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EP55 | 樹林國小知多少

EP55 | 樹林國小知多少

🄴 樹大潮風

🌳想更認識樹林國小的故事嗎? 快來收聽🎧這集節目吧!💭 本集特別邀請到樹林國小陳玄謀校長👨‍🏫,為我們介紹學校的歷史典故,像是鎮校之寶_石馬🐴的由來,老校長王作霖的貢獻🎖️,以及代表承傳精神的百年蕭楠木🌲。 校長也分享了樹林國小如何連結在地社區🏘️,讓學生成為認識樹林的導遊的種種故事🗺️。 💡想更瞭解台灣歷史悠久的樹林國小嗎? 快點擊進來聆聽👂校長的分享吧! 🎉 【與本集相關的單詞、片語】正規教育 (Formal Education): 指的是一般學校體系中的教育,例如小學、中學、大學等。非正規教育 (Informal Education/Non-formal Education): 指的是非傳統的學習方式,可能在日常生活中透過自學、社群互動或工作中獲得知識和技能。終生學習 (Lifelong Learning): 意味著持續不斷地學習、成長與進步,不僅限於特定年齡或教育階段。自主學習 (Self-directed Learning): 指的是個人自發性地掌控學習過程,根據自己的需求和興趣進行學習。遠距教育 (Distance Education): 指的是通過遠程技術,如網絡、視訊等方式進行的教育。虛擬學習環境 (Virtual Learning Environment): 指的是在線平台或系統,提供教育資源和互動性,支持學生在網上學習。Education isn't just about sitting in a classroom. While school is important, there are many other ways to learn! For example, we can learn things in our daily lives or while chatting with friends and family. There's also self-learning, where you can start learning whatever you want, regardless of age, and keep learning for a lifetime. And there's online education too, where you don't have to go to a physical school; you can learn through the internet. These different ways of learning help us become smarter, more adaptable to different situations, and better members of society. 教育不只是坐在教室裡上課。雖然學校很重要,但學習的管道可多了!比方說,平常生活中、跟朋友家人聊天時,都能學到東西。還有自學,想學什麼就開始學,不受年齡限制,可以一直學下去。還有網路教育,不用去實體學校,就能透過網路學習。這些各種不同的學習方式,幫助我們變得更有智慧、 更能適應不同的環境,讓我們 成為更棒的社會一份子。 【本集節目提到的連結們】 樹林國小創辦人王作霖逝世百年 文史紀念牆揭幕 https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aloc/202112300198.aspx 歡迎留言告訴我們你對這一集的想法喔: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckxaalnx90xcz08244o4vzlks/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP54 | UNLOCK你的斜槓人生

EP54 | UNLOCK你的斜槓人生

🄴 樹大潮風

青春不只有玩,還有事要做!🧑💻 你知道現在的青年有哪些發展管道嗎? 💭 想像一下,一邊在職場奮鬥,一邊又可以追逐自己的興趣愛好,過著自在舒適的生活! 和張里長一起探討青年的多元可能、生活中還有什麼可以嘗試! 💡 現在的世代,選擇更多,道路更寬。跟著三福里里長張致遠的腳步,開始思考你的斜槓人生吧~ 【與本集相關的單詞、片語】 Slashie (斜槓族) Side Hustle (副業) Part-time (兼職)  Freelancer (自由工作者) Dual Identity (雙重身份) Portfolio Career (多元職涯) Parallel Careers (平行事業) She is a teacher and a writer. She is a slashie. 她是一位老師和一位作家。她是斜槓族。 He works as an accountant, but his side hustle is fixing computers for extra money. 他是會計師,但副業是修理電腦賺外快。 She's an artist-musician; she does both painting and playing music. 她是一位藝術家/音樂家,既會畫畫又會演奏音樂。 His portfolio career includes jobs as a chef, driver, and gardener. 他的多元職涯包括廚師、司機和園丁等工作。 Balancing her job and hobbies is like trying to keep two balls in the air at the same time. 平衡工作和興趣就像同時讓兩個球在空中飄浮一樣難。 【本集節目提到的連結們】 「斜槓」是什麼?想經營斜槓人生、開創第二職涯,一定要懂的 3 件事 https://www.managertoday.com.tw/articles/view/56911? 張致遠-新北樹林三福里 https://www.facebook.com/ntpc.sanfu/ 1089件服務案件 https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=327606063421936&set=a.163749689807575 「三福里-溪畔生活節」 https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=310619328453943&set=a.163749686474242 歡迎留言告訴我們你對這一集的想法喔 https://open.firstory.me/user/ckxaalnx90xcz08244o4vzlks/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP53 | 綠意盎然的秘密基地- 樹興里

