2021.09.05 國際新聞導讀-美國也可能自伊拉克撤軍伊拉克、伊朗總統萊西呼籲塔利班舉行自由投票選舉出民選政府,這是對塔利班的不友好態度,伊朗有意重啟美伊核武談判、黎巴嫩將由敘利亞港口進口石油與天然氣、以色列與波灣國家貿易大增

2021-09-05·29 分


2021.09.05 國際新聞導讀-伊朗總統萊西呼籲塔利班舉行自由投票選舉出民選政府,這是對塔利班的不友好態度,伊朗有意重啟美伊核武談判、黎巴嫩將由敘利亞港口進口石油與天然氣、以色列與波灣國家貿易大增

「不會重蹈阿富汗覆轍」美擬撤軍伊拉克 邁向戰略新合作
2021-07-16 14:30 世界日報 / 編譯中心╱綜合15日電

阿富汗局勢因美國撤軍而急劇惡化,伊拉克總理卡迪米(Mustafa al-Kadhemi)的辦公室表示,卡迪米與美國特使麥格克(Brett McGurk)今天討論了美軍撤出伊拉克事宜。英媒透露,麥格克已通知伊拉克官員,美軍部隊將會從當地逐步撤出;但有美國高級官員否認上述報導。
另據英國BBC女記者科納瓦特(Nafiseh Kohnavard)在Twitter引述伊拉克政府消息人士指出,美軍將會逐步從當地撤軍,「首先是作戰部隊,之後是其他後勤人員」。
上月底,伊拉克國家安全顧問阿拉吉(Qassem al-Araji)證實卡迪米計畫訪問華盛頓,並將與拜登商討美軍撤兵的時間表。他當時強調,伊拉克擁有足夠的軍隊,不需要其他國家的部隊駐紮在伊拉克領土上。
由AP今天,晚上 11:31

2021 年 8 月 5 日,伊朗新總統易卜拉欣·賴西在首都德黑蘭的伊朗議會宣誓就職典禮上發表講話。(Atta Kenare/法新社)
Ebrahim Raisi 今天在國家電視台發表講話說,阿富汗人民應該“盡快”投票決定他們自己的政府。
Iranian president urges elections in Afghanistan ‘as soon as possible’
By APToday, 11:31 pm

Iran's new President Ebrahim Raisi speaks during his swearing in ceremony at the Iranian parliament in the capital Tehran, on August 5, 2021. (Atta Kenare/AFP)
TEHRAN — Iran’s president is calling for elections in Afghanistan to determine the future of the country, where he hopes peace will return after Western troops have left and the Taliban have seized control.
Speaking on state TV today, Ebrahim Raisi says that the Afghan people should vote to determine their own government “as soon as possible.”
“A government should be established there which is elected by the votes and the will of the people,” he says.
伊朗新任總統稱“談判已提上日程”;自他在 6 月贏得大選後暫停以來,談判尚未恢復
由TOI 工作人員和法新社提供今天,晚上 11:34

2021 年 8 月 25 日,伊朗總統易卜拉欣·賴西在首都德黑蘭的議會發表講話。(Atta Kenare/法新社)
伊朗總統易卜拉欣·賴西周六表示,該國準備與世界大國舉行會談,以恢復 2015 年的核協議,但不會受到西方的“壓力”,路透社報導。
在歐盟的指導下,談判於 4 月開始,旨在讓美國重返 2015 年達成的協議。美國前總統唐納德特朗普於 2018 年放棄了該協議,並開始對伊朗實施嚴厲制裁。
在極端保守的賴西贏得伊朗總統選舉兩天后,談判於 6 月 20 日休會,恢復對話的日期尚未確定。

