《台杉Chat Chat Chat》是由台杉青年創業學院所推出的Podcast,節目將聯手產業專家、新創、創投等意見領袖,為你帶來最新的創投觀點、創業故事、國際動態。
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This episode is the first episode of our two-part series, Reshaping the Future with Agentic AI, recorded live at the Future Frontiers: Reshaping the Future with AI Agents forum in 2024.During the insightful panel discussion, industry leaders— Dr. Andrew Ng (Managing General Partner, AI Fund), CK Tseng (VP, Sales North America, Arm), Dr. Da-Shan Shiu (Managing Director, MediaTek Research), Robert Wang (Managing Director, AWS Hong Kong & Taiwan), and David Weng (CEO, Taiwania Capital)— delve into the transformative potential of AI agents. They discuss the latest advancements, practical applications, and the strategic role Taiwan can play within the global AI landscape, examining both opportunities and challenges.This episode covers:- How can Taiwan leverage its strong semiconductor base and innovation ecosystem to integrate hardware and software for AI and other emerging tech fields?- As AI agents mature, what steps are essential to ensure data privacy, security, and trustworthiness in their development?- How do you envision the future of AI agents, given their impact on productivity and quality of life through generative AI?- How does Dr. Ng see AI boosting Taiwan's competitiveness in the drone industry?- What type of team is AI Fund looking to partner with?Don’t miss Part One for discovering more about applications of AI agents!_______________________________________________________________留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl6vs8wci02qz01xogcxi5r8q/comments《台杉Chat Chat Chat》是由台杉青年創業學院所推出的Podcast,節目將聯手產業專家、新創、創投等意見領袖,為你帶來最新的創投觀點、創業故事、國際動態。台杉青年創業學院是由國家級投資公司台杉投資所設立,透過系統性課程、學習活動來培育創新、創業、創投人才,以支持新創產業發展、活絡台灣創新創業環境。想要了解更多最新市場動態?歡迎關注我們🙌🌲台杉投資 https://www.taiwaniacapital.com/🌲台杉青年創業學院 https://www.taiwaniacapital.com/school-profile/Powered by Firstory Hosting
This episode is the first episode of our two-part series, Reshaping the Future with Agentic AI, recorded live at the Future Frontiers: Reshaping the Future with AI Agents forum in 2024.During the insightful panel discussion, industry leaders— Dr. Andrew Ng (Managing General Partner, AI Fund), CK Tseng (VP, Sales North America, Arm), Dr. Da-Shan Shiu (Managing Director, MediaTek Research), Robert Wang (Managing Director, AWS Hong Kong & Taiwan), and David Weng (CEO, Taiwania Capital)— delve into the transformative potential of AI agents. They discuss the latest advancements, practical applications, and the strategic role Taiwan can play within the global AI landscape, examining both opportunities and challenges.In this episode, you'll gain insights into:- What new business models or growth opportunities might AI agents create over the next 5-10 years, and in which industries?- As both an entrepreneur and investor, what does Dr. Ng consider the most noteworthy AI agent application he has seen recently?- Faced with the rapid development of AI agents, how is AWS meeting market expectations and demands?- What opportunities does MediaTek Research see in developing an open platform and open LLM?- What’s Arm’s view on resolving the challenge with its innovative technology?Don’t miss Part Two, where we continue the conversation and dive deeper into how AI agents are reshaping industries and driving innovation!留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl6vs8wci02qz01xogcxi5r8q/comments__________________________________________________________《台杉Chat Chat Chat》是由台杉青年創業學院所推出的Podcast,節目將聯手產業專家、新創、創投等意見領袖,為你帶來最新的創投觀點、創業故事、國際動態。台杉青年創業學院是由國家級投資公司台杉投資所設立,透過系統性課程、學習活動來培育創新、創業、創投人才,以支持新創產業發展、活絡台灣創新創業環境。想要了解更多最新市場動態?歡迎關注我們🙌🌲台杉投資 https://www.taiwaniacapital.com/🌲台杉青年創業學院 https://www.taiwaniacapital.com/school-profile/Powered by Firstory Hosting
