Seeing Spots from 5- minute Marvel Spiderman Stories

2021-02-14·9 分鐘


(Read by Mr. H) 小朋友們, 你們喜歡蜘蛛人嗎?今天我們就是要來看蜘蛛人如何對抗黑點大怪. 黑點大怪正在城市裡用他特別的特技讓自己隱形看不見, 所以他就從中作亂, 偷了很多人的皮包, 皮夾,還有珠寶. 我們來看看蜘蛛人找了哪位超級英雄來幫忙解決這個問題.
The Spot is a villain whom has a tricky talent to be invisible. Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy are out on a hot dog date but the Spot tries to steal her purse with his disguise. Peter changes his suit to Spiderman and tries to make things right, guess whom he invite to help to solve the mischief of the Spot. Cloak and Dagger are going to help Spiderman with their special energy in differnt dimension.
Written by Jim McCann and illustrated by Simone Buonfantino. Based upon the Marvel comic book series Spider-Man. Published by Marvel Press.

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