




本會希望能將教育資源分配個更公平而非平均分配的概念,希望郊區的孩子也能如都市的孩子一般獲得更多國際教育資源; 希望長輩學子能活到老學到老,不因年紀限制了自身的發展與自信。



About AEET

AEET (Association of Educational Equity, Taiwan) is a non profit organization. Our mission is to bring the educational resource to Taiwan and would like to allocate the resource in equity.

Our target groups are children, elders and any one who wants to have educational supports. We believe that a good education can bring a personal, society, and the world better. We want to find the education resources to allocate better to the most needed people.

We will hold learning sessions to different target students, we want those session to bring our audiences a better view and lead them to the better life and direction.

If you agree our mission and learning sessions, please support us and also welcome to contact us for potential cooperation.

Best Regards,


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World Hello Day 世界哈囉日

World Hello Day 世界哈囉日

🄴 AEET教育公平促進會

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International Day of Peace

International Day of Peace

🄴 AEET教育公平促進會

在過去一年當中,烏俄戰爭在Google的搜尋趨勢排行第一。有人可能會問說:這件事離我這麼遙遠?關我什麼事啊。即使這樣,這是給台灣一個相當大的警訊。在一篇由艾羅和艾特伍所執筆的聯合文章中提到10大2023年應關注的衝突中台灣與中國的潛在衝突排名第十位。 因此,身為台灣人的我們不要以為戰爭與我們無關,就漠視和平的重要性。 正好,這個月就有一個節日就是在宣導和平,那就是9月21日的國際和平日。 For the past year, the Ukrainian-Russian War has been the number one search trend on Google. Some people may ask: “This war is so far away from me. It’s not my business.” Even so, it is a considerable warning signal for Taiwan. A joint article that we should pay attention to was written by Comfort Ero and Richard Atwood reporting a potential conflict between Taiwan and China ranks tenth among the top 10 conflicts. Therefore, as Taiwanese, we should not ignore the importance of peace by thinking that war has nothing to do with us. Coincidentally, there is a festival nearby that promotes peace. It is the International Day of Peace on September 21. #aeet #Peace #InternationalDayOfPeace #世界和平日 #AEET教育公平促進會 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting

88父親節 Father's Day

88父親節 Father's Day

🄴 AEET教育公平促進會

Know More About AEET 父親節的由來: 在1909年的美國華盛頓州,當時一位稱作杜德夫人(Sonora Louise Smart Dodd)的女士,她在慶祝母親節時,突然有一個念頭:「為什麼沒有父親節這個節日?」杜德夫人想起她和五個弟弟,因為母親早逝,都是由父親馬特先生 (William Smart)一手拉拔長大,數十年來父代母職的辛苦,她都看在眼裡,杜德夫人的父親也因為常年疲於奔命而病逝,每逢父親的忌日,杜德夫人不時會想起父親持家的身影。後來在朋友的鼓勵下,她提筆寫信向州政府寫了一封信,希望用節日去感謝和紀念天下偉大的父親們,以父親的生日6月5日,作為紀念節日。 華盛頓州州政府也採納了這項建議,把該州的父親節訂為每年6月的第三個星期日, 自此之後不只美國,包括日本、歐亞、港澳等約76個國家和地區都將6月的第3個禮拜日訂為父親節。 為什麼台灣的父親節是8月8號? 台灣的父親節是起源於為了紀念在1945年8月8日抗日戰爭中犧牲的軍人們,當中大部分的軍人都已是爸爸,所以台灣就取「爸爸」的諧音將父親節訂於8月8日。 可以怎麼慶祝父親節聚餐 送禮、寫卡片 送花:可以送「紅玫瑰、白丁香、蒲公英、向日葵、石斛蘭」向父親們表達心意 最後,其實不論是卡片、禮物、或簡單的吃一頓飯,珍惜每一刻跟家人相處的時光,就是最幸福的事。 在今天這個特別的日子,記得跟你的爸爸說聲Thank You and I Love You 祝所有爸爸們父親節快樂! 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting

