【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I am not going to tolerate you any longer. 我不再容忍你了!

2023-09-04·10 分鐘


M: Can you stop throwing things on my desk?
W: I just put them there for now. I’ll move them back after I cleaned my desk.
M: Ahhh! I am not going to tolerate you any longer. I am going to see the boss now, and ask for a new partner.
W: You can’t do that.
M: Oh, yes, I can. And I will. We’ll see. Working with someone like your attitude is never going to get anything done!
W: What do you mean? What’s wrong with my attitude?
M: You are not participating in this team! I don’t want to talk to you anymore! I am seeing the boss! And ask for a new partner!

1. throw [θro] (v.) 拋;丟
2. tolerate [ˋtɑlə͵ret] (v.) 忍受
3. partner [ˋpɑrtnɚ] (n.) 夥伴
4. attitude [ˋætətjud] (n.) 態度


- I am not going to tolerate... 我不再容忍~~
- 《Examples》

- I am not going to tolerate your tardiness any longer.
- I am not going to tolerate your silly behavior again.

A: _____________________.
B: I am sorry. Please forgive me.

💯《Answer Key》: I am not going to tolerate your mistakes
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