Everybody has secret weirdness, Pete Holmes gets comedians to share theirs.
Rob Riggle makes it weird!SUPPORT OUR SPONSORSThank you VITA COCO for being our official ON SET BEVERAGEGet 25% off and get Vita Coco shipped to your door by using code WEIRD20https://vitacoco.comARMRAGet 15% off first orderhttps://tryarmra.com/weirdPromo code: WEIRDCHUBBIEShttps://chubbiesshorts.com20% OFF with promo WEIRDBETTERHELPSponsored by Betterhelp10% OFF your first monthhttps://betterhelp.com/weirdoMUDWTRGet up to 43% OFF with code WEIRDhttp://mudwtr.com/weird
BONUS EPISODE! Every Friday, Pete and Val make it weird together!
Mayim Bialik (Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown!) makes it weird!SUPPORT OUR SPONSORSThank you VITA COCO for being our official ON SET BEVERAGEGet 25% off and get Vita Coco shipped to your door by using code WEIRD20https://vitacoco.comMODERN MAMMALShttps://modernmammals.com/weirdRITUAL25% OFF your first monthhttps://ritual.com/weirdLMNTGet a FREE sample packPromo Code: WEIRDhttps://drinklmnt.com/weirdSHAKTI MATCode WEIRD30 for 30% OFFhttps://shaktimat.com
BONUS EPISODE! Every Friday, Pete and Val make it weird together!
Reggie Watts makes it weird again!SUPPORT OUR SPONSORSThank you VITA COCO for being our official ON SET BEVERAGEGet 25% off and get Vita Coco shipped to your door by using code WEIRD20https://vitacoco.comMODERN MAMMALShttps://modernmammals.com/weirdAPOLLOGet 10% OFF your orderhttps://apolloneuro.com/weirdLIVING LIBATIONSGet 15% OFF at checkouthttps://livinglibations.com/weirdRSVLTShttps://rsvlts.comBETTERHELPSponsored by Betterhelp10% OFF your first monthhttps://betterhelp.com/weirdo