(中文) Iphone13 PK Ipad Air 4 - 投資台灣電子處理器3034 欣興

2021-06-26·21 分鐘


蘋果新機開始拉貨,iPhone 13規格大提升,毫米波機型出貨比重大增,相機鏡頭規格也升級,有望帶動台積電(2330)、玉晶光(3406)等16檔蘋果概念股業績,股價也有望迎來漲勢。

不過,富邦預估iPhone13毫米波機型比重將大幅增加,2021年毫米波iPhone出貨量8,800 萬支,較2020年為3,000萬支年增193%,占整體iPhone的40%。

且因iPhone13內毫米波天線數量增多,BT載板元件價值將從2.2美元上升到3美元,iPhone 12僅有三家供應商,分別為LG Innotek、景碩和三星電機,蘋果iPhone 13BT將增加兩家供應商,分別為欣興和AT&S。
相機部份,iPhone13超廣角鏡頭組升級到6P 以及FaceID Tx(臉部辨識發射端)鏡頭升級為塑膠鏡頭組,玉晶光應可享有鏡頭組擴增和規格升級的好處,並且從日本康達智(Kantatsu)手中搶下長焦鏡頭20%以上的配單比,同時,其毛利率可望隨7P產品良率提升而成長

純網路銀行一切服務都透過網路完成,可以節省掉實體銀行的店租、ATM 、行員、水電費、維護費之類的成本,進而提供更優惠的存款及貸款利率,促進金融產業邁向4.0



Apple’s new machine began to pull goods, the iPhone 13 specifications have greatly improved, the millimeter wave model shipments have increased significantly, and the camera lens specifications have also been upgraded. It is expected to drive the performance of 16 Apple concept stocks such as TSMC (2330) and Yujingguang (3406). It is also expected to usher in an uptrend.

Including Huatong, TSMC, Hongzhun, Taiwan Optoelectronics, Meilu, Catcher, Largan, Xinxing, Jingjing, Jingshuo, Yujingguang, Zhending-KY, Xinpu, Qibang, Taiwan County, Taiwan Watch 16 iPhone concept stocks such as Keke are expected to benefit.

Guo Mingchi, an analyst at Tianfeng International Securities, pointed out that looking forward to 2021-2023, among the smart phone brands, Apple's mobile phone has the best growth visibility, mainly due to the iPhone's ecological advantages and the effectiveness of the product strategy to drive replacement demand.

He is looking at Apple’s iPhone product strategy. He expects that the iPhone will ship 230-240 million and 250-260 million units in 2021 and 2022, respectively. The increase in the specifications of the new phone and the increase in the market share of high-end mobile phones will be the growth momentum for the iPhone. .

Fubon Investment Advisor analyzed that, except for the AP upgrade to the A15 chip and the 5G model upgrade with Qualcomm's X60 baseband chip in the new iPhone, the specifications of the iPhone12 series and iPhone13 series will not be very different.

However, Fubon predicts that the proportion of iPhone 13 millimeter wave models will increase significantly. In 2021, millimeter wave iPhone shipments will be 88 million units, an annual increase of 193% from 30 million units in 2020, accounting for 40% of the overall iPhone.

Due to the increase in millimeter wave iPhone shipments, related soft board suppliers such as Zhending-KY and Taijun are expected to benefit.

And because of the increase in the number of millimeter wave antennas in the iPhone 13, the value of BT carrier board components will rise from US$2.2 to US$3. There are only three suppliers for the iPhone 12, namely LG Innotek, Kingsus and Samsung Electro-Mechanics. Apple’s iPhone 13BT will increase by two. The suppliers are Xinxing and AT&S.

For the camera, the iPhone13 ultra-wide-angle lens group has been upgraded to 6P and the FaceID Tx (face recognition transmitter) lens has been upgraded to a plastic lens group. Yujingguang should enjoy the benefits of lens group expansion and specification upgrades, and from Japan Kantatsu (Kantatsu) Grab the ratio of more than 20% of the telephoto lens in hand, and at the same time, its gross profit rate is expected to grow with the increase in the yield of 7P products

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