這是精靈姐姐創作的童話故事, 希望能帶給小朋友豐富精彩的童年生活; 同時創造美好的親子時光
This is a fairy tale created by Eileen, hoping to bring children a rich and exciting childhood life; and at the same time create a wonderful parent-child time.
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留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clr05f4bf00zf01xi9fyrceiy/commentsShelly is a sweet little girl. When she smiles, her eyes become tiny curves, just like the moon in the sky. Shelly loves to dance, draw, and listen to stories. She has a very special friend named Tiny. Tiny is a fluffy white bunny. He has long ears that always stand up straight, as if he's listening to something fun. Tiny loves to play with Shelly, and they often play in the garden. Shelly and Tiny are best friends who have fun every day.Powered by Firstory Hosting
留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clr05f4bf00zf01xi9fyrceiy/commentsShelly是一個可愛小女孩。她笑起來的時候眼睛眯成一條線,就像天上的月亮一樣彎彎的。Shelly最喜歡跳舞、畫畫和聽故事。她還有一隻非常特別的好朋友,那就是小不點; 小不點是一隻毛茸茸的小白兔。牠有一對長長的耳朵,總是豎得直直的,好像在聽什麼有趣的事情。小不點非常喜歡和Shelly一起玩,他們經常在花園裡玩。Shelly和小不點是形影不離的好朋友,他們每天都過得很開心。Powered by Firstory Hosting
留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clr05f4bf00zf01xi9fyrceiy/commentsThe little turtle had a telescope. He often stood on a big rock by the sea and looked at the big ocean. One day, he noticed that the big iceberg far away was getting smaller. He remembered that the iceberg used to be tall and big, but now it was getting smaller and smaller.Powered by Firstory Hosting
留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clr05f4bf00zf01xi9fyrceiy/commentsOne sunny morning, the little turtle met a lost little bee. The bee was very tired and landed on the turtle's shell to rest."What's wrong?" "I can't find my way home," the bee said sadly.The turtle thought for a moment. "I can help you find it!" Together, they searched and searched until they found a big beehive in a beautiful garden.Powered by Firstory Hosting
留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clr05f4bf00zf01xi9fyrceiy/commentsThe little turtle had a secret lab, right under his shell. Inside, there were lots of fun things: a magnifying glass, colorful bottles, and shiny rocks.One day, while he was walking in the forest, he found something special. It was a shiny silver magnet that glowed with rainbow colors. It was different from any other magnet he had ever seen.Powered by Firstory Hosting