograms since May. The country’s stockpile of uranium enriched to up to 20% fissile purity is now estimated at 84.3 kilograms, up from 62.8 kilograms three months earlier.
Iran’s total stock of uranium is estimated at 2441.3 kilograms as of August 30, down from 3241 kilograms on May 22, the agency said.
Tehran is only permitted to stockpile 202.8 kilograms of uranium under the nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, which promises Iran economic incentives in exchange for limits on its nuclear program, and is meant to prevent Tehran from developing a nuclear bomb.
The Vienna-based agency warned members that its confidence in properly assessing Iran’s activities — what it called the “continuity of knowledge” — was declining over time and that would continue “unless the situation is immediately rectified by Iran.”

US President Joe Biden meets with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, on August 27, 2021. (Nicholas Kamm/AFP)
The IAEA said that certain monitoring and surveillance equipment cannot be left for more than three months without being serviced. It was provided with access this month to four surveillance cameras installed at one site, but one of the cameras had been destroyed and a second had been severely damaged, the agency said.
IAEA director-general, Rafael Mariano Grossis, said that he was willing to travel to Iran to meet the recently elected government for talks.
The United States unilaterally pulled out of the nuclear deal in 2018 under then-US president Donald Trump, but Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia have tried to preserve the accord.
Tehran’s strategy of deliberately violating the deal is seen as an attempt to put pressure, particularly on Europe, to provide it with incentives to offset crippling American sanctions re-imposed after the US pullout from the deal.
US President Joe Biden has said that he is open to rejoining the pact. The last round of talks in Vienna ended in June without a clear result.
Israel has repeatedly warned that Iran is seeking nuclear weapons. Former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu openly opposed the 2015 deal, which it said would pave the way to an Iranian nuclear arsenal, and publicly urged Biden to reenter the deal.
Meeting with Biden at the White House last month, Bennett warned of the “nightmare” of a radical Islamic regime attaining nuclear weapons, and Biden publicly vowed that the US would “never” allow Iran to attain the bomb.
Israel has “greatly accelerated” preparations for action against Iran’s nuclear program, military chief Aviv Kohavi said in an interview published Monday.
由TOI 工作人員和美聯社提供今天,晚上 7:02

在黎巴嫩政府發布的這張照片中,黎巴嫩總理納吉布·米卡特 (Najib Mikat) 於 2021 年 9 月 10 日在黎巴嫩貝魯特市中心的一座清真寺參加週五祈禱時祈禱。 (Dalati Nohra/黎巴嫩官方政府通過美聯社)
國防部長本尼·甘茨說,以色列已於7 月正式向黎巴嫩提供人道主義援助。

在這張 2020 年 7 月 17 日的檔案照片中,一名婦女看著一名睡在黎巴嫩貝魯特哈姆拉街地上的無家可歸的黎巴嫩男子。(美聯社照片/ Hassan Ammar,文件)
以色列和黎巴嫩沒有外交關係。以色列軍方和伊朗支持的真主黨在 2006 年打了一場毀滅性的戰爭,真主黨控制著黎巴嫩的國家決策並否認以色列的生存權。
從 1982 年到 200 年,以色列佔領了黎巴嫩南部的一片地帶——約佔黎巴嫩領土的 10%——以保護以色列北部免受恐怖襲擊。
去年,在貝魯特港口發生大規模爆炸導致 200 多人死亡後,以色列也提供了人道主義援助,但遭到拒絕。

在政府發布的這張照片中,黎巴嫩總統米歇爾·奧恩(左)於 2021 年 9 月 10 日星期五在黎巴嫩貝魯特以東的巴卜達總統府會見了總理納吉布·米卡特。(Dalati Nohra/黎巴嫩官方政府)通過 AP)
黎巴嫩的外匯儲備一直處於危險的低位,這個依賴進口的國家的中央銀行表示,它不再能夠支持該國 60 億美元的補貼計劃。
該協議打破了過去一年該國陷入金融混亂和貧困的長達 13 個月的僵局。

在連接首都貝魯特和黎巴嫩南部的主要高速公路上的一個加油站的全景圖,一個男人拿著一加侖的燃料,對,而汽車從各個方向趕來試圖給他們的油箱加滿汽油,在沿海城鎮Jiyeh,黎巴嫩貝魯特以南,2021 年 9 月 3 日,星期五。(美聯社照片/ Hassan Ammar)
由億萬富翁商人米卡蒂 (Mikati) 領導的 24 位部長組成的新內閣由總統辦公室宣布,隨後由部長會議秘書長馬哈茂德·馬基 (Mahmoud Makkieh) 宣布。部長是由過去幾十年統治該國的政客精心挑選的,許多人將腐敗和管理不善歸咎於導致該國目前的危機。
新內閣的許多成員都是各自領域的專家,包括領導抗擊冠狀病毒的公立醫院拉菲克哈里里大學醫院的主任菲拉斯·阿比亞德 (Firas Abiad)。阿比亞德