Ya Chinese

Ya Chinese

Yanna Chang

Hi, here is ya chinese. Are you falling in love with who speaks chinese? it’s okay if you don’t know any Chinese, you can still learn how to express your love in Chinese. If you want to learn more Chinese with me, check here: https://yanna9512.wixsite.com/website

大家好,這裡是ya chinese,你正在戀愛嗎?

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Happy 牛(niu) Year! (Chinese new year)

Happy 牛(niu) Year! (Chinese new year)

🄴 Ya Chinese

Hello! Welcome to Ya Chinese. Next week is Chinese New Year! This episode will teill you a zodiac story and Good words of ox year. Happy 牛(niu) Year & 恭喜發財(gong1xi3fa1cai2) Let's start. Online tutoring-->https://yanna9512.wixsite.com/website Contact me: yanna9512@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting

Do you have time?你有時間嗎?

Do you have time?你有時間嗎?

🄴 Ya Chinese

Let's learn how to say Monday~Friday and ask your friends out! 你有時間嗎?(Do you have time?) 你星期一有時間嗎?(Do you have time on Monday?) 要一起去看電影嗎?(Do you want to see a movie together?) If you want to have online Chinese tutoring, please check here: https://yanna9512.wixsite.com/website and contact to me. Thank you, Have a nice day. Powered by Firstory Hosting

Make an appointment. 電話預約

Make an appointment. 電話預約

🄴 Ya Chinese

Hello! Welcome to Ya Chinese. Happy new year! Let's learn how to make an appointment together. Powered by Firstory Hosting

Happy Birthday-生日快樂!

Happy Birthday-生日快樂!

🄴 Ya Chinese

Hello, I will teach you how to say "happy birthday" and the words related to birthday in this episode. Powered by Firstory Hosting

You look different! why? 你今天看起來不一樣!為什麼?

You look different! why? 你今天看起來不一樣!為什麼?

🄴 Ya Chinese

Today we are going to learn: "You look different!"「你看起來不一樣!」 “Why?”「為什麼?」 “sorry.”「對不起」 “I didn't meant it.”「我不是故意的」 Powered by Firstory Hosting