Podcast 節目
LIVENG英語頻道 - KKBox
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If you don’t have a dream, what is the difference with a salted fish?salted fishsalt (n)salted (adj) 被example, dried fruit, braised pork…..If you don’t have a dream, what is the point of living?what is the point?living 動名詞I like swim. 錯!因為有兩個動詞。I like swimming.I like to swim.Eating vegetables is healthy.Eat vegetables is healthy. 錯!動名詞是動作的名詞。What is the point of living without a dream?What is the meaning of life without a dream?without 查字典是「沒有」,但不等於 nowithout 偏向「遺漏」「缺了」I left home without my keys.
Even a piece of toilet paper is useful to us.Even 就算/甚至A piece of …… toilet paper / soap / cakeUseful 有用的…… less 少的…… ful 滿滿的resourcefulresource 資源shamelessshame 羞恥內褲 underwear / underpants四角褲 boxerserve it’s purposeEven a piece of toilet paper serves its purpose.serve(動) 服務,從事軍公教警等等serve(名) 份量的份service(動) 維護,car serviceservice(名) 服務,service stationEven a piece of toilet paper has its meaning of existence.Even a piece of toilet paper has its meaning to be here.Even the most useless things serve its purpose.
嗨大家好,玩英文第二集來了!這次是經典對白「如果非要在這份愛加上一個期限 我希望是一萬年」以下是筆記的部分,建議先聽再看感謝大家收聽!If I must add an end date to this love, I hope it is 10 thousand years.must —> have toadd an end 不用 dateput an endIf i have to put an end to this love, I hope it is 10 thousand years.If I have to end this love, I hope it is 10 thousand years later.put an end —> endi hope it is —> i would say順帶一提 hope / wish 的差別If i have to end this love, I would say 10 thousand years later.My love for you wouldn’t end even 10 thousand years.10 thousand years would be the shortest time to love you.Even 10 thousand years wouldn’t be long enough to end my love for you.
Don’t misunderstand me, I am not talking about you, I mean everyone here is rubbish.Don’t get me wrong, i don’t mean you but everyone here is rubbish.Don’t get me wrong, i don’t mean you but everyone here is hopeless / useless.