Tara's Dreamland Odyssey ❤️泰拉的夢遊仙境✨我的書「真相」告訴你宇宙創造的真相

Tara's Dreamland Odyssey ❤️泰拉的夢遊仙境✨我的書「真相」告訴你宇宙創造的真相


在「Tara's Dreamland Odyssey ❤️泰拉的夢遊仙境」節目中,我們將深入探討靜坐中第三眼的神秘視角。
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cln4yc1mx00c901yu0r9xh5h5
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🄴 Tara's Dreamland Odyssey ❤️泰拉的夢遊仙境✨我的書「真相」告訴你宇宙創造的真相

✨你也可以成為夢想的創造者!《真相》一書揭開宇宙創造的秘密,讓你掌握無限可能。 實體書籍7月上架!電子書已提供購買,點擊檔案中的連結,一起探索真相! 書籍購買網址:https://linoods.com/taramicha IG:Tara's Dreamland Odyssey 泰拉的夢遊仙境 YouTube:https://youtube.com/@tara_micha?si=oMH_YhhWWvhAWkle 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cln4yc1mx00c901yu0r9xh5h5 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cln4yc1mx00c901yu0r9xh5h5/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

Do you often have strange dreams?

Do you often have strange dreams?

🄴 Tara's Dreamland Odyssey ❤️泰拉的夢遊仙境✨我的書「真相」告訴你宇宙創造的真相

Want to be a creator where all your dreams come true? ⭐You can be the creator of your dreams! "The Truth" reveals the secrets of the universe,  giving you unlimited potential. The e-book launches in July on Amazon, Apple, and Google! IG:https://www.instagram.com/ YouTube:https://youtube.com/@tara_micha?si=oMH_YhhWWvhAWkle #dreaminterpretation #dreammeanings #dreamjournaling #luciddreaming #nightmareside #dreamsymbols #dreamanalysis #dreamworld #sleeppsychology #subconsciousmind 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cln4yc1mx00c901yu0r9xh5h5 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cln4yc1mx00c901yu0r9xh5h5/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

Do You Feel This Way Too? The Hidden Crisis in Human Life ⭐My e-book, "The Truth," will be available on Amazon, Apple, and Google platforms in July.

Do You Feel This Way Too? The Hidden Crisis in Human Life ⭐My e-book, "The Truth," will be available on Amazon, Apple, and Google platforms in July.

🄴 Tara's Dreamland Odyssey ❤️泰拉的夢遊仙境✨我的書「真相」告訴你宇宙創造的真相

⭐My e-book, "The Truth," will be available on Amazon, Apple, and Google platforms in July. 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cln4yc1mx00c901yu0r9xh5h5 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cln4yc1mx00c901yu0r9xh5h5/comments IG:https://www.instagram.com/tara_micha_1111/ YouTube:https://youtube.com/@tara_micha?si=oMH_YhhWWvhAWkle Powered by Firstory Hosting



🄴 Tara's Dreamland Odyssey ❤️泰拉的夢遊仙境✨我的書「真相」告訴你宇宙創造的真相

想要將夢想中的一切美好事物實現到生活中嗎? ✨我的新書《真相》即將發行,實體將於7月份在各大實體書店和網路書店發售。 電子書,於6/1號上架各大網路平台。 海外讀者,亞馬遜提供中文與英文版本。 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cln4yc1mx00c901yu0r9xh5h5 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cln4yc1mx00c901yu0r9xh5h5/comments IG:tara_micha_1111 YouTube:https://youtube.com/@tara_micha?si=oMH_YhhWWvhAWkle 00:00 開始 00:12 每個人痛苦的原因 01:14 如果有以下跡象,你正沒有享受並且活在自己的人生裡面 01:48 在關係中,最適合希望彼此關係更進步的協調方式跟技巧 02:03 為什麼當你覺得我是為你好的時候,對方都非常的激烈反抗? 03:06 我們都沒有學會這件事,所以關係中常常衝突 04:36 如果你不想在關係中充滿痛苦,一定要學會的東西 在這個複雜的人際關係網中, 我們不是被控制就是想要控制他人, 整個人類社會都在參與這場遊戲。 導致了每個人在關係中都充滿了痛苦。 在這段影片中,我將從靈性的角度告知您, 如何在關係中徹底解放自己,從這些遊戲中,徹底自由 Powered by Firstory Hosting

Did you know that everything in your life is orchestrated by your own soul?

Did you know that everything in your life is orchestrated by your own soul?

🄴 Tara's Dreamland Odyssey ❤️泰拉的夢遊仙境✨我的書「真相」告訴你宇宙創造的真相

✨ My book, "The Truth," will be available on Amazon, Apple, and Google e-book platforms by the end of June. If you want to achieve any dream on Earth and understand the truth of life, make sure to get a copy and read it! 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cln4yc1mx00c901yu0r9xh5h5 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cln4yc1mx00c901yu0r9xh5h5/comments IG:tara_micha_1111 YouTube:https://youtube.com/@tara_micha?si=oMH_YhhWWvhAWkle In this video, we're uncovering a profound truth about your life: every individual you meet is intentionally placed by your own soul (consciousness). In the universe, nothing happens by chance—everything is part of an intricate master plan. Feeling stuck in your spiritual journey? Constantly reading spiritual books but not witnessing any real transformation? This video holds the insights you've been searching for! We delve into the concept known as the "Spiritual Buffet," explaining why sampling various spiritual practices might not yield the changes you're hoping for. More critically, we’ll discuss how your ego could be blocking these lessons and offer practical strategies to overcome these obstacles, enabling true inner transformation and spiritual awakening. Prepare to dive deeper into spirituality and embark on a journey of authentic change! In this video, you will discover: - What the “Spiritual Buffet” is and why it might be stalling your spiritual progress. - How your ego could be hindering your learning and growth. Join us as we unlock the secrets of spiritual growth, making sure your path to enlightenment is no longer in vain. #spiritualawakening #higherconsciousness #awakenedsoul #mindfulness #awakening #enlightenment #enlightenmen #selfdiscovery #souljourney #SpiritualAwakening #HigherConsciousness #SoulJourney #EnlightenmentPath #SpiritualGrowth #selfdiscovery #enlightenment #spiritualawakening #bodymindandsoul Powered by Firstory Hosting