Namewee 996 Talk Music 黃明志996新歌介紹

Namewee 996 Talk Music 黃明志996新歌介紹

Namewee 黃明志

Namewee 996 Talk Music 黃明志996新歌介紹

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黃明志Ft.王彩樺 忍不住了!終於【蛇出來了】 2025蛇年賀歲歌曲

黃明志Ft.王彩樺 忍不住了!終於【蛇出來了】 2025蛇年賀歲歌曲

🄴 Namewee 996 Talk Music 黃明志996新歌介紹

無論蛇在腿上,蛇在嘴巴,蛇在鄰居的客廳,蛇在表哥的鍵盤,蛇在裡面還是外面都可以... 我們在此祝福大家蛇年快樂,終於蛇出來了!感謝台灣濱崎步的加持!#王彩樺還有MV裡的特別演出嘉賓 #LuxyGirls #NataliaManikhina #Mita艾蜜塔 #林敬傑 #鄒政翰 #R瑞 #GreenFather比杰當然還有我們的讚助商 #東方不敗 的鼎力支持!打麻將一定要用東方不敗!【蛇出來了 Snake's Coming】數位音樂下載 Online Music Download:【蛇出來了 Snake's Coming 越南鼓Remix】數位音樂下載 Online Music Download:【蛇出來了 Snake's Coming】YouTube 高清版 MV:【蛇出來了 Snake's Coming】幕後花絮高清版:【蛇出來了 Snake's Coming】幕後花絮Shorts高清版:蛇出來了#東方不敗#蛇年新年歌#2025CNY#SnakesComingPowered by Firstory Hosting

馬來西亞最神奇的地方【撲吉媽 Bukit Mak】黃明志 Ft. Harith Iskander @Weenomenon 我們都是黃明志 2023

馬來西亞最神奇的地方【撲吉媽 Bukit Mak】黃明志 Ft. Harith Iskander @Weenomenon 我們都是黃明志 2023

🄴 Namewee 996 Talk Music 黃明志996新歌介紹

Leave a comment and share your thoughts: tanya aku kenapa tulis lagu ni, jgn tanya maksud lirik ni, jgn tanya aku cerita dalam MV ni pasal siapa, yang paling penting jgn bagitau polis...Lagu Bukit Mak ni kapak rock klasik Melayu, kalau suka, send je kat member korang, lagi-lagi yg duduk kat Pantai Timur... Takde ragu, kita semua cinta Kelantan! Kita semua sayang Malaysia!@harithiskandercomedy @schaelinneadiary #CumdycumdyProduction-數位音樂下載 Online Music Download【Bukit Mak】:【Bukit Mak】YouTube 高清版 MV: Mak T-Shirt 購買鏈接:【Namewee Tokok 119】高清版: Mob 【Bukit Mak】:【Bukit Mak】幕後花絮高清版:撲吉媽#Malaysia-黃明志第十一張創作專輯2023【Weenomenon】已正式開始出售,馬上點入以下網址購買!Namewee's 11th music album [Weenomenon] is now available for purchase in : 黃明志 NFT 平台 : 黃明志 Telegram Channel : 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page: YouTube Channel Link: Instagram:@nameweeNamewee Twitter Channel:@NameweeO#Namewee #黃明志Powered by Firstory Hosting

黃明志 Ft. 中國神曲製造機 - 高進【寫一首歌給你聼】@Weenomenon 我們都是黃明志 2023

黃明志 Ft. 中國神曲製造機 - 高進【寫一首歌給你聼】@Weenomenon 我們都是黃明志 2023

🄴 Namewee 996 Talk Music 黃明志996新歌介紹

The season of graduation approaches once more...Memories surface of you and me, you and her, me and her...Sunshine spills across the playground, intertwining our shadows.Now, each of us strides down our separate paths, striving with earnest.Perhaps no one can freeze time in those moments of laughter and every frame of the landscape...As a songwriter, I can only endeavor to awaken memories with melodies...每年當畢業季來臨的時候,都是最傷感的時刻。天下無不散的宴席,有相聚就必然有分離。美好的終將成為回憶,而創作是一個可以留住回憶的方法,所以我才拼命的一直不斷的寫歌...【寫一首歌給你聽】是我和“中國神曲製造機” - 高進一起合唱的新歌,代表著我們歌曲創作人的心路歷程。如果不知道“高進”是誰的話,那你一定聽過『我們不一樣』『我的好兄弟』『剛好遇見你』『男人歌』『有太多人』,這些都是他的作品。夠神了吧?😎我們想要借這首【寫一首歌給你聽】,帶大家找回那些年的每一幀風景和感動,也祝福每一位應屆畢業生前程似錦,莫忘初衷!感謝三位網紅/新演員的精彩演出!真的很精彩!Starring : #ticklim #robinlim @robinlim3939 #cherrychengProduced by #CumdyCumdyProduction#寫一首歌給你聽#我們都是黃明志#ASongForYou#Weenomenon#高進-【寫一首歌給你聽 A Song For You】數位音樂下載 Online Music Download:【寫一首歌給你聽 A Song For You】YouTube 高清版 MV:【寫一首歌給你聽 A Song For You】動態歌詞版 Lyric Version :【寫一首歌給你聽 A Song For You】幕後花絮高清版:黃明志第十一張創作專輯2023【Weenomenon】已正式開始出售,馬上點入以下網址購買!Namewee's 11th music album [Weenomenon] is now available for purchase in : 黃明志 NFT 平台 : 黃明志 Telegram Channel : 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page: YouTube Channel Link: Instagram:@nameweeNamewee Twitter Channel:@NameweeO#Namewee #黃明志Powered by Firstory Hosting