2021 年 6 月 20 日在奧地利維也納舉行閉門核會談的“維也納大酒店”前的電視攝像機。(Florian Schroetter/AP)
Raisi 於 8 月初成為總統,接替溫和的 Hassan Rouhani,後者是 2015 年協議伊朗方面的主要設計師。
賴西政府在獲得議會批准後於 8 月 26 日宣誓就職。
2015 年的協議讓伊朗放鬆西方和聯合國的製裁,以換取對其由聯合國監督的核計劃的嚴格控制。
Raisi: Iran ready to resume nuclear talks, but without Western ‘pressure’
New hardline Iranian president says ‘talks are on the agenda’; negotiations yet to resume since pause following his election win in June
By TOI STAFF and AFPToday, 11:34 pm

Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi speaks before parliament in the capital Tehran, on August 25, 2021. (Atta Kenare/AFP)
Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi said on Saturday that the country is ready to hold talks with world powers to revive the 2015 nuclear deal, but not under Western “pressure,” Reuters reported.
“The Westerners and the Americans are after talks together with pressure… What kind of talks is that? I have already announced that we will have talks on our government’s agenda but not with… pressure,” Raisi told state television, according to the report.
He added that “talks are on the agenda… We are seeking goal-oriented negotiations … so unjust sanctions on the Iranian people are lifted… and their lives can flourish.”
The stalled talks aimed at reviving the agreement with world powers will likely not resume for another two to three months, Tehran’s foreign ministry said on Wednesday.
Steered by the European Union, the talks began in April and seek to bring the United States back into a deal agreed in 2015. Former US president Donald Trump abandoned the accord in 2018 and began imposing tough sanctions on Iran.
Negotiations were adjourned on June 20, two days after ultraconservative Raisi won Iran’s presidential election, and no date has been set for a resumption of dialogue.

TV cameras in front of the ‘Grand Hotel Vienna’ where closed-door nuclear talks take place in Vienna, Austria, on June 20, 2021. (Florian Schroetter/AP)
Raisi became president in early August, taking over from moderate Hassan Rouhani, the principal architect on the Iranian side of the 2015 agreement.
Raisi’s government was sworn in on August 26 after receiving parliamentary approval.
The 2015 deal offered Iran an easing of Western and United Nations sanctions in return for tight controls on its nuclear program, monitored by the UN.
In retaliation for Trump’s withdrawal three years ago and his subsequent imposition of punishing sanctions, Iran in effect abandoned most of its commitments under the deal.
But Trump’s successor, US President Joe Biden, wants to bring Washington back into the agreement.
The talks in Vienna involve Iran and the five other remaining parties to the deal — Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia.
The US also takes part in the talks but has no direct contact with Iran.
黎巴嫩高級代表團訪問大馬士革 就通過敘利亞領土進口埃及天然氣和約旦電力達成協議
按機構今天,下午 6:41

敘利亞-黎巴嫩高級委員會秘書長納斯里·庫裡在與敘利亞外交部長費薩爾·米克達德(右二)和其他內閣成員以及率領官方代表團的黎巴嫩外長扎伊娜·阿卡爾(左三)舉行的聯合新聞發布會上發表講話。 2021 年 9 月 4 日在首都大馬士革舉行的一次會議。 (Louai Beshara/AFP)
大馬士革——一名官員周六在貝魯特對大馬士革進行自 10 年前爆發內戰以來的首次高層訪問期間表示,敘利亞已同意通過允許天然氣和電力通過其領土來幫助遭受危機打擊的黎巴嫩。
敘利亞“準備”幫助黎巴嫩“通過敘利亞領土運輸埃及天然氣和約旦電力”,高級官員納斯里庫裡告訴記者,在黎巴嫩臨時副總理澤納阿卡爾率領的代表團會見敘利亞外交部長費薩爾之後Meqdad 和石油部長 Bassam Tomeh。

2021 年 6 月 23 日,在黎巴嫩貝魯特,一名男子騎著裝有空水瓶的踏板車裝滿汽油。 (AP/Hussein Malla)
交付將違反美國前總統唐納德特朗普對伊朗實施的美國製裁,後者於 2018 年讓華盛頓退出伊朗與世界大國之間的核協議。
黎巴嫩一直與敘利亞保持外交關係,但自 2011 年沖突開始以來,它採取了與衝突脫離關係的政策,這給官方交往帶來了阻礙。

