「照顧,是每個人必然會遇到的一段生命歷程」-作家 張曼娟
你還在照顧困境中掙扎嗎?照顧者,記得提醒自己,這些都會過去,學會放下,留時間給自己。邀您來聽聽,照顧者PODCAST「先來一杯 我們再聊」
—— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——
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Hi, this is Max.J Story, I would like to introduce a historical landmark to you. It’s located in Lukang. It’s called Kinmen Hall. Do you know where Kinmen is? Kinmen is an island close to mainland China, but it belongs to Taiwan. This temple was built in the Qing Dynasty. At that time, the Chinese emperor sent army to Taiwan to quell the rebellion. The navy from Kinmen came to Taiwan and brought the Kinmen god Sufu Wangye to Taiwan. Therefore, the Kinmen Hall has triple functions. It's a temple, a hometown association, and a navy hall at the same time. In Kinmen Hall, The wing rooms on the left and right were resting places for Qing Dynasty soldiers waiting for the ship. It can be seen that the Kinmen Hall has a strong connection with the Navy in the Qing Dynasty. Kinmen people enshrine Sufu Wangye, Sufu Wangye has the function of protecting the safety of navigation. It specifically shows the commercial port function and development history of Lugang during the Qing Dynasty. Moreover, the building of Kinmen Hall is beautiful. Although it is currently being renovated, people can still worship to Sufu Wangye here.
編曲: Music Time 版權音樂團隊
作曲: Music Time 版權音樂團隊
製作: Music Time 專業配樂音效後製
發行: 更多優質播客音樂/後製服務>> https://reurl.cc/AgE6Lp
授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW
連結: 原創音樂人需要你的贊助>> https://reurl.cc/MZY6OL
編曲: Music Time 版權音樂團隊
作曲: Music Time 版權音樂團隊
製作: Music Time 專業配樂音效後製
發行: 更多優質播客音樂/後製服務>> https://reurl.cc/AgE6Lp
授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW
連結: 原創音樂人需要你的贊助>> https://reurl.cc/MZY6OL
前奏用音 樂: Re:PLAY 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源, 陳芳語, Jinbo
編曲: terrytyelee
作曲: terrytyelee, Julia Wu 吳卓源, 陳芳語, Jinbo, Elin Lee
製作: terrytyelee
發行: ChynaHouse
授權: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/deed.zh_TW
連結: https://kkbox.fm/NsfoFY?utm_source=firstory&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=audio_library
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