2021-10-25 閒聊用新聞: 英鎊三千萬在蘇富比最近的拍賣可以買什麼 + 星艦迷航與星戰迷們請注意 / 2021-10-25 News for Chitchat: what one gets for £30 million in Sotheby's these days + Attention Star Trek and Star Wars fans

2021-10-25·4 分


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被蘇富比稱為 「歷史上第一件在拍賣會上現場創作的藝術品」半毀後以一千九百萬英鎊成交。


William Shatner 企業號星艦艦長詹姆士·T·寇克是《星艦迷航記》上太空的第一人嗎?


What Sotheby's called "the first artwork in history to have been created live during an auction" was sold for £19 million.

Pierre Chen of Yageo sold a wine collection valued at US$11 million.

Is William Shatner of the Star Trek Captain Kirk fame the first Trekker to make it to (dramatic voice) space, the final frontier?

Join Makoto for the annual Star Wars parade.

Information and images sources:

- https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-58908768
- https://youtu.be/eXKE0nAMmg4

國巨陳泰銘/Pierre Chen
- https://www.sothebys.com/en/digital-catalogues/the-art-of-living-legendary-wines-from-the-cellar-of-pierre-chen
- https://www.sothebys.com/en/articles/victory-vintages-for-historic-times

《星艦迷航記》第一人/William Shatner
- https://edition.cnn.com/2021/10/14/tech/william-shatner-blue-origin-space-safety-scn/index.html
- https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/ashes-of-star-treks-scotty-smuggled-on-to-international-space-station-6lpgs05n6

星戰迷站起來/Star Wars fans
- https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=5187531374607474&id=100000519888318&sfnsn=mo


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