#英聽不要硬聽 #怎做聽前準備 #加州免費衛生棉 E366

2021-10-22·17 分


早早鳥優惠 - 限時 5 折!!!
線課傳送門 https://bit.ly/3FOfhx3

· 你想聽懂 CNN、BBC 全英文新聞嗎?
· 聽到英文,你就肩膀緊繃、眉頭深鎖嗎?
· 想練英聽,可是聽力素材讓你打呵欠嗎?


· 三週內,你就能養成聽英文新聞的習慣
· 掰掰破除英聽迷思,你會發現,原來英聽這麼簡單
· 你的英聽不再是功課,是下班下課的紓壓娛樂

限時 5 折,錯過就沒了,快點擊傳送門 👆

Under a bill signed recently, public schools and colleges in California will be required to provide free menstrual products in their restrooms. Women's rights advocates have been pushing for affordable access to pads, tampons and other feminine hygiene products nationwide. 


A 2017 law requires schools in disadvantaged areas to provide students with free menstrual products. Thanks to the advocates’ efforts, the law now expands to include all public high schools, community colleges and universities in California. Starting later this year, free pads and tampons will be available to all students in said schools. The bill also encourages private schools and colleges to follow suit.

2017 年的一條法律,要求貧困地區的學校必須為學生提供免費的經期用品。由於倡導者的努力,那條法律現在擴及加州的所有公立高中、社區大學和州立大學。從今年晚一點的時候開始,上述學校的所有學生,都可以免費獲得衛生棉和衛生棉條。該法案也鼓勵私立學校和大學跟進。

In addition to California, many other states are also considering to provide free menstrual products in public schools. According to one of the advocates, female bodies don't always send advanced warnings when menstruating is about to start. Therefore, women and girls may need menstrual products at any moment. Most public bathrooms provide free toilet paper; likewise, pads and tampons should also be available for free.



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節目配樂剪輯自《七十億分之一 Instrumental》
演唱: Julia 吳卓源、婁峻碩SHOU
編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰、Tower Da Funkmasta 陶逸群 、Julia 吳卓源
作曲: Julia 吳卓源、婁峻碩SHOU
製作: terrytyelee 梁永泰
發行: ChynaHouse
授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW
連結: https://kkbox.fm/KsYmHa?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library

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