Back to The Music

Back to The Music

Back to The Music

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【Give It Up】 | Music | Praise the Lord 2024 | Back To The Music | 432Hz

【Give It Up】 | Music | Praise the Lord 2024 | Back To The Music | 432Hz

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🎵Song Lyrics🎵 When I am desperate for answers 當我懇切尋求答案 I’m thankful, my search for truth won’t end in vain 我感恩 我對真理的追求不是徒勞 When I’m in need of God’s healing hands 當我祈求上帝醫治之手 I know that He’ll lift me up, wash away the pain 我知祂會扶持我 洗清苦痛 So Lord, I give it up all of my wealth 所以 主啊 我願撇棄一切財富 All of my goals, all I desire 一切夢想與渴望 In the cold bleakness of night 在淒冷寒夜 You are my warmth, my candle light 祢是我的溫暖 我的燭光 And as I sacrifice all of my time 當我奉獻所有時間 All of the years of my life 所有韶華歲月 Only then I realise 那刻 我才能體悟 What it truly means to be loved in Your sight 祢眼中 被祢所愛的真諦 Each passing season God listens Forgives us our sins and grants a second chance He has His reasons to give and take The more we become like Him, we shall understand 過往的歲月裡 上帝時刻在傾聽 赦免我們的罪 給予回轉的機會 一切給予或收回 皆有祂的旨意 我們越似祂 就越明瞭 So everything that I’ve done in my life  所以 我生命中所有努力 All that I’ve got, all that I’ve wrought 我所擁有的 我所成就的 I shall consider them lost, gave it all up, all for the Lord 我願置之度外 全奉獻給主  There’s not a single thing that can be bought  沒有任何東西能買來十架 That I would trade for the cross 但我願犧牲一切交換 Jesus is all that I know, He’s in every word, every breath, every thought 耶穌是我的所有 融入我每句言語 每個呼吸與思想 Know this life’s just an illusion, meant to distract us from the light 今生不過一場幻影 使我們偏離天路  All the riches God pours into our hands 上帝交予我們手裡的財寶 Is the ultimate test of our sight  是鑑別我們靈魂的終極考驗 So Lord, I give it up all of my wealth 所以 主啊 我願撇棄一切財富 All of my goals, all I desire 一切夢想與渴望 In the cold bleakness of night 在淒冷寒夜 You are my warmth, my candle light 祢是我的溫暖 我的燭光 And as I sacrifice all of my time 當我奉獻所有時間 All of the years of my life 所有韶華歲月 Only then I realise 那刻 我才能體悟 What it truly means to be loved in Your sight 祢眼中 被祢所愛的真諦 Only then I realise 那刻 我才能體悟 What it truly means to be loved all the time 時時刻刻被祢所愛的真諦 —————————————————————————— Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the song 🤗 Attached below is the Chinese version of the song if you’re interested 呈獻我的一生 (正式版) And here is the ZNSE music video of the song    • 【Give it up】PnWe 754 | Music | Praise...   Glad you enjoyed it. 😍✋✨ —————————————————————————— 👉 Follow me 👈 Facebook: back-to-the-music-113965263802955   Youtube: @backtothemusic   Twitter: backtothemusic7   Instagram:back_to_the_music_   —————————————————————————— Copyright Information: The music in the film come from Copyright ©️ 2022 Zion New Song E. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Firstory Hosting

LegacE 1585 【Legacy】| Music | Praise the Lord 2023 | LegacE | 432Hz

LegacE 1585 【Legacy】| Music | Praise the Lord 2023 | LegacE | 432Hz

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🎵Song Lyrics🎵 The torch has been lit 火炬已經點燃 A purpose reborn 使命再度復熾 A wish comes to life 願望已然成真 I pray for a world no longer in pain 我祈求世界不再有痛苦 I pray for a day my children can say 我祈願有一天 我的孩子能說 It’s time to say our grace 我們該感恩 The Spirit of God is movin’ today 此時此刻 聖靈正在運行 This is greatness we speak 這是我們傳頌的偉大 Anointing we breathe 我們呼吸著神的恩膏 With a passion that goes beyond 以熊熊燃燒的熱情 What any of us dared to dream 超越我們敢於夢想的界限 There’s coming soon a unity 一種同心合一即將來臨 This world has never seen 是世界從未經歷過 It’s a holy undertaking 這是神聖的使命 We are the generation of light 我們是光的世代 I’ll carry on this legacy 我將延續這傳奇 To where my God has called me to believe 成就神呼召我去相信的 One kingdom, one heart, and one voice 一個國度 一顆心 一種聲音 It’s time! 正是此刻! A vision so real, it forms in my mind 異象如此真實 在我腦海中成形 And starts in my hands 並從我雙手開始傳遞 A shot in the dark, a statement of faith 一次劃破黑暗的嘗試 一個信心的宣言 A glorious plan but those who are proud won’t care to understand 神榮耀的計劃 驕傲人卻不屑去理解 The journey begins, as we set our pace 旅程開始了 我們準備好了 Stoke the flames, let it burn! 煽動這靈火 讓它熾熱燃燒! Revival is birthed 復興的時代已然孕育而生 Bones that dried all awaken now 枯骨現要甦醒 The dead shall rise again from the earth 逝者將從塵土中復生 I’m letting loose this fire in me 我要釋放內心熾熱之火 This world has never seen 是世界從未經歷過 Feel it coursing through my veins now 感受這熾熱在我血液中奔騰 And spread to every heart in the wild 擴散至野地每一顆心 Let’s change the world, change history 讓我們改變世界 改寫歷史 Like Moses we shall part the troubled seas 就像摩西 我們要分開狂暴的海洋 For nothing can stand in our way 沒有任何東西能阻擋我們 Let’s rise! 我們要興起發光! —————————————————————————— Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the song 🤗 Attached below is the Chinese version of the song if you’re interested 全身全心全歸予神 (現場版) Here is the music video of the song    • 【現場單曲】《傳承天國心》|ZNS 1591 Live version|主...   Glad you enjoyed it. 😍✋✨ —————————————————————————— 👉 Follow me 👈 Facebook:   / zion-new-song-e-108786954947464   YouTube:   / @zionnewsonge6880   Twitter:   / zionnewsonge   Instagram:   / zionnewsonge   —————————————————————————— Copyright Information: The music in the film come from Copyright ©️ 2023 Zion New Song E. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Firstory Hosting

