The Route between Meishankou and Xiangyang will be opened on Nov.29 under the Regular Road Entrance Restrictions.
🎥南橫的美麗與哀愁最終版🎥 重磅上映:
來信: talumon20@gmail.com
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走過北橫,曠怡心神走過中橫,無所不能走過南橫,璀璨前程在高山中,找回年輕的心Capture Your Young Spiritby Leaving Your Footprints in the Highway-Trekking Team12/31前報名,享有候鳥專案救國團南橫健行隊:https://youth.cyc.org.tw/camp_team/contents/2891強烈推薦一邊服用歌曲:越過那一座山:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls9FvsVCf9kPowered by Firstory Hosting
20歲後半的歲月時常不自覺將自己與他人比較青春的餘暉,你會如何揮灑呢?繼續聆賞寧靜花東憶五載——一個涵蓋東漂生活理想與現實的在地回憶錄A Person in the mid 20s Usually Compares Oneself with Another.How Will People at This Age Color Their Ending Adolescence?Stay Tuned to "Reminiscing in the Serene East",A Special Edition Featuring the Fantasy and Reality of the Life in the East.Powered by Firstory Hosting
Future Has Its Way of Unraveling When You Least Expect ItA Sudden Even Forces Talum to Shake Things upHow He Took Advantage of It to Wander under a Seemingly Carefree LifeAlongside Many Accomplishments?Then, What's the Transition to Return to the Social Norm?Powered by Firstory Hosting
曾經的富里也有一個享受金色稻浪的音樂節旅人在這裡隨著音樂舞動時不時遠眺主持人所介紹的美人山2021年有來的你們,是否有預料到只剩兩年的時間享受穀稻秋聲了呢It used to be a music festivalthat celebrates the golden harvesting in FuliTravelers were dancing with the music,beholding the beauty mountain in front of themWe may wonder if those participants in 2021 could foreseeit was only 2 years left before the ending of Fuli Harvest Festival ?*註:本集收錄眾多歌曲,宜使用KKBOX平台獲得最佳收聽體驗This Episode Features Songs from the KKBOX Music InsertionListen via KKBOX Platform for the Best Listening ExperiencePowered by Firstory Hosting
頭目山座落在東海岸第一大鎮——成功鎮2022年後半離開了熟悉的縱谷與南橫來到有山與海的東海岸長期在山線遊蹤面對海風、鹹味、重新開始的人際圈如何一步步愛上東海岸呢?同時身邊的人逐漸步入人生下一階段,形單影隻的你會如何構築與山海的依戀呢?兩年前,慶祝南橫五十週年兩年後,回憶當時錄音的地方——成功鎮In the Late 2022,Talum announced his departure from the Mountain Lineheading to the Coastal Line for a new lifeHow to fall in love with the East Coastin the midst of salty air and a new social network?When watching people you know move on to the next chapter,how to compose a love song with the mountain and sea?What a difference a two-year makesWe back then celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Highway 20Now, we reminisce the East Coast in which we celebrated the road openingPowered by Firstory Hosting