This episode features Dr. Andrew Ng’s talk from the Future Frontiers: Reshaping the Future with AI Agents forum during his 2024 visit to Taiwan. Dr. Ng delves into the evolving AI landscape, highlighting trends in AI agents and workflows that are transforming industries and unlocking new opportunities for Taiwan and global markets. He also discusses how corporations can effectively identify and implement AI-driven innovations to accelerate growth. Finally, Dr. Ng shares his insights on AI governance, advocating for responsible AI use and the importance of open-source technology.About Andrew NgAndrew Ng is the Managing General Partner at AI Fund, Founder of DeepLearning.AI, and an Adjunct Professor at Stanford University.A pioneer in machine learning and online education, Dr. Ng has impacted countless lives through his work in AI, teaching over 8 million people. He was the founding lead of the Google Brain team and served as VP & Chief Scientist at Baidu.He is also Chairman and Co-founder of Coursera. In 2023, he was named to the Time100 AI list of the most influential AI persons globally. Dr. Ng now focuses on entrepreneurial ventures, accelerating responsible AI practices in the global economy.He has authored or co-authored over 200 papers in AI and holds a B.Sc. from CMU, M.Sc. from MIT, and Ph.D. from UC Berkeley.留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl6vs8wci02qz01xogcxi5r8q/comments________________________________________________《台杉Chat Chat Chat》是由台杉青年創業學院所推出的Podcast,節目將聯手產業專家、新創、創投等意見領袖,為你帶來最新的創投觀點、創業故事、國際動態。台杉青年創業學院是由國家級投資公司台杉投資所設立,透過系統性課程、學習活動來培育創新、創業、創投人才,以支持新創產業發展、活絡台灣創新創業環境。想要了解更多最新市場動態?歡迎關注我們🙌🌲台杉投資 https://www.taiwaniacapital.com/🌲台杉青年創業學院 https://www.taiwaniacapital.com/school-profile/Powered by Firstory Hosting
做好公司治理是吸引投資人的一項「軟實力」,在後續要走向資本市場時,公司治理更是必備的項目。因此,本集邀請台杉投資法務副總陳宗希(Horace)從投資人、股東、董事的角度,與大家分享為何新創要做好公司治理,以及新創該如何著手公司治理運作。本集重點:🔥什麼是公司治理?🔥公司治理是上市櫃公司才需要注重的嗎?為何新創需要做好公司治理?🔥投資人會關注新創公司哪些公司治理的結構?投資前後會注意不同要點嗎?🔥新創要怎麼推動公司治理?留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl6vs8wci02qz01xogcxi5r8q/comments________________________________________________________《台杉Chat Chat Chat》是由台杉青年創業學院所推出的Podcast,節目將聯手產業專家、新創、創投等意見領袖,為你帶來最新的創投觀點、創業故事、國際動態。台杉青年創業學院是由國家級投資公司台杉投資所設立,透過系統性課程、學習活動來培育創新、創業、創投人才,以支持新創產業發展、活絡台灣創新創業環境。想要了解更多最新市場動態?歡迎關注我們🙌🌲台杉投資 https://www.taiwaniacapital.com/🌲台杉青年創業學院 https://www.taiwaniacapital.com/school-profile/Powered by Firstory Hosting
募資工作歷經許多辛苦,終於到最後一哩路:盡職調查。本集針對不同階段的新創在法律盡職調查上,應注意的關鍵出發,同時分析不同角色的投資人就法律盡職調查所著重的不同要點,幫助大家了解如何加速並做好法律盡職調查。本集重點:🔥什麼是法律盡職調查?投資人一定會進行法律盡職調查嗎?🔥法律盡職調查的要點有哪些?🔥投資人是領投或是跟投時,進行法律盡職調查時看的重點有何不同?🔥不同階段的新創公司,進行法律盡職調查的要點會有差異嗎?🔥法律盡職調查中,常見的問題有哪些?出現哪些問題時,會與投資團隊重新討論決資決策?🔥募資過程艱辛且漫長,我們能如何加速法律盡職調查的進程?留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl6vs8wci02qz01xogcxi5r8q/comments_____________________________________________《台杉Chat Chat Chat》是由台杉青年創業學院所推出的Podcast,節目將聯手產業專家、新創、創投等意見領袖,為你帶來最新的創投觀點、創業故事、國際動態。台杉青年創業學院是由國家級投資公司台杉投資所設立,透過系統性課程、學習活動來培育創新、創業、創投人才,以支持新創產業發展、活絡台灣創新創業環境。想要了解更多最新市場動態?歡迎關注我們🙌🌲台杉投資 https://www.taiwaniacapital.com/🌲台杉青年創業學院 https://www.taiwaniacapital.com/school-profile/Powered by Firstory Hosting