起司蛋糕日 Cheese Cake Day

起司蛋糕日 Cheese Cake Day

🄴 AEET教育公平促進會

留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: History: Cheesecake Day has become a globally celebrated holiday. 芝士蛋糕日在今日已成為全球慶祝的節日。 Since 1985, people who appreciate this important dessert have celebrated this holiday on July 30. 從1985年起,人們就已經開始在每年的7月30日慶祝這個重要的甜點。 The history of cheesecakes dates nearly more than 2,000 years back. The earliest cheesecakes are believed to have been developed by Ancient Greeks around 200 A.D. 芝士蛋糕的起源可回溯到2000年前。 最早的芝士蛋糕被認為是古希臘人在公元200年左右開發的。 Technically, that’s the earliest use of cheesecake that we know of because it was the first instance where soft cheesecake recipes were written down. 準確來講,古希臘人是最早有芝士蛋糕食譜紀錄的族群。 The dessert traveled around the world. In Italy, it was made from mild ricotta cheese. 這項甜點在世界各地都看得到。在義大利,它是由溫和的乳清乾酪製成的。 In Germany, the cakes are made from a special cheese called quark. Americans tend to use cream cheese. 在德國,蛋糕是由一種叫做誇克的特殊乳酪製成的。 美國人傾向於使用奶油乳酪。 types of cheese Chocolate Cheesecake Day - February 8th White Chocolate Cheesecake Day - March 6th Cherry Cheesecake Day - April 23rd Blueberry Cheesecake Day - May 26th Strawberry Cheesecake Day - June 8th Raspberry Cheesecake Day - July 2nd International Cheesecake Day - July 30th Caramel Cheesecake Day - September 10th Key Lime Cheesecake Day - September 26th Pumpkin Cheesecake Day - October 21st Cranberry Cheesecake Day - November 9th Peppermint Bark Cheesecake Day - December 3rd 巧克力芝士蛋糕日-2月8日 白巧克力芝士蛋糕日-3月6日 櫻桃芝士蛋糕日-4月23日 藍莓芝士蛋糕日-5月26日 草莓芝士蛋糕日 - 6月8日 覆盆子芝士蛋糕日 - 7月2日 國際芝士蛋糕日 - 7月30日 焦糖芝士蛋糕日-9月10日 關鍵酸橙芝士蛋糕日-9月26日 南瓜芝士蛋糕日-10月21日 蔓越莓芝士蛋糕日 - 11月9日 薄荷樹皮芝士蛋糕日-12月3日 how to make a cheesecake To celebrate International Cheese Cake, you can just buy a piece of cheesecake and finish it. Definitely, it is more interesting that you try to do it by yourself. So, I gotta tell you how to make a delicious cheesecake. 你可以買一小塊芝士蛋糕來吃慶祝國際芝士蛋糕日。當然,如果自己試著做的話會更好玩。所以,我接下來要跟你說明如何做出一個超好吃的芝士蛋糕。 Ingredients: 原料: Crust 1 1/2 cups (150g) graham cracker crumbs (about 10 whole, crushed graham crackers) 1/4 cup (28g) confectioners' sugar 6 tablespoons (85g) melted butter, 1/8 teaspoon salt 外殼 1 1/2 杯 (150公克) 格拉漢姆餅乾碎屑(大約 10 整塊格拉漢姆餅乾碎) 1/4 杯 (28公克) 糖果糖 6湯匙(85公克)黃油,融化 1/8茶匙鹽 Filling two 8-ounce packages (452g) of cream cheese, at room temperature 2/3 cup (133g) granulated sugar 2 large eggs, at room temperature 1 teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract 填充 兩包8盎司(452克)奶油乳酪,室溫 2/3 杯 (133公克) 砂糖 2個大雞蛋,在室溫下 1茶匙香草精 After preparing these ingredients, you can follow the steps to make a cheesecake Instructions指示 Select a pie pan whose inside top dimension is at least 9", and whose height is at least 1 1/4". Preheat the oven to 350°F. 