汀的有感 Christine’s Notes

汀的有感 Christine’s Notes

Christine Lu


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馬太福音 Chap. 4-2 得人的漁夫🐟

馬太福音 Chap. 4-2 得人的漁夫🐟

🄴 汀的有感 Christine’s Notes

12耶穌聽見約翰被捕入獄,就回到加利利。後來,祂離開拿撒勒去迦百農住。迦百農靠近湖邊,在後來,祂離開拿撒勒去迦百農住。迦百農靠近湖邊,在西布倫和拿弗他利地區。這就應驗了以賽亞先知的話:「西布倫、拿弗他利、沿海一帶及約旦河東、外族人居住的加利利啊!你們住在黑暗中的人看見了大光,活在死亡陰影下的人被光照亮了!」從那時起,耶穌開始傳道:「悔改吧,因爲天國臨近了!」18耶穌沿著加利利湖邊行走的時候,看見被稱為彼得的西門和安得烈兩兄弟正在撒網打魚,他們是漁夫。耶穌對他們說:「來跟從我!我要使你們成為得人的漁夫。」他們立刻撇下漁網,跟從了耶穌。耶穌再往前走,又看見雅各和約翰兩兄弟正和父親西庇太一起在船上補漁網。耶穌呼召他們,他們馬上離開漁船,辭別父親,跟從了耶穌。23耶穌走遍加利利,在各個會堂裡教導人,宣講天國的福音,醫治人們各樣的疾病。祂的名聲傳遍了整個敘利亞。人們把一切患病的,就是患各種疾病的、疼痛的、癲癇的、癱瘓的,以及被鬼附身的都帶到祂面前,祂都醫治了他們。因此,有大群的人跟從了祂,他們來自加利利、低加坡里、耶路撒冷、猶太和約旦河東。版本:聖經當代譯本章節:馬太福音 4:12-25注釋:當代譯本靈修版、MH研讀本Powered by Firstory Hosting



🄴 汀的有感 Christine’s Notes

今日單字Singlehood: 單身Intimate:親密的Companionship: 情誼、友誼Sociosexuality: 社交性性關係(開放性)Noxious: 有害的;敗壞道德的Triad: 三個一組、三組合Narcissism:自戀Psychopathy : 心理病態,反社會Machiavellianism: 馬基維利主義Loneliness: 孤獨感文章節選:3 Qualities That Can Push You Toward SinglehoodWhile being in a long-term relationship is an important human experience from a social and evolutionary perspective, there are certain categories of people who prefer to live life without intimate, life-long companionship.Psychologist Menelaos Apostolou, the lead author of the new study, focused his research on three factors that could influence people’s decisions to remain single:- Sociosexuality refers to the willingness to engage in sex without commitment. High scorers tend to be more prone to casual sex and less interested in committed relationships.- The Dark Triad refers to a set of noxious personality traits—namely, narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. High scorers tend to be manipulative and indifferent to the feelings of others, which can cause them to question the rationale for being in a long-term committed relationship.- Career focus refers to individual differences in the willingness to focus one’s resources on advancing one’s career. People with high career focus also tend to deprioritize long-term relationships.For example, people who score high in career focus may not have enough time to devote to finding and keeping an intimate partner,” explains Apostolou.However, from an evolutionary perspective, human nature has in many ways been shaped to seek and maintain long-term intimate relationships. Not being in such a relationship can, for some, trigger negative emotions such as sadness and loneliness that motivates individuals to terminate their singlehood spell. “If people choose to stay single and to not have a family, they [may] frequently experience loneliness, a lack of purpose, sadness, and so on,” says Apostolou.文章來源:https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/social-instincts/202206/3-qualities-can-push-you-toward-singlehoodPowered by Firstory Hosting

馬太福音Chap. 4-1: 魔鬼的誘惑

馬太福音Chap. 4-1: 魔鬼的誘惑

🄴 汀的有感 Christine’s Notes

後來,耶穌被聖靈帶到曠野,去受魔鬼的試探。耶穌禁食了四十晝夜後,很饑餓。試探者前來對祂說:「如果你是上帝的兒子,可以叫這些石頭變成食物。」耶穌回答說:「聖經上說,『人活著不是單靠食物,乃是靠上帝口中的每一句話。』」魔鬼又帶祂進聖城,讓祂站在聖殿的最高處,說:「如果你是上帝的兒子,就跳下去吧!因為聖經上說,『上帝會差遣祂的天使用手托住你,不讓你的腳碰在石頭上。』」耶穌回答說:「聖經上也說,『不可試探主——你的上帝。』」8魔鬼再帶耶穌到一座極高的山上,把世上萬國及其榮華富貴展示給祂看,說:「如果你俯伏敬拜我,我就把這一切都給你。」耶穌說:「撒旦,走開!聖經上說,『要敬拜主——你的上帝,單單事奉祂。』」於是魔鬼離開了耶穌,這時有天使前來伺候祂。版本:聖經當代譯本章節:馬太福音 4:1-11注釋:當代譯本靈修版、MH研讀本Powered by Firstory Hosting



🄴 汀的有感 Christine’s Notes

書名:高敏感是種天賦作者:伊麗絲‧桑德原文作者:Ilse SandPowered by Firstory Hosting



🄴 汀的有感 Christine’s Notes

來源:6/14 禱告時光Powered by Firstory Hosting