LegacE 1662【Passover】| Music | Praise the Lord 2023 | LegacE | 432Hz

LegacE 1662【Passover】| Music | Praise the Lord 2023 | LegacE | 432Hz

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🎵Song Lyrics🎵 Everything started on that fateful night 一切始於那命運之夜 It was passover, when all of a sudden 那是逾越節的夜晚 忽然間 Jesus spoke up to all the disciples He loved 耶穌對祂所愛的門徒說了一番話 Filled their hearts and minds with great burden 他們頓時心如墜石 Before He would suffer, before He was put in chains 在祂受難前 被鎖鏈捆縛前 Before He would die, crucified on the cross for our sakes 在祂為我們釘上十架受死前 Broke the bread in half, gave thanks to the Lord 祂擘開無酵餅 祝謝了 And said, “eat My flesh that’s torn for you” 說 吃我為你撕裂的身體 While we were still entrenched in the sins of our past 當我們還深陷過去的罪孽中 Jesus died so we’d be free at last 耶穌的死 換我們終得自由 All was dead silent in Gethsemane 一片死寂的客西馬尼園裡 Knelt down in prayer, His sweat like drops of blood 祂跪下禱告 汗如血滴 When He returned, He found His disciples asleep 當祂回來時 發現門徒都睡著了 Jesus knew they had done all they could 耶穌知道他們已經盡力了 The soldiers brought torches 士兵們手持火把 With swords hiding in their sheaths 劍藏在鞘中 They took Him away 他們帶走了祂 To be tortured and sentenced to death 祂將被折磨並判處死刑 All throughout the night 徹夜裡 They spat on His name 人們褻瀆祂的名諱 The lamb perfect waiting to be slain 那無瑕的羔羊 等待著被宰殺 Still He endured and drank from the cup of the Lord 祂仍忍受這一切 喝下主的苦杯 So eternal life we may afford 換我們能得永生 A snap of His finger 祂只需輕彈指頭 The soldiers would fall down dead 士兵們便會倒地斃命 A word from His lips 祂只需唇邊輕語 He’d no longer be covered in red 就不必被鮮血塗抹 Broke the bread in half, gave thanks to the Lord 祂擘開無酵餅 祝謝了 And said, “eat My flesh that’s torn for you” 說 吃我為你撕裂的身體 Took the cup of wine, gave thanks for it too 祂拿起葡萄汁 同樣祝謝了 And said, “drink My blood poured out for you” 說 喝我為你流出的血 As you eat and drink, will you think of Me 當你吃喝時 會想起我嗎? Will you think of Me in all you do 你行事為人 會想起我嗎? While we were still unable to fathom His love 當我們尚未能領略祂的愛前 Jesus showed us all He is enough 耶穌已向我們證明 祂的愛願為我們捨命 —————————————————————————— Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the song 🤗 Attached below is the Chinese version of the song if you’re interested 無酵餅 (正式版) And here is the Chinese music video of the song    • 【Zion MV】《無酵餅》Zion MV 1662|基督教MV|敬拜讚美...   There is also Back To The Music Version of the song 👉【Our Existence】    • 【Our existence】| Music | Praise and W...   Glad you enjoyed it. 😍✋✨ —————————————————————————— 👉 Follow me 👈 Facebook:   / zion-new-song-e-108786954947464   YouTube:   / @zionnewsonge6880   Twitter:   / zionnewsonge   Instagram:   / zionnewsonge   —————————————————————————— Copyright Information: The music in the film come from Copyright ©️ 2023 Zion New Song E. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Firstory Hosting