敘利亞外交部長費薩爾·米克達德(右,中)和其他內閣成員會見了黎巴嫩官方代表團,包括(左,從前到後)安全總局局長阿巴斯·易卜拉欣、財政部長加齊·瓦茲尼、外交部長扎納·阿卡爾和能源和水務部的 Raymond Ghajar 以及敘利亞-黎巴嫩高級委員會秘書長 Nasri Khoury(中)於 2021 年 9 月 4 日在首都大馬士革。(Louai Beshara/法新社)
黎巴嫩的經濟危機被世界銀行描述為自 1850 年代以來世界上最嚴重的經濟危機之一。隨著央行外匯儲備枯竭,其貨幣已經崩潰,導致藥品和燃料嚴重短缺。
Syria says will help Lebanon get gas from Egypt as Iran fuel shipment en route
High-level Lebanese delegation visits Damascus to make deal on importing Egyptian gas, Jordanian electricity through Syrian territory
By AGENCIESToday, 6:41 pm

Secretary-General of the Syrian-Lebanese Higher Council, Nasri Khoury, speaks during a joint press conference with Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Miqdad (2nd right) and other cabinet members alongside his Lebanese counterpart Zeina Akar (3rd left) leading an official delegation, following a meeting in the capital Damascus, on September 4, 2021. (Louai Beshara/AFP)
DAMASCUS — Syria has agreed to help crisis-hit Lebanon by allowing gas and electricity transit through its territory, an official saidon Saturday during the first high-level visit from Beirut to Damascus since Syria’s civil war erupted 10 years ago.
Harsh fuel shortages and power cuts inflicted by Lebanon’s economic collapse have paralyzed businesses such as restaurants, shops, and industry, as well as vital services like hospitals.
Now Beirut hopes to strike a deal to import gas from Egypt and electricity from Jordan using Syrian infrastructure — with Washington’s blessing despite United States sanctions against the Damascus regime.
Syria is “ready” to help Lebanon with “transit for Egyptian gas and Jordanian electricity via Syrian territory,” senior official Nasri Khouri told reporters, after the delegation, led by Lebanese interim deputy prime minister Zeina Akar, met Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal al-Meqdad and Oil Minister Bassam Tomeh.
“The parties agreed to set up a joint team to track technical details” of the plan, added Khouri, who is secretary-general of the Lebanese-Syrian Higher Council.
Meanwhile, Lebanon is expecting a shipment of fuel from Iran, which local media said is to be delivered at a major Syrian port and transported by land. The leader of the Iran-backed Lebanese Hezbollah terror group has arranged with allies in Tehran to ship the fuel to Lebanon to help ease the small country’s fuel shortages.

A man rides his scooter with empty water bottles to fill them with gasoline, in Beirut, Lebanon, on June 23, 2021. (AP/Hussein Malla)
The delivery would violate US sanctions on Iran imposed by former US president Donald Trump, who pulled Washington out of a nuclear deal between Iran and world powers in 2018.
There is no date yet for the fuel arrival but the shipment to Lebanon is seen as a test of US sanctions and many in Lebanon fear it could trigger penalties.
Lebanon has maintained diplomatic ties with Syria but it adopted a policy of dissociation from the conflict since it started in 2011, which put a dampener on official dealings.
Lebanese security officials and politicians have made several visits to Syria in recent years, but almost exclusively in a personal capacity or on behalf of political parties that support President Bashar Assad’s government.

Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Miqdad (right, center) and other cabinet members meet with an official Lebanese delegation including (left, front to back) the General Security apparatus’s chief, Abbas Ibrahim, Ministers of Finance Ghazi Wazni, of Foreign Affairs Zeina Akar, and of Energy and Water Raymond Ghajar, as well as the Secretary-General of the Syrian-Lebanese Higher Council, Nasri Khoury (center) in the capital Damascus, on September 4, 2021. (Louai Beshara/AFP)
Hezbollah, the Iran-backed terror group, had sent fighters into Syria to support Assad’s troops in their war against opponents. But other parties in Lebanon supported the opposition, leaving Lebanese politics deeply divided on how to deal with the Syrian government. Relations have been kept mostly to tackling security issues.
Syrian state media have touted it as a visit that “breaks the ice and [revives] relations” between the two countries.
Syria’s Foreign Minister Faisal Mikdad received the delegation at a border crossing on Saturday before they drove to Damascus together.
Lebanon’s economic crisis has been described by the World Bank as one of the most severe the world has witnessed since the 1850s. Its currency has crashed as the central bank’s foreign reserves dried up, leading to crippling shortages of medicine and fuel.
通過AFP今天,下午 6:35

2021 年 2 月 22 日,伊朗外交部發言人賽義德·哈蒂布扎德 (Saeed Khatibzadeh) 在德黑蘭舉行的新聞發布會上。 (Atta Kenare/AFP)
伊朗德黑蘭——週六,伊朗敦促美國停止對伊朗實施制裁的“沉迷”,並指責美國總統喬·拜登 (Joe Biden) 遵循與唐納德·特朗普 (Donald Trump) 相同的“死胡同”政策。
外交部發言人賽義德·哈蒂布扎德(Saeed Khatibzadeh)在美國財政部宣布對四名被控計劃在美國綁架一名伊朗裔美國記者的伊朗人實施金融制裁後發表上述言論。
根據美國聯邦 7 月中旬的起訴書,情報官員於 2018 年試圖強迫 Masih Alinejad 在伊朗的親屬引誘她到第三國被捕並被帶到伊朗入獄。

在這張攝於 2016 年 4 月 7 日的檔案照片中,記者 Masih Alinejad 在紐約市林肯中心舉行的第 7 屆年度世界女性峰會上發表演講。(杰馬爾伯爵夫人/蓋蒂圖片社北美/法新社)
Khatibzadeh 在 7 月稱美國的指控“毫無根據和荒謬”,稱其為“好萊塢情景”。
在特朗普擔任總統期間,華盛頓單方面退出了 2015 年德黑蘭與六大大國之間的核協議。
它被特朗普在 2018 年決定從美國撤出的決定所破壞。
拜登曾表示,他希望讓華盛頓重新加入該協議,但自 4 月開始在維也納舉行的談判自 6 月極端保守派易卜拉欣·賴西 (Ebrahim Raisi) 贏得伊朗總統大選以來陷入停滯。
德黑蘭要求取消美國自 2017 年以來對其實施或重新實施的所有製裁。
Iran lashes out at US after sanctions imposed over alleged kidnap plot
Tehran claims America ‘addicted’ to sanctioning the Islamic Republic, demands it ‘show respect’
By AFPToday, 6:35 pm

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh during a press conference in Tehran, on February 22, 2021. (Atta Kenare/AFP)
TEHRAN, Iran — Iran urged the United States on Saturday to stop its “addiction” to sanctions against the Islamic Republic and accused US President Joe Biden of following the same “dead end” policies as Donald Trump.
Foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh made his remarks a day after the US Treasury announced financial sanctions against four Iranians accused of planning the kidnapping in the US of an American journalist of Iranian descent.
“Washington must understand that it has no other choice but to abandon its addiction to sanctions and show respect, both in its statements and in its behavior, toward Iran,” Khatibzadeh said in a press release.
On Friday, the Treasury announced sanctions against “four Iranian intelligence operatives” involved in a campaign against Iranian dissidents abroad.
According to a US federal indictment in mid-July, the intelligence officers tried in 2018 to force Masih Alinejad’s Iran-based relatives to lure her to a third country to be arrested and taken to Iran to be jailed.
When that failed, they allegedly hired US private investigators to monitor her over the past two years.

