PrideVoice. Ep03. |Interview w/ Peter Kertz: "Lindy Hop is a chance for people to experience FREEDOM."

2020-12-16·1 小時 19 分鐘


Peter Kertz: "Lindy Hop is a chance for people to experience FREEDOM."

Hello, Lindy Hoppers, welcome back to PrideVoice EP03. ! (Scroll down for English description )

這一集中,我們從終極大哉問「Swing對你來說是什麼?」開頭。Peter 與我們分享了他最新的想法:「Lindy Hop 是一種民俗舞蹈」!

還有還有,聊到Switch Dancing的時候,Peter 還說他曾經被誤認為是Gay,因為他很常跟他的男性朋友跳舞?!

想知道為什麼Peter會認為Lindy Hop是「民俗舞蹈」嗎?
PrideVoice. 第三集趕緊聽起來!

In this episode, we start of the ultimate question to all the dancers: "What is SWING to you?" Peter shared to us that he would like to see Lindy Hop as a "Folk Dance", and this idea was generated by Brea. Want hear more about how this interesting ideas came into being? or do you want to know actually, Peter was assumed as GAY for a few times, just because he danced with some other "dude friends"? Let's hear Peter's voice out here in PrideVoice. episode 3!

Swing 大小事 PrideVoice. is a interview/talking based podcast hosted by Switch Taipei. We believe that there are different voices from all kinds of people, and those voices need to be heard, proudly!

#PrideVoice #SwitchTaipei
#SwingDance #LindyHop #Jazz #SwingJazzz #Equality #LGBTQAI #rainbow


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