188 聊台灣 #瘦肉精的英文 #台東免房租 #紐時酸溜溜 #美國竟罰台灣 #日本禁止台灣商務旅客 | 跟賓狗聽新聞學英文

2021-01-06·8 分鐘




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1 【business visitor 商務旅客】- 名詞
Japan plans to extend travel ban to business visitors from Taiwan.

2【good fortune 好運】- 名詞
How much longer can their good fortune last?

The island’s success against the coronavirus has created a sinking feeling for many residents: How much longer can their good fortune last?

3 【ractopamine 萊克多巴胺;瘦肉精】- 名詞
Taiwan has opened its market to U.S. pork containing "acceptable" levels of ractopamine.

4【anti-dumping 反傾銷】- 名詞
Taiwan is among the countries being investigated by the U.S. Commerce Department as part of its anti-dumping action.

5【counter 對抗】- 動詞
The elderly and the young living in a shared community can help counter negative effects of social isolation.


1)business visitor 商務旅客
2)good fortune 好運
3)ractopamine 萊克多巴胺;瘦肉精
4)anti-dumping 反傾銷
5)counter 對抗


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