EP53 | 綠意盎然的秘密基地- 樹興里

🄴 樹大潮風

新加坡電視台也來採訪的樹興里,到底蘊藏了什麼樣的精彩故事? 在低碳、環保、永續等話題大熱門的今天,又是哪個地方、用怎麼樣的方法落實綠色精神呢? 就讓我們認識一下這個大同山山腳下的樹興里中,有什麼5星級的美好吧! 本集節目特別詹里長美齡,為我們解惑與介紹。 【與本集相關的單詞、片語】 Environment(環境)We need to protect the environment. 我們需要保護環境。 Pollution(污染)Pollution is bad for the Earth. 污染對地球不好。 Renewable(可再生的)Renewable energy is good for the planet. 可再生能源對地球有益。 Energy-efficient(節能的)Energy-efficient lights save electricity. 節能燈可以節省電力。 Endangered species (瀕臨絕種的物種)Some animals are endangered. 有些動物瀕臨絕種。 Climate change (氣候變化)Climate change affects the weather. 氣候變化影響天氣。 Sustainable development(可持續發展)Sustainable development helps our future. 可持續發展有助於我們的未來。 Carbon emissions (碳排放)Cars produce carbon emissions. 汽車會排放碳。 Green technology(綠色科技)Green technology helps the environment. 綠色科技有助於環境。 Green technology helps nature. 綠色科技幫助大自然。 Natural resources (自然資源)Water and air are natural resources. 水和空氣是自然資源。 【本集節目提到的連結們】 優質的居住環境 低碳社區 https://www.peopo.org/news/484824 樹林樹興里獲頒環境教育特優獎 全國各里紛紛組團觀摩交流 https://reurl.cc/Xq5dka 歡迎留言告訴我們你對這一集的想法喔: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckxaalnx90xcz08244o4vzlks/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP52 | 包山包海的福德正神

EP52 | 包山包海的福德正神

🄴 樹大潮風

土地公屬於中國民間信仰中的地方保護神,是與人民較親近的神祇,它掌管學業、財運、商店營運,甚至平地、山上、水邊的人民平安,而這麼這麼忙碌的神明,你知道他的故事嗎? 本集節目邀請到潭底福德宮的秘書, 為我們解惑有關土地公的大小事。 【與本集相關的單詞、片語】 land God (n.) 土地公offerings (n.) 祭品、供品altar (n.) 供桌shrine (n.) 廟devotee (n.) 信徒pray for 祈求...fortune (n.) 財富protection (n.) 保護incense (n.) 拜拜用的香festival (n.) 節慶procession (n.) 行列、隊伍heading to… 前往village  (n.) 村莊 People in Taiwan often visit the Land God's shrine to pray for good fortune and protection. Devotees bring offerings like fruit and incense to the Land God's altar. During important festivals, you can see colorful processions heading to the Land God's shrine. Many Taiwanese people believe that the Land God watches over their villages and brings them good luck.  台灣的人們經常參拜土地公的廟,祈求好運和保護。信徒們會將水果和香燭供奉在土地公的供桌上。在重要的節日期間,你可以看到色彩繽紛的遊行隊伍前往土地公的廟宇。許多台灣人相信土地公守護著他們的村莊,為他們帶來好運。 【本集節目提到的連結們】 新北市樹林潭底福德宮 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064680009553 小檔案》全國土地公廟2076間 https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/life/paper/1446282 樹林藝時光- 漆線雕與香火袋傳承 https://www.beclass.com/rid=274b0bb6426a86ee32f9 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckxaalnx90xcz08244o4vzlks/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

