Phanta Radio ( 熊熊電台 )

Phanta Radio ( 熊熊電台 )


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🄴 Phanta Radio ( 熊熊電台 )

2022年12月17、18日周杰倫嘉年華演唱會在新加坡舉行了。在12月16日也辦了新加坡熊聚,看到各位熊友IG吃喝玩樂的限時動態,也看到了不少歌迷們po了演唱會片段在自己的IG貼文和限時動態上。過了一個禮拜後,回憶還是在腦海裡久久不能散去。這個禮拜的熊熊電台就來聊聊新加坡演唱會與熊聚發生哪些有趣的事情吧!歡迎各位有參與這次演唱會與熊聚的熊友們上台分享哦哦哦~這禮拜的熊熊電台與你們不見不散~Experience Sharing Session - Phantabear Holder Gathering Event SG & Jay Chou Carnival World Tour SGJay Chou Carnival World Tour was held in Singapore on 17-18 December 2022. The Team also organized a PhantaBear holder gathering event on 16 December 2022. We have seen some Phantabear Holders shared IG stories about how they are having fun in Singapore, and a lot of Jay Chou fans who attended the concert posted their favorite moments as IG Posts & Stories. After a week, awesome memories and experiences still linger in our mind. We welcome you to come on stage to share about your gathering event & concert experiences. Let's all enjoy the podcast together this coming Sunday!留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: by Firstory Hosting

EP23.職人訪談系列 -Ph.B. 一号熊 : 在生物醫藥與區塊鏈關係中的探索者

EP23.職人訪談系列 -Ph.B. 一号熊 : 在生物醫藥與區塊鏈關係中的探索者

🄴 Phanta Radio ( 熊熊電台 )

所謂四海之內皆熊弟,PhantaBear的持有者更是遍布於世界各地、各個領域。這個禮拜職人訪談系列邀請到的熊弟是「生物醫藥」領域的專才:Ph.B. 一号熊 | Doge_China#0973。他同時也是PhantaBear的Alpha team之一。這個禮拜的電台邀請到他來跟大家分享,究竟生物醫藥與區塊鏈之間有著什麼樣的關係。這禮拜的熊熊電台與你們不見不散~As the saying goes, "All Within The Four Seas Are Bearos", PhantaBear holders are all over the world and involving into various industries. The exclusive interview of this week is an interview session with career expert from the "Biopharmaceutical" sector : Ph.B. 一号熊 | Doge_China#0973. He is also one of the key contributors in Phatabear Alpha team. In this episode, we invited him to share with us about the connection between biopharmaceutical and blockchain. Let's all enjoy the podcast together this coming Sunday!留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: by Firstory Hosting

EP22.熊熊旅行團第五站 – 新加坡

EP22.熊熊旅行團第五站 – 新加坡

🄴 Phanta Radio ( 熊熊電台 )

新加坡是一個多元種族文化的東南亞國家。在這期電台節目裡,我們將會分享新加坡當地美食,這包括了海南雞飯,辣蟹,叻沙,烤魔鬼魚,肉骨茶和許多令人垂涎三尺的美食。新加坡美食融合了當地獨有的地方文化。讓我們一起空中漫遊這個充滿活力的城市!Singapore is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country in Southeast Asia. In this episode, We will introduce some famous foods in Singapore, including Hainanese chicken rice, spicy crab, laksa, grilled stingray, bak kut teh & etc. Some of the cuisines are result of acculturation and assimilation of the local culture. Let’s go together to visit Singapore via PhantaRadio.留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: by Firstory Hosting



🄴 Phanta Radio ( 熊熊電台 )

你喜歡追劇嗎?你有看過「仙劍奇俠傳」、「還珠格格」、「絕代雙驕」嗎?每年都會很多大紅的劇讓大家看得欲罷不能,總是一集接著一集。這個禮拜的熊熊電台,主題就是在每個時期討論度都很高的古裝劇。喜愛觀賞古裝劇的熊弟熊妹們也可以上台與大家分享。這禮拜的熊熊電台與你們不見不散~Do you like to binge-watch the drama series? Have you ever watched 「Chinese Paladin: Sword and Fairy」, 「My Fair Princess」, 「Handsome Siblings」? Every year, there are a lot of big hit dramas that people can't stop watching, always one episode after another. The theme of this week's PhantaRadio is the costume drama series that are highly discussed in every era. We'd like to invite all of you who love to watch costume dramas to come on stage and share with us. Let's all enjoy the podcast together this coming Sunday!留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: by Firstory Hosting



🄴 Phanta Radio ( 熊熊電台 )

睽違2年11個月,周杰倫嘉年華巡迴演唱會即將在12/17-18於新加坡展開疫情後首次的巡演。喜愛音樂的熊弟妹們,或多或少都有些觀賞演唱會的經驗。這個禮拜的熊熊電台,我們一起來暢聊在演唱會橋段中,最讓你印象深刻的經驗與難忘的演唱會回憶。我們也邀請了杰倫演唱會御用的合聲統籌凌老師 @光明會 | 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖈𝖚𝖘😸𝕮𝖆𝖙,來跟大家分享他豐富的演唱會經驗。歡迎各位熊弟妹們上台分享難忘的演唱會回憶。這禮拜的熊熊電台與你們不見不散~After 2 years and 11 months, Jay Chou Carnival Tour will start its first post-epidemic concert tour in Singapore on 17-18 December 2022. Most of the Bearos who love music probably attended live music concerts. In the episode, Let's talk about impressive experiences and unforgettable concert memories in your life. We also invited @光明會 | 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖈𝖚𝖘😸𝕮𝖆𝖙, the backing vocalist & coordinator of Jay Chou's concert, to share his live concert performance experiences with you. We welcome you to come on stage to share about your most memorable concert experiences. Let's all enjoy the podcast together this coming Sunday!留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: by Firstory Hosting