(Eng) Charging industry - Invest Taiwan 2308 Delta 台達電

2021-06-19·11 分鐘



中國政府「十四五規劃」中強調電動車產業的重要性,也推出《新能源汽車發展規劃 2021-2035年》等指引,顯示重點培植決心。根據中國車聯網白皮書預測,至2025年,中國智能車市場規模有望從2020年的人民幣2,000億元躍增至2025年的人民幣9,600億元,增幅達近五倍。




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為切入新趨勢產業電動車商機,鴻海集團持續在電動車業務加足馬力,主導的MIH聯盟25日將舉辦「MIH Consortium線上成立大會」,為7月MIH聯盟正式成立獨立運作鋪路,屆時還將公布組織章程、會籍、運作和服務更新。


純網路銀行一切服務都透過網路完成,可以節省掉實體銀行的店租、ATM 、行員、水電費、維護費之類的成本,進而提供更優惠的存款及貸款利率,促進金融產業邁向4.0



Delta (Taiwan power )

According to the legal person, 66 countries around the world have pledged to achieve "carbon neutrality" by 2050. One of the proactive policies is to accelerate the development of electric vehicles. It also proposed the goal of "full electrification of new vehicles", which will come in the target year. Fuel vehicles will no longer be launched and cannot be sold. In terms of policy implementation, Europe is currently the most active. Take Norway as an example. At present, electric vehicles account for nearly 60% of its annual sales of new vehicles. The sale of fuel vehicles will be banned from 2025. Mainland China and the United States are second.

The Chinese government’s "14th Five-Year Plan" emphasizes the importance of the electric vehicle industry, and has also issued guidelines such as the "New Energy Vehicle Development Plan 2021-2035", showing the determination to focus on cultivation. According to China's Internet of Vehicles white paper, China's smart car market is expected to jump from RMB 200 billion in 2020 to RMB 960 billion in 2025 by 2025, an increase of nearly five times.

In order to cut into the electric vehicle business opportunities in the new trend industry, Hon Hai Group continues to increase its power in the electric vehicle business. The leading MIH Alliance will hold the "MIH Consortium Online Inauguration Conference" on the 25th, paving the way for the official establishment of the MIH Alliance in July for independent operation. Publish the articles of association, membership, operations and service updates.

Delta's May revenue reached 26.126 billion yuan, a monthly decrease of 1.2% and an annual increase of 10.8%, a record high for the same period in history; cumulative consolidated revenue for the first five months of this year was 125.05 billion yuan, an annual increase of 21.9%. Delta has been deploying charging piles for a long time. ETFs including "Yuanta Electric Vehicle N" (020022) and Cathay Pacific Global Smart Electric Vehicle (00893) have included Delta as constituent stocks.

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