EP51 | 照顧你生活的好鄰居 - 社會人文課

EP51 | 照顧你生活的好鄰居 - 社會人文課

🄴 樹大潮風

社會福利猶如寒冬中的一條棉襖, 為處境艱辛的人們留下生機與希望。 本集節目邀請到樹林區公所的社會人文課的課長, 與我們分享承辦社會福利相關的業務經驗。 想要一起參與有趣的共餐活動認識新朋友嗎? 還有哪些區公所的資源能夠充分運用呢? 都在本集節目與大家分享! 【與本集相關的單詞、片語】Welfare (社會福利): Government support to help people in need.Unemployment benefits (失業救濟金): Money from the government for people who can't find jobs.Social security (社會保障): Money for people when they are old and stop working.Healthcare support (醫療援助): Help to pay for visiting the doctor when you are sick.Food support (食品援助): Help to get food for those who can't afford it.Subsidies (補助金): Extra money from the government to help families with less money.Poverty (貧困): Being very poor and not having enough money.Benefits (福利): Good things the government gives to help people.Government (政府): An organization that makes rules and takes care of people.Conclusion (結論): The end or result of something. Social Welfare and Helping People  社會福利與幫助他人 In many countries, governments want to help people who don't have enough money. This is called "welfare." Welfare is like a friend that gives a hand when you're in need*. 在許多國家,政府想要幫助沒有足夠錢的人。這就是所謂的「社會福利」。社會福利就像是一位朋友,當你需要幫助時,伸出援手。 * in need 有需要  People who can't find jobs get "unemployment benefits." These are like coins* from the government to help them buy food and pay bills. When people get old and stop working, they have "social security." It's like a special savings that gives them money every month. 找不到工作的人可以獲得「失業補助金」。這些就像是政府給的錢,幫助他們買食物和支付帳單。當人們變老並停止工作時,他們有「社會保障」。這就像是一個特別的儲蓄,每個月給他們一些錢。 * coins 用來比喻補助的錢不會很多,大約僅足夠幫助人們購買食物和支付一些基本的生活費用。 Sometimes, people can't afford to go to the doctor. That's when "healthcare support" comes in. The government helps pay for doctor visits so everyone can stay healthy. And for those who don't have much money for food, there's "food support." This gives them bags of food to eat. 有時,人們可能負擔不起去看醫生。這就是「醫療支援」的用途。政府幫助支付看醫生的錢,這樣每個人都能保持健康。對於那些買不起食物的人,有「食物援助」。這提供給他們食物。 "Subsidies" are also important. These are extra coins the government gives to families with less money. It's like a bonus to help them live better. 「補助金」也很重要。這些是政府給予比較沒有錢的的家庭的額外補助 。這就像是一個獎金,幫助他們過得更好。 *用硬幣來形容不是很多、額外的一點點錢。 "Poverty" is when life is very hard because there's not enough money. But life can become a bit easier with welfare and these kinds of help. 「貧困」是生活非常困難,因為沒有足夠的錢。但有了福利和這些幫助,生活可以變得稍微輕鬆一些。 In conclusion, welfare and benefits are like a warm blanket on a cold day. They help people stay safe and have a better life. 總之,福利和幫助好像是寒冷的一天上的溫暖毯子。它們幫助人們保持安全,過上更好的生活。 【本集節目提到的連結們】 樹林紅麴文化節: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064649565526 樹林星光電影院: https://www.shulin.ntpc.gov.tw/home.jsp?id=b60bde836f1c4ca5&act=be4f48068b2b0031&dataserno=1d938f50ca077716a43a47138c4b099c 歡迎留言告訴我們你對這一集的想法喔: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckxaalnx90xcz08244o4vzlks/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting