EP_5 (音樂故事_SONAMOO) : 선물,上天送來的禮物

2021-11-12·5 分鐘


創作故事 「SONAMOO」 這首歌名韓文發音就是[禮物],敬這齣很棒的劇導演,細膩拍攝手法讓看劇人對於生命省思也送給天下的媽媽和我最愛的媽媽,親情的距離不會因為生死輪迴轉世而被遺忘,因為無條件的愛,它永遠長在你我心中…. 給親愛的朋友們,請好好愛身邊的人與珍惜身邊與你有緣份的人,上天就是這樣,為了學會與自己別離,派了很多不同人在身邊短暫相遇,因學會後結束轉身離開,就像搭了班去同一個目地的車,行進中有上上下下過路客,只短暫交流為了教會你一堂課後就下車,最後終點站只會留下自己… 歌詞 SONAMOO 花雨紛飛 隨風飄曳 嫩芽新長 昀光照地 眼神對望 黃花相伴 鏡中的我 學著別離 [黃花相伴 心靈依依 鏡中自己 學著別離] 仰望藍天 語絮心田 樗子落地 花葉枯竭 [百木之長 松樹萬年開 山峰聳立 聲音迴盪耳邊] 倘若花瓣 凋零落幕 它會依舊 永續長在 親愛的你 在曲膝依偎裡 輕輕 聽著 小時 催眠曲 so na moo ya so na moo ya 靜靜地 入睡呀 不論失落 焦心 還是脆弱 無奈 so na moo ya so na moo ya 記得要 堅強呀 不論秋天 孤單 還是寒雪 日子 花語的溫度 等待的somur 記憶深處 留 這裡 在世界 so na moo ya so na moo ya 靜靜地 入睡呀 不論失落 焦心 還是脆弱 無奈 so na moo ya so na moo ya 記得要 堅強呀 不論秋天 孤單 還是寒雪 日子 "SONAMOO" the name of this song is pronounced [gift] in Korean. To this great drama director, the meticulous shooting technique allows the dramatists to reflect on life and give it to the mothers of the world and my favorite mother. The distance between family affection is not Will be forgotten because of the reincarnation of life and death, because of unconditional love, it will always grow in our hearts… To my dear friends, please love the people around you and cherish the people around you who are destined for you. This is what God is like. In order to learn to part with yourself, I sent many different people to meet for a short time around, because I ended up turning and leaving after learning. It's like taking a class to the same destination. There are passers-by going up and down. They only communicate briefly to teach you to get off after a class. In the end, you will only leave yourself… lyrics "SONAMOO" Flowers and rain are flying in the wind, new buds are growing, and the light is bright With eyes looking at each other, the yellow flowers are accompanied by me in the mirror, learning to part Looking up at the blue sky, talking in the heart field, the tears fell to the ground, the flowers and leaves dried up If the petals wither and end, they will still last forever My dear you, in your knees and snuggle, listening gently for hours, lullaby so na moo ya so na moo ya sleep quietly No matter lost, anxious, or fragile, helpless so na moo ya so na moo ya remember to be strong No matter if you are lonely in autumn or cold and snowy days The temperature of flower language, the **선물 **waiting, the depths of memory, stay here in the world so na moo ya so na moo ya sleep quietly No matter lost, anxious, or fragile, helpless so na moo ya so na moo ya remember to be strong No matter if you are lonely in autumn or cold and snowy days