《耐聽的流行音樂和配樂快轉系列》Forever Pop Singer Pop Song Part 11 ----關於本平台的各節目近、中、長期排行榜簡介、新加入國家聽眾族群介紹+經典專輯介紹

2021-04-19·1 小時 37 分鐘


感謝大家的支持與愛護,累積下載的點擊次數已快要破4000次,不重複下載收聽次數也即將破3000次。你們的支持將成為我繼續為大家服務的動力!願我們持續彼此扶持與前進!Love you all guys!!

Thank you for your support and love. The cumulative download number of clicks has almost exceeded 4,000, and the number of non-repetitive downloads is about to exceed 3,000. Your support will become my motivation to continue to serve everyone! May we continue to support each other and move forward!


Christina Aguilera

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