#14Environment Protection | Floods in South Sudan | 南蘇丹: 災難性洪水摧毀無數家園

2024-05-21·6 分鐘



大規模水災似乎已成為南蘇丹的新現況。 為應對由此帶來的無數挑戰,需要當局、捐助者和人道組織共同努力,確保當地人能夠獲得醫療護理外,亦要能夠預測和應對該區因未來氣候變化帶來的後果。
1.Flood (n.)水災;洪水
2.climate change (n.)氣候變遷
3. Resilience(n.)恢復力;彈性
Let's Read an article - 好文分享:
📚Title: Floods are affecting an increasing number of people
📚Author: UNICEF
🌍Link: https://www.unicef.org/southsudan/what-we-do/climate-change-and-flooding
🎥The Discussion Questions from This Episode:
What do you think people should do to help those affected by the floods?
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Music by moodmode from Pixabay
Music by Shiden Beats Music from Pixabay
Photo by Jonathan Ford on Unsplash
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