
2022-01-23·9 分


     面對挫折,我們要衝著目標,勇往直前,堅持下去。有志者事竟成! 鍥而不捨,金石可鏤。再者,獲得家人與朋友的支持,更可以讓我們變得更堅強和聰明。然後,我們要培養自己的韌性,要有「從逆境或變化中,恢復或輕鬆適應的能力」。此種能力,是處理困難情況的技能,不可或缺的。
     When learning how to overcome challenges, we have to know that it is not the challenge itself, but our perception and interpretation of it that gives us negative thoughts and feelings. A great way to change our perspective is to imagine it from another direction. When we ask questions, our mind is forced to give us an answer. But there are good questions and bad questions. We should reframe bad questions into good questions and then, we can get good answers. Next, we need to focus on the areas of our life that are going well. If there’s one area of our life that’s challenging at the moment, we try to look at the other areas that are going well. Thinking negatively is the easiest possible thing for us to do. To reduce this natural tendency, we need to focus consciously on what is positive and good.
Besides, we may not be responsible for the challenge that is happening in our life. It can be something that is completely outside of our control. But now that we are in this situation, we are 100% responsible for the action we take. This is a good thing because it gives us choices and options, and we’ll feel more in control. Taking responsibility is the key in discovering how to overcome challenges. Further, humans are not designed to overcome challenges alone. Other people can give us a different perspective. They can reframe things for us, and help us with the practical steps to resolve them. So we should surround ourselves with positive people as much as we can.
When life is difficult, it is very easy to focus on things that are not working. But, there is almost always an answer and a solution. Often, there is something far better waiting for us on the other side of this challenge! It may seem very unbelievable at the moment, but our imagination will really help our mind focus on the solution. When we focus on what we want in our mind, unbelievably, many situations, events, and opportunities could help bring that into our life. Therefore, we have to visualize ourselves overcoming the challenge and notice how that feels. When we get a sense of that new feeling, it becomes a part of our vision.
Moreover, with the right decisions, good planning, and some consistency, we can minimize the chances of the challenges happening. The good decisions we make are the ones that will make us happy and fulfilled and that we will enjoy what we do in our lives. Then, making good plans are great to overcome the obstacles placed in front of us during our lifetime. Successful people look at a problem and see the opportunity. So let’s go for it right now!

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