菜英文- 翻白眼怎麼說?「PodcastLog」213

2024-06-21·12 分鐘



設籍桃園40歲以上有重度吸菸史及其同住家人,桃園市衛生局提供免費低劑量電腦斷層檢查,歡迎預約 https://fstry.pse.is/6r247u


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菜英文- 翻白眼怎麼說?「PodcastLog」213


目前合作過的置入有: 資生堂 虎牌萬金油 Bioniq牙膏 旅遊頻道 政府單位


This year, I'm feeling a lot of job burnout職業倦怠.

At work, I feel like a robot機器人.

Because there's no other way, I'm working like this because I need money now.

Sometimes I don't want to correct改正 my students學生 at work.

I've probably大概 told them a million百萬 times.

They're good for cats sometimes.

I have to keep a peaceful平靜 and rational合理 image肖像 when I'm working.

It's uncomfortable不舒服 when I can't express表達 myself.

I like to rest quietly悄悄, drink water, and watch files文件.

Seeing superficial表面的 harmony和諧 can be depressing沮喪 at times.

Today, there was a student who kept disturbing打擾 other students.

I couldn't take it anymore after the fourth time.

I kept rolling my eyes翻白眼 and kept asking him to go outside to rest, but he didn't.

When I'm working, I have to respect尊重 an individual's個人的 behavior行為, but I have to correct him, which is exhausting筋疲力盡.

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