選擇一個內部頂部尺寸至少為9英寸,高度至少為1 1/4英寸的餡餅鍋。 將烤箱預熱至350華氏度。 To make the crust: Stir together all of the crust ingredients, mixing until thoroughly combined. 製作外殼:將所有外殼成分攪拌在一起,攪拌至徹底混合。 Press the crumbs into the bottom and up the sides of the pie pan, making a thicker layer on the bottom than on the sides. 將麵包屑壓入餡餅鍋的底部和側面,使底部比側面更厚。 To make the filling: Mix together the room-temperature cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Mix in the eggs and vanilla, again mixing until smooth. To avoid beating too much air into the batter, use a mixer set at low-medium speed. To avoid lumps, make sure the cream cheese is softened, and/or at room temperature. 製作餡料:將室溫奶油乳酪和糖混合在一起,直到光滑。 混合雞蛋和香草,再次攪拌至光滑。 為了避免將太多的空氣打入麵糊中,請使用中低速攪拌機。 為了避免結塊,請確保奶油乳酪軟化,和/或在室溫下。 Set the pie pan onto a baking sheet, if desired; this makes it easier to transport in and out of the oven and also protects the bottom of the crust from any potential scorching. Pour the filling into the crust. 如果需要,將餡餅平底鍋放在烤盤上;這樣可以更容易地進出烤箱,還可以保護麵包皮底部免受任何潛在的灼熱。 將餡料倒入外殼中。 To bake the cheesecake: Place the cheesecake in the oven. Bake it for 20 minutes, then add a crust shield; or shield the crust with strips of aluminum foil. Bake for an additional 10 minutes (for a total of about 30 minutes). A digital thermometer inserted into the filling 1" from the edge should read between 165 and 170°F; the filling won't look entirely set in the center. 烤芝士蛋糕:將芝士蛋糕放入烤箱。 烘烤20分鐘,然後加入外殼遮蔽;或用鋁箔條遮蔽外殼。 再烘烤10分鐘(總共約30分鐘)。 數字溫度計插入離邊緣1英寸的填充物應在165°F和170°F之間讀取;填充物看起來不會完全設定在中心。 Remove the cheesecake from the oven and set it on a rack to cool. Once the cake is cool, refrigerate it, covered, until you're ready to serve it. 將芝士蛋糕從烤箱中取出,放在架子上冷卻。 蛋糕冷卻後,蓋上蓋子冷藏,直到你準備好食用。 Serve cheesecake in wedges, with fresh fruit if desired. 將芝士蛋糕切成楔形,如果需要,可以配上新鮮水果。 Storage information: Store any leftover cheesecake in the refrigerator for several days; freeze for longer storage. 儲存資訊:將任何剩餘的芝士蛋糕存放在冰箱中幾天;冷凍以延長儲存時間。 conclusion In conclusion, no matter how you celebrate International cheesecake day, just have fun! Also, it is a good excuse to take a piece of dessert when you are on a diet. 最後,不管你是用什麼方式慶祝國際芝士蛋糕日,只要開心玩就好!除此之外, 當你在減重時,慶祝國際芝士蛋糕日是個好機會偷吃一口甜點。 #aeet #教育公平促進會 #cheesecakeday #起司蛋糕 #AeetStory Powered by Firstory Hosting

墨西哥文化節 Cinco de Mayo

墨西哥文化節 Cinco de Mayo

🄴 AEET教育公平促進會

Mexican culture is a blend of Indigenous Mesoamerican, Spanish, and other European influences. It is known for its vibrant art, music, cuisine, celebrations, and holidays such as Cinco de Mayo. 墨西哥文化是印第安人的中美洲文化、西班牙文化和其他歐洲文化的融合。以其充滿活力的藝術、音樂、美食和慶祝活動而聞名,例如Cinco de Mayo(墨西哥文化節)。 Now Our storyteller is going to introduce Cinco de Mayo, this important Mexican holiday to us. Are you ready for the story? Let’s go! AEET IG: Powered by Firstory Hosting