EP1. 讀繪本學英語: 森林裡的鋼琴師 The bear and the piano (中英講解)

2021-04-05·15 分鐘


Hello everyone, this is Mel, welcome to English fun! Let’s read n learn English with fun.

大家好, 我是苞媽媽, 歡迎大家來到繽紛英語 讓我們一起繽紛閱讀學英文! 

Today we are going to read a very famous sound book called “the bear and the piano”by David Litchfield. this is a world famous award-winning book n I can’t wait to share with you guys

今天我們所要閱讀的是一本非常有名的有聲繪本 ,書名為“森林裏的鋼琴師”. 這本繪本在英國美國獲獎無數,我自己在和女兒共讀的過程當中,內心充滿了震撼!Alright , let’s start, shall we? 那我們就開始吧!

One day in the forest, a young bear cub found something he’d never seen before. 有一天在森林裏 一隻小熊發現了一個自己從未看過的東西  young bear cub 就是 a young bear 或者可以說是 baby bear 指的是幼兒小熊的意思。

“what could this strange thing be?” He thought. Shyly, he touched it with his stubby paws.

小熊心想,這個黑色的怪東西是什麼啊?然後,他有點害羞地用自己短短胖胖的小手掌觸摸了一下這玩意。‘plonk’咚嚨一聲 the strange thing made an awful sound. 這怪東西發出了蠻大的聲響耶!

So the bear left, but the next day he came back, and the day after that too. And for days and weeks and months and years, until eventually... 

所以小熊轉身離開了,但是隔天他忍不住回到原地,之後的每一天他都來到這裡。. 日復一日,過了好多個年頭之後,終於....

The sound that came from the strange thing were beautiful, and the bear had grown big and strong and grizzly. 怪東西開始發出悅耳的聲音而小熊也漸漸長大成為一隻強壯的大棕熊了!

(按鍵) when the bear played, he felt so happy. The sound took him away from the forest, and he dreamed of strange and wonderful lands. 當大熊彈奏這個怪東西說,他覺得好開心。悅耳的聲音彷彿帶著他遠離了森林,帶他到達夢境,那個奇異又美好的園地。

It wasn’t long before the other bears in the forest were drawn to the clearing. 很快地,森林裏的熊都紛紛被吸引到這片空曠的綠地來。Every night, a crowd gathered to listen to the magical melodies coming from the bear and the strange thing.( 按鍵)每天晚上,一群熊都聚集在這裡,聆聽大熊與這個怪東西一起一起演奏出魔幻旋律。在這裏melodies就是旋律。

Then, one night, a girl and her father came across the clearing. 直到某天晚上,一個女孩和她的爸爸偶然來到這片綠地。They told the bear that the strange thing was a piano and the sounds it made were music.他們告訴大熊這個怪東西是鋼琴,而它發出來的聲音就是音樂。我們來複習一下單字 piano 就是鋼琴,music 就是音樂。

“Come to the city with us” they said. “There is lots of music there. You can play grand pianos in front of hundreds of people and hear sounds so beautiful they will make your fur stand on end.” 他們說 一起去城市吧!那裏到處都是音樂,還可以在好幾百人面前演奏三角的大型鋼琴, 你也會聽到讓你感動到每根汗毛都肅立起來的美妙聲音。在這裏 我們看到文章用hundreds of 來形容好幾百人的意思,意指數量很大的意思,我們想要再誇大一點來形容的話,也可以說thousands of 意指數以千計。

The bear knew that if he left the forest, the other bear would miss him very much. 大熊心裡知道如果他離開了森林,其他的熊會很想念他。

But he longed to explore the world beyond the woods, to hear more wonderful music and play better than ever before.但是 他渴望探索森林以外的世界,他想聽到更多更棒的音樂,讓自己的演奏能更上一層樓。

And before long.... 於是 不久之後 他決定跟著父女離開了森林,前往城市探索那未知的世界。

The bear’s name was up in big bright lights in the big bright city. 不久之後,熱鬧、明亮的城市裡, 大熊的演出招牌大大地高掛在耀眼的燈光下。

He played sold-out concerts in giant theatres. (按鍵) 在大歌劇院裡,他的演出,座無虛席。  theatre 就是歌劇院, sold-out 意思是形容票全都賣光了而concert 就是指音樂會。

Every night he performed with such passion and such grace (按鍵)to wild applause and standing ovations and huge admiration. 每天晚上,大熊優雅熱情的演奏!而觀眾也抱以熱烈掌聲甚至起立喝采,台下仰慕他的歡呼聲總是久久不停!applause 就是掌聲 standing ovations 指的是觀眾站起來鼓掌

The bear recorded albums that went platinum. He was interviewed for magazines. He won awards. He met new people everyday and created headlines everywhere he went. 不僅演奏會場場爆滿,大熊錄製了銷售量無數的專輯,參與了許多雜誌專訪。大熊也得了許多獎項,他每一天都和不同的人見面,無論他在哪裏,都會登&#x4E0A

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