In this file photo taken on April 7, 2016, Journalist Masih Alinejad speaks onstage at the 7th Annual Women In The World Summit at the Lincoln Center in New York City. (Jemal Countess / Getty Images North America/AFP)
Khatibzadeh in July called the American charges “baseless and absurd,” referring to them as “Hollywood scenarios.”
Under Trump’s presidency, Washington unilaterally withdrew from the 2015 nuclear agreement between Tehran and six major powers.
The multilateral deal offered Iran relief from sanctions in return for curbs on its nuclear program.
It was torpedoed by Trump’s decision to withdraw the US from it in 2018.
Biden has said that he wants to reintegrate Washington into the pact, but talks in Vienna that began in April have stalled since the ultra-conservative Ebrahim Raisi won Iran’s presidential election in June.
At the end of August, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei accused Biden’s administration of making the same demands as his predecessor in talks to revive the accord.
On Tuesday, Iran’s new Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian suggested that the Vienna talks would not resume for two or three months.
Tehran is demanding the lifting of all sanctions imposed or reimposed on it by the US since 2017.
通過TOI人員今天,晚上 10:42

艾薩克·赫爾佐格總統(左)於 2021 年 8 月 1 日在耶路撒冷的一次會議上發表講話,約旦國王阿卜杜拉二世(右)於 2021 年 5 月 26 日在約旦安曼與美國國務卿安東尼·布林肯會晤時聆聽。 (約納坦辛德爾/Flash90;美聯社/亞歷克斯布蘭登,游泳池)
在本傑明·內塔尼亞胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)擔任總理期間,近年來雙邊關係緊張之後,赫爾佐格的訪問是上個月以色列新政府宣誓就職後兩國之間一系列高層接觸中的最新一次。

2021 年 8 月 27 日星期五,納夫塔利·貝內特總理在華盛頓特區白宮橢圓形辦公室會見總統喬·拜登時發表講話。(美聯社照片/埃文武奇)
今年早些時候,安曼推遲了一架計劃將內塔尼亞胡帶到阿聯酋的飛機,表面上是為了回應約旦王儲侯賽因由於安全安排上的分歧而匆忙前往耶路撒冷的阿克薩清真寺,之後緊張局勢突然爆發 .
約旦和以色列有著牢固的安全關係,但最近政治關係惡化,因為安曼與耶路撒冷就以色列對巴勒斯坦人和耶路撒冷聖殿山的政策發生爭執,耶路撒冷 聖殿山由約旦監管,即使以色列與其他遜尼派阿拉伯國家走得更近。

2017 年 7 月 21 日,約旦人在安曼舉行的反對以色列在聖殿山採取的安全措施的示威活動中攜帶著圓頂清真寺的模型。(法新社照片/Khalil Mazraawi)
約旦是以色列和美國的重要地區盟友, 長期以來一直呼籲兩國解決方案和重啟自 2014 年以來被凍結的以巴和談。
在周六接受第 13 頻道新聞採訪時,赫爾佐格表示,在甘茨上週與巴勒斯坦權力機構主席馬哈茂德·阿巴斯會面後,保持與巴勒斯坦權力機構的關係很重要,“當涉及到以色列的安全,[和其他]重要主題時” .
“這是一個不公平的理論問題,”他在接受 Kan 公共廣播公司採訪時說。

2021 年 6 月 2 日,赫爾佐格當選後,新當選的總統艾薩克·赫爾佐格與時任總理本傑明·內塔尼亞胡在議會中。(約納坦·辛德爾/Flash90)
Herzog 還因聘請 Naor Ihia 作為他的發言人而面臨審查,無視一些強調 Ihia 過去作為內塔尼亞胡發言人的工作的批評者。
赫爾佐格對第 12 頻道新聞說:“與內塔尼亞胡沒有直接或間接談過任何倡議。” “我沒有承諾任何事情,沒有交易……這是一個尚未孵化的雞蛋。”
Herzog secretly visited Jordan for meeting with king
President cites ‘desire to make progress’ in the region following last week’s trip; says ties with the Palestinian Authority important for Israel’s security
By TOI STAFFToday, 10:42 pm