LegacE 1249【Raindrops】| Music | Praise the Lord 2023 | LegacE | 432Hz

LegacE 1249【Raindrops】| Music | Praise the Lord 2023 | LegacE | 432Hz

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🎵Song Lyrics🎵 Raindrops falling down, 恩雨緩緩落下 Reminding me of God's unfailing love 提醒我上帝不息的愛 Raindrops they don't stop, 恩雨連綿不絕 The memories come pouring from above 回憶也從上方傾瀉而下 It washes over me, so tender as all things should be 恩雨柔和洗滌我 一切都如此溫柔 never would've thought, never would've guessed I'd live my dream 從不敢想 從不敢猜 我能活在我的夢想裡 I'm so in awe of the grace God has for me 上帝賜予我的恩典 教我深深敬畏 He showed me the way, welcomed me into His family 祂照亮我前行的路 接納我進到祂的家 Dark clouds form on high 高空烏雲在積聚 My heart feels heavy, my soul’s gone astray 我心滿是悲傷 靈魂迷失了方向 Heaven starts to cry 天空開始哭泣 And grateful raindrops tumble from the sky 恩雨忽然從天而降 It washes over me, the storm dissolves and light remains 恩雨柔和洗滌我 風雨過後 光明依舊 The mercy of God, it’s given me hope, a brand new start 上帝的憐憫 賜我希望 新的開始 Forever changed, how I live has been reshaped 永遠的改變 重塑的生活方式 For grace has come down, our sorrows and fears taken apart 恩典降臨 我們的悲傷與恐懼一一被驅散 For grace has come down, our sorrows and fears taken apart 恩典降臨 我們的悲傷與恐懼一一被驅散 Raindrops falling down 恩雨緩緩落下 Reminding me of God’s unfailing love 提醒我上帝不息的愛 —————————————————————————— Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the song 🤗 Attached below is the Chinese version of the song if you’re interested 恩情記心裡 (現場版) Glad you enjoyed it. 😍✋✨ —————————————————————————— 👉 Follow me 👈 Facebook:   / zion-new-song-e-108786954947464   YouTube:   / @zionnewsonge6880   Twitter:   / zionnewsonge   Instagram:   / zionnewsonge   —————————————————————————— Copyright Information: The music in the film come from Copyright ©️ 2023 Zion New Song E. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Firstory Hosting

LegacE 532【I'm Filled With Praise】| Music | Praise the Lord 2023 | LegacE | 432Hz

LegacE 532【I'm Filled With Praise】| Music | Praise the Lord 2023 | LegacE | 432Hz

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🎵Song Lyrics🎵 Lord how I wished to grow my heart into Yours 主啊 甚願察明祢思念 I only sought to be in tune with Your chord 唯願心弦跟主相連 I only wanted to perceive what You saw 只求感知祢眼目所見 Live in accordance with Your laws 全情按祢法則而活 I only wished to know Your purpose for all 唯盼全然明白祢旨意 I only sought to learn the life You implored 唯願學效祢期望的生命 I only wanted to be still and in awe of You 只求靜默敬畏祢 But You gave me much more 祢卻施予厚恩 I’m filled with praise, for all You’ve done 因祢奇妙作為 讓我滿載讚美 For all that’s come before 一切過眼雲煙 And all that is to come 一切前程未知 We give You praise, Lord it belongs 皆稱頌主祢 To You and You alone 讚美全屬祢 I’m so amazed, my heart is touched 我深深讚歎 心被恩感 The power of Your love 祢愛的大能 My battles, they have won 使我大大得勝 Lord I am blessed, You are my rock 主啊 我是蒙福的 有祢作我磐石 I’m blessed to be Your son 我蒙福 能作祢兒子 In life it often feels I’m all by myself 生命旅途中 我常感孤單一人 Suffer in silence ’cause there’s no one to tell 默默承受痛苦 因無處訴說 But God is sending those with pure, gentle hearts 上帝卻派遣純真善良之人 And says I’m always here to help 對我說 我永作你隨時幫助 Soon dawns a day 黎明時分 新一天即將到來 I will be free from all society 我將擺脫社會所帶來 Has cruelly placed on me 殘忍加諸於我的一切 For night shall pass 因黑夜終會過去 And light shall bring 光明也必帶來 An end to misery 結束痛苦的那天 So I will face this wretched world 我將面對這殘酷的世界 With courage found in kings 懷著王者的勇氣 With strength and dignity 兼備力量與尊嚴 Night shall not last 黑夜不會持續 The love of God 神的愛 Forever lives in me 卻永在我心間 Despair shall pass 絕望終會過去 The grace of God 神的恩典 Is all I ever need 永是我所需的一切 —————————————————————————— Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the song 🤗 Attached below is the Chinese version of the song if you’re interested 神無盡愛全然盡傾進我內 (現場版) And here is the Chinese music video of the song    • 【現場單曲】《神無盡愛全然盡傾進我內》|ZNS 532 Live vers...   Glad you enjoyed it. 😍✋✨ —————————————————————————— 👉 Follow me 👈 Facebook:   / zion-new-song-e-108786954947464   YouTube:   / @zionnewsonge6880   Twitter:   / zionnewsonge   Instagram:   / zionnewsonge   —————————————————————————— Copyright Information: The music in the film come from Copyright ©️ 2023 Zion New Song E. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Firstory Hosting