Coffin Dance at Namewee's Funeral?! 黃明志喪禮大玩黑人擡棺梗!走心訴説歌曲心路歷程太催淚...The Making Of【When I'm Gone 當我離開以後】

Coffin Dance at Namewee's Funeral?! 黃明志喪禮大玩黑人擡棺梗!走心訴説歌曲心路歷程太催淚...The Making Of【When I'm Gone 當我離開以後】

🄴 Namewee 996 Talk Music 黃明志996新歌介紹

Have you ever thought about how your own funeral would be like? This was something I was curious about, so I filmed this music video and participated in the entire process of my own funeral. Surprisingly, after finishing the shoot, I didn't feel any sadness. I just realised how insignificant life can be, and that death is not to be feared. What's most important is to bravely experience our own lives while we are alive; that makes everything worthwhile!Thanks to everyone who participated in the production of the music video for "When I'm Gone" , as well as those who starred in the music video. Most importantly, thanks to @nirvanaasia1546 for supporting this meaningful music video!Btw, we have recorded the entire process of the "funeral" we hosted on April 1st, please look forward to our upcoming release of the “Namewee Funeral Documentary". 😎【當我離開以後 When I'm Gone】數位音樂下載 Online Music Download:【當我離開以後 When I'm Gone】YouTube 高清版 MV:【當我離開以後 When I'm Gone】幕後花絮Shorts高清版:【當我離開以後 When I'm Gone】KTV 版 :【當我離開以後 When I'm Gone】動態歌詞版 Lyric Version :我們都是黃明志#當我離開以後#WhenImGone#NirvanaAsia#富贵集团#LifePlan#生前規劃#CumdycumdyProductions@TheGeebaiTeam-黃明志第十一張創作專輯2023【Weenomenon】已正式開始出售,馬上點入以下網址購買!Namewee's 11th music album [Weenomenon] is now available for purchase in : 黃明志 NFT 平台 : 黃明志 Telegram Channel : 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page: YouTube Channel Link: Instagram:@nameweephotoNamewee Twitter Channel:@NameweeO#Namewee #黃明志Powered by Firstory Hosting

Dannok was a territory of Malaysia?! 在泰國和辣妹拍攝碰到硬硬的東西 The Making Of【Dannok】Salammusik Ft. Namewee

Dannok was a territory of Malaysia?! 在泰國和辣妹拍攝碰到硬硬的東西 The Making Of【Dannok】Salammusik Ft. Namewee

🄴 Namewee 996 Talk Music 黃明志996新歌介紹

Dannok's a small place with a small population, bringing the whole town together to make this music video ain't easy. We cancelled shooting about four times! After all the hardships, we finally did it in the end!Big thanks to @salammusik for the collaboration, and making this song shine. Thanks to the neighbours in Dannok for helping us, and also a big shoutout to all our colleagues, our partners, and production crew who came all the way to Dannok from Malaysia. I know you all worked your socks off every night, some even pulled all-nighters, we really appreciate your hard work! 🍌Welcome and have fun in Dannok! And don't forget, to book a stay at our "4896 Theater Hotel"! Sui!【Dannok 丹諾】YouTube 高清版 MV:【Dannok 丹諾】數位音樂下載 Online Music Download:【Dannok 丹諾】幕後花絮高清版:【Dannok 丹諾】Promo Short:【Dannok 丹諾】幕後花絮Shorts高清版:【Dannok BM Version】YouTube 高清版 MV:【Dannok BM Version】數位音樂下載 Online Music Download:丹諾#Thailand#泰國-黃明志第十一張創作專輯2023【Weenomenon】已正式開始出售,馬上點入以下網址購買!Namewee's 11th music album [Weenomenon] is now available for purchase in : 黃明志 NFT 平台 : 黃明志 Telegram Channel : 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page: YouTube Channel Link: Instagram:@nameweephotoNamewee Twitter Channel:@NameweeO#Namewee #黃明志Powered by Firstory Hosting