President Isaac Herzog (left) speaks during a conference in Jerusalem, on August 1, 2021, and Jordan's King Abdullah II (right) listens during a meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in Amman, Jordan, on May 26, 2021. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90; AP/Alex Brandon, Pool)
President Isaac Herzog traveled last week to Jordan for talks with King Abdullah II, the former’s office revealed on Saturday night, in the latest sign of warming ties between the countries.
“Jordan is a very important country. I have immense respect for King Abdullah, a great leader, and a highly significant regional actor,” Herzog was quoted as saying in a statement from his office. “In our meeting, among the things we discussed were the core issues in the dialogue between our states.”
“There is a sense in the region of a desire to make progress, a desire to speak,” he added.
Herzog noted that it had been a year since the Abraham Accords — the normalization agreements between Israel and four of its regional neighbors, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan — were signed.
“These accords created an important regional infrastructure. They are highly important agreements, which are transforming our region and the dialogue within it,” he said.
Herzog said that he plans to speak with and meet other heads of state in the region. “I speak with many leaders from all around the world, almost every day, in full coordination with the Government of Israel. I think that it is very important for the State of Israel’s strategic and diplomatic interests to engage everyone in dialogue,” he added.
Herzog’s trip was the latest in a series of high-level contacts between the countries after the swearing-in of Israel’s new government last month, following strained bilateral ties in recent years during the premiership of Benjamin Netanyahu.
In July, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met with Abdullah in secret at the crown palace in Amman, in the first summit between the countries’ leaders in over three years.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett speaks as he meets with President Joe Biden in the Oval Office of the White House, on Friday, August 27, 2021, in Washington, DC. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
Bennett’s trip marked the first time Abdullah has met an Israeli prime minister since he secretly hosted Netanyahu in 2018. According to reports, Abdullah had refused to meet with Netanyahu, whom he strongly disliked.
In February, Defense Minister Benny Gantz also met secretly with Abdullah in Jordan. Herzog on Saturday confirmed that the meeting took place, as Gantz’s office had not publicly commented on it at the time.
Earlier this year, tensions burst into the open after Amman delayed a plane that was slated to bring Netanyahu to the UAE, ostensibly in response to Jordan’s Crown Prince Hussein scotching a trip to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, due to disagreements over security arrangements.
The then-Israeli premier, who was forced to cancel his trip to Abu Dhabi, attempted to shut down Israeli airspace to Jordanian flights in revenge, according to reports.
Jordan and Israel share strong security ties, but political relations have soured recently as Amman sparred with Jerusalem over Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, which is under Jordanian custody, even as Israel moved closer to other Sunni Arab states.

Jordanians carry a model of the Dome of the Rock mosque during a demonstration in Amman against Israeli security measures at the Temple Mount, on July 21, 2017. (AFP Photo/Khalil Mazraawi)
Jordan, an important regional ally to both Israel and the United States, has long called for a two-state solution and the renewal of Israel-Palestinian peace talks, which have been frozen since 2014.
In an interview broadcast Saturday with Channel 13 news, Herzog said that it was important to maintain relations with the Palestinian Authority, “when it is regarding Israel’s security, [and other] important subjects,” after Gantz met with PA President Mahmoud Abbas last week.
“No one should deceive themself that not talking to the PA will benefit Israel’s security,” Herzog added.
‘No deal’ on possible Netanyahu pardon
Herzog also refused to say whether he would consider pardoning Netanyahu, who is on trial in three corruption cases. Netanyahu, now opposition leader, denies wrongdoing.
“This is an unfair and theoretical question,” he said in an interview with the Kan public broadcaster.
In the run-up to the presidential vote, Herzog refused to say whether he would consider pardoning Netanyahu, who had not endorsed either candidate.

Newly elected President Isaac Herzog with then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Knesset after Herzog’s election, on June 2, 2021. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Herzog also faced scrutiny for hiring Naor Ihia as his spokesman, defying some critics who have highlighted Ihia’s past work as Netanyahu’s spokesman.
“There was no initiative, direct or indirect, that was spoken of with Netanyahu,” Herzog told Channel 12 news. “I did not commit to anything, there is no deal… it’s an egg that hasn’t been hatched.”
數據顯示,自 2020 年和平協議以來,以色列與阿拉伯國家的貿易激增
不包括旅遊業和服務業,與去年同期相比,2021 年前 7 個月與多個國家的貿易增長了兩倍多
通過TOI人員今天下午 5:12

新的阿聯酋大使館於 2021 年 7 月 14 日在特拉維夫。 (Miriam Alster/Flash90)
根據外交部學員約納坦·戈南 (Yonatan Gonen) 引用的中央統計局數據,2021 年前七個月,貿易額與 2020 年同期相比增長了 234%。
統計數據顯示,與阿拉伯聯合酋長國的貿易額從 2020 年 1 月至 7 月的 5080 萬美元飆升至 2021 年同期的 6.139 億美元。
繼 1979 年埃及和 1994 年約旦成為唯一與以色列建立外交關係的阿拉伯國家之後,阿聯酋是去年與以色列關係正常化的四個地區國家中的第一個。
今年與約旦的貿易也有所增加,從 1.362 億美元增加到 2.242 億美元,與埃及的貿易從 9200 萬美元增加到 1.224 億美元。與摩洛哥的貿易額從 1490 萬美元增加到 2080 萬美元。
根據數據,2020 年前七個月,與巴林的貿易幾乎不存在。今年同期,登記的貿易額為 300,000 美元。
2020 年與阿聯酋、巴林、蘇丹和摩洛哥達成的協議,也稱為“亞伯拉罕協議”,打破了阿拉伯長期以來的觀念,即在與巴勒斯坦人達成全面和平協議之前,不應與以色列實現正常化。巴勒斯坦領導人譴責這些協議是“背後捅刀子”和“叛國罪”。
“這只是開始,”前白宮官員、協議談判團隊的一員阿維·伯科維茨 (Avi Berkowitz) 在推特上提到了新數據。
Israel’s trade with Arab states has surged since 2020 peace deals, data shows
Excluding tourism and services, commerce with several nations more than tripled during first 7 months of 2021 compared to same period the year before
By TOI STAFFToday, 5:12 pm

The new UAE embassy in Tel Aviv, on July 14, 2021. (Miriam Alster/Flash90)
Trade between Israel and countries in the Middle East and North Africa has grown significantly this year, following the Jewish state’s normalization of ties with additional Arab states, new data revealed.
In the first seven months of 2021, trade grew by 234 percent compared to the same period in 2020, according to Central Bureau of Statistics figures cited by Yonatan Gonen, a Foreign Ministry cadet.
The statistics showed trade with the United Arab Emirates surged from $50.8 million between January and July 2020 to $613.9 million in the same period in 2021.
The UAE was the first of four regional states who normalized ties with Israel last year, following Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994 as the only Arab nations to establish diplomatic relations with Israel.
Trade with Jordan has also increased this year, from $136.2 million to $224.2 million, and trade with Egypt went from $92 million to $122.4 million. With Morocco, trade rose from $14.9 million to $20.8 million.
According to the data, trade with Bahrain was practically non-existent in the first seven months of 2020. During that same period this year, $300,000 in trade was registered.
The figures did not include trade in tourism and services.
The 2020 agreements with the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco, also known as the “Abraham Accords,” broke with the longstanding Arab notion that there should be no normalization with Israel until it reaches a comprehensive peace deal with the Palestinians. Palestinian leaders condemned the agreements as “a stab in the back” and “treason.”
Israel has already signed a raft of deals with both UAE and Bahrain, ranging from tourism to aviation and financial services.
“Just the beginning,” Avi Berkowitz, a former White House official who was part of the team that negotiated the accords, tweeted in